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RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

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  • RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

    So far I've hated RDM because of the BLM or WHM subjob requirement...

    But Would it be possible to solo some levels (around 30) with BLU sub?
    (BLU and RDM are the only mages I can stand to level ...)
    But alas, like a lemming over a cliff, you continue.

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  • #2
    Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

    /BLU could prove semi-useful at those levels. Cocoon is always handy.

    But here's a cold hard fact for you. You're going to need to level BLM and/or WHM to make any real progress with RDM. Honestly, it's best if you level both. I'm sorry that you hate those two jobs, but that's just the way things are. Level them sooner, rather than later, and then you can get back to leveling RDM.


    • #3
      Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

      If you're just now entering the 30s on RDM and can't stand whm or blm, you may want to reconsider RDM alltogether. At your level you can still afford to play around in all roles by meleeing/curing/enfeebling/nuking. In a few more levels that will change.

      By the time you reach level 41 you will, for the most part, because a back line support player. Occasionaly curing, always refreshing/hasting, and focusing on enfeebling. The days of swinging a dagger or sword are over for the most part in EXP situations at least.

      It's not that you can't provide additional damage to the party, but no matter what you're going to have to sacrifice somewhere. Both melee and mage jobs use gear to enhance thier abilities; and there are few options available that will support both for you. Buy wearing more melee type gear you'll start slipping in your magic accuracy. And by the same token focusing on your magic skills will hurt your melee potential.

      The fact is that parties don't invite you melee, tank, or DD in any form besides the occasional nuke. They invite you for cures, enfeebles and support.

      Not trying to desuade you from RDM, just think you might have an image of the job in your mind that many don't share. It's a great job, capable of a lot of things, but for the majority of your leveling carrer you'll be backline.

      That said; BLU is a useful sub at many levels as a sub for RDM soloing/tanking. Not sure if you could solo VT mobs and such, but low T and below would be pretty much cake for you I believe depending on how well geared you are. Best of luck to you.


      • #4
        Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

        RDM at Lv.30 has Silence, Bind, Gravity, and Sleep. You can solo and nuke away just about anything you can reliably land those on, regardless of which support job you use. (Won't be terribly fast, but should be doable.)

        Cocoon will do a lot for defense, but it won't make you invincible. Combine with Phalanx (Lv.32) and Stoneskin (Lv.34), you can do fairly well going toe to toe against many foes, of course. However, if you don't need the extra defense from cocoon, /PLD at higher level will give you access to Vorpal Blade just like /BLU, as well as Auto Refresh (at /PLD35) and Flash (/PLD37).

        For those you cannot fight face on, RDM/NIN will give you much better leeway for casting spells without being interrupted due to Utsusemi. It's also a pretty good combination for melee'ing in many solo situations.

        * * *

        If you plan to play RDM long term, you really should have /WHM and /BLM ready sooner than later. Specialty support jobs like /DRK and /BRD may come in handy for you as well.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku


        • #5
          Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

          I mean to level RDM for a COUPLE of levels ...
          Not as a main job o_o

          But thanks for the advices
          I just wanted to make sure RDM/BLU wouldn't make
          me seem like a total newbie to level as ...
          I sincerely don't plan on taking that job combination into a party
          setting, simply because I already don't see the party usefulness
          of a blue mage ...
          It's probably like a duo job ...
          Kindof like NIN/WAR
          Last edited by isador21; 10-23-2007, 05:46 PM.
          But alas, like a lemming over a cliff, you continue.

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          • #6
            Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

            If you're soloing or duoing, sub whatever you want. No one cares, because they don't have to party with you.


            • #7
              Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

              I already know that ^^

              Was just wondering about the effectiveness of the job combination ...
              But alas, like a lemming over a cliff, you continue.

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              • #8
                Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                It should work ok.

                Tip: Don't stack Defense food with Cocoon, that's just silly.


                • #9
                  Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                  Originally posted by Armando View Post
                  It should work ok.

                  Tip: Don't stack Defense food with Cocoon, that's just silly.
                  But alas, like a lemming over a cliff, you continue.

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                  • #10
                    Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                    RDM/BLU is probably the best early solo job combination once you hit level 16 and get access to Cocoon. That's not really saying much, though...

                    As mentioned above, if you're looking to raise RDM higher than 37, you should seriously reconsider if you can't stand playing WHM or BLM. RDM stops being a sword attacking mage in the early 30s and never really looks back, until level 74+ solo as RDM/NIN.

                    If you're looking to level RDM as a subjob though, by all means knock yourself out. I'd be negligent if I didn't warn you that progress will be very slow, though, even as RDM/BLU.



                    • #11
                      Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                      Originally posted by isador21 View Post
                      I already don't see the party usefulness
                      of a blue mage
                      It's probably like a duo job ...
                      Kindof like NIN/WAR

                      Blue Mage can:
                      • Defeeb/Debuf; Head Butt = stun, Sprout Smack = slow, Sandspin = Accuracy down, Geist Wall = Dispel, etc.
                      • Cure (Wild Carrot, Magic Fruit, and Healing breeze)
                      • Buff Party (just a little; Diamondhide = stoneskinga)
                      • Tank; Cocoon to reduce damage taken, and other spells to dish it out.
                      • Damage (a lot; SA+Mandibular Bite, etc.)

                      That's hardly useless in parties. And, most people would agree NIN/WAR is decent tank from Lv.40 all the way up. Not that BLU and NIN can't solo, but they can be very useful in parties in the hands of good players.

                      You have a very odd way of looking at things...
                      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                      leaving no trace in the water.

                      - Mugaku


                      • #12
                        Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                        That's because I see BLU as some sort of ...
                        master of self-enhancement ^^

                        And I never said WAR/NIN is a bad tank, just that you need a backup voke,
                        so 2 of them is required most of the time ...
                        But alas, like a lemming over a cliff, you continue.

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                        • #13
                          Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                          Only before 37-40ish. Then you don't need a backup provoke unless you suck.

                          You've got BLU all wrong.


                          • #14
                            Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                            I solo alot with Blu as a sub for any job. I went Red/Blue against T+ ravens in Bibiki with no problem. Load up on Rolanberry pies and have a blast!
                            You basically rely on cocoon -headbutt- and bludgeon, 3 great spells that
                            make solo possible.
                            Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                            Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                            Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                            Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                            • #15
                              Re: RDM/BLU Any good at soloing?

                              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                              You've got BLU all wrong.
                              I concur.

                              Originally posted by isador21 View Post
                              That's because I see BLU as some sort of ...
                              master of self-enhancement ^^
                              It's quite a bit more versatile than that, from what I can see. (BLU35 at the moment.) I've tanked quite a bit on BLU/WAR thus far, for example, while my sister played main healer on BLU/WHM.

                              Originally posted by isador21 View Post
                              And I never said WAR/NIN is a bad tank, just that you need a backup voke,
                              so 2 of them is required most of the time ...
                              You implied earlier that NIN/WAR (not WAR/NIN) was good only for duo'ing. >_> And, for your info, WAR/NIN is strong enough of a DD to make use of /NIN's damage mitigation, so it's not just for tanking.

                              Originally posted by Heartily View Post
                              I solo alot with Blu as a sub for any job. I went Red/Blue against T+ ravens in Bibiki with no problem. Load up on Rolanberry pies and have a blast!
                              You basically rely on cocoon -headbutt- and bludgeon, 3 great spells that
                              make solo possible.
                              Can you actually stun reliably with Head Butt from /BLU? I find that a bit hard to believe. Bludgeon from /BLU is also a lot weaker than from Blue Mage main, but still feeds the monster 30 TP if all hits connect.
                              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                              leaving no trace in the water.

                              - Mugaku

