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A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

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  • A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

    I wrote this survey a long time ago on Alla and I dug it up last night. I found it interesting to say the least, so I thought I'd post it again here with some *new* questions based on how the job has changed in the past 1.5 years since I originally posted it. Oh, btw, here's the link to the original post on Alla, some of the responses are fun/funny/interesting.

    As a red mage in an xp party, have you ever:
    Main healed?
    Been main nuker?
    Pulled too much hate?
    Skillchained (pre-Refresh)?
    Skillchained (post-Refresh)?
    Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party?
    Accidentally Chainspell + Escaped out of a party?
    Shown up with the wrong sub?

    As a solo red mage, have you ever:

    Killed an NM?
    Killed an IT?
    Gotten killed by Converting at the wrong moment?
    Been silenced to death?
    Been stunned/petrified to death?
    Been DOT'ed to death? (Bio, Dia, Poison, etc.)
    Hung on to dear life with less than 20 HP left?
    Attempted to Warp back to your HP only to zone in dead?

    Describe your most horrible death:

    Describe your best red mage moment:

    Describe your worst red mage moment:

    How long did it take you from 1-25?

    How long did it take you from 1-50?

    How long did it take you from 1-75?

    What was your first subjob?

    What is your current subjob?

    What subjobs do you actively use on a regular basis?

    How many times did you fight Maat?

    What is the biggest "close call" you've ever had?

    How long did you solo before xping in parties?

    Did you solo any of your AF quests?

    What was your biggest misconception about the job when you first started playing?

    What do you like most about being a red mage?

    What don't you like?

    How many merits do you have? And what did you spend them on?

    What is your primary role in Dynamis?

    What is your primary role in Sky?

    What is your primary role in Assault/Salvage?

    What is your primary role in XP parties now?

    What would you change about how you leveled RDM from the very start?


    As a red mage in an xp party, have you ever:
    Main healed? Yes, and boy do I hate it.
    Tanked? Not in XP, but sometimes in skill up parties and coffer key farming with my ls.
    Pulled? I think I only pulled one time in Wajaom, and that was until our actual puller arrived.
    Been main nuker? Yeah, sometimes when you have two RDMs and a WHM you get to blast the mob's head off.
    Pulled too much hate? Yes, I've pulled hate. How do you think my Evasion skill is so high?
    Skillchained (pre-Refresh)? Yes, I used to be part of the skillchain frequently when I was a nub.
    Skillchained (post-Refresh)? Only once or twice, I still whacked on the mob post-Refresh but before I switched to staves, so I know I did SC between casts.
    Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party? Actually, no.
    Accidentally Chainspell + Escaped out of a party? Not an XP party, but farming Exoray Molds with my LS. That was embarassing. I had meant to switch into my melee gear which is right next to my OHSHIT macro. XD
    Shown up with the wrong sub? Nope, I hardly ever change to anything but /blm for XP unless I'm specifically told to.

    As a solo red mage, have you ever:

    Killed an NM? Many, though never any really hard ones. I can't claim Mysticmaker though, Tauro helped me with him.
    Killed an IT? No. I phear soloing.
    Gotten killed by Converting at the wrong moment? Many times, Stoneskin has its way of wearing off just then, doesn't it?
    Been silenced to death? Probably in my newb days, but now I always bring echoes.
    Been stunned/petrified to death? Only once, and from then on I stopped fighting Tabar Beaks.
    Been DOT'ed to death? (Bio, Dia, Poison, etc.)
    In the early levels, I'm sure.
    Hung on to dear life with less than 20 HP left? Oh, a few times, OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT Convert isn't up yet just sleep Mr. Mob ... sleep ...
    Attempted to Warp back to your HP only to zone in dead? Yes, isn't this frustrating?

    Describe your most horrible death: ME = Dumbass. We were fighting tons of Orcs in Davoi as we looked for the Storage Hole for two of my friends to get their AF1 on RDM, and we had like, six of them on us. Nothing a few 75's can't handle, right? Until me (dumbass) who has about 3 orcs on her, hits her Convert macro by mistake, and is on the ground before anyone can do anything. The NIN was like, "OMG, I'm sorry Aks!" And I told him that it was my stupid fault. Sooooo embarrassing. And eating a R1 also was no picnic. It's funny now but not so much when it happened.

    Describe your best red mage moment: Reaching level 75. I know it sounds cliche, but after so long playing it was the best feeling in the world. I don't think I can top that.

    Describe your worst red mage moment: This one party I was in ... rougly 42-43ish in Crawler's Nest with this horrible horrible WHM. She was fairly good at being WHM, but then she tried to do my job on top of that. For starters, she requested that I not melee which was not my usual MO at that time but I took one for the team. Then she casted all the Enfeebling magic over me. If I was casting Refesh, she was casting Paralyze. So the only thing I was supposed to do in that party was Refresh her? I was so frustrated, and after numerous failed attempts to get the WHM to let me enfeeble, the party ended (very shortly) and I almost quit the game. Luckily for me, the folks at Alla (I can't believe I'm saying that) convinced me that one incident shouldn't force me to quit. But yeah, that was the worst feeling ever as a RDM, the feeling of worthlessness.

    How long did it take you from 1-25? Like 2 months I think.

    How long did it take you from 1-50? 6-8 months, iirc.

    How long did it take you from 1-75? 3 long years.

    What was your first subjob? Warrior. In my defense, I liked the added HP boost.

    What is your current subjob? BLM.

    What subjobs do you actively use on a regular basis? BLM, WHM and DRK. Incidentally, these are the only subs I have leveled.

    How many times did you fight Maat? 5 times, but boy have I gotten my revenge.

    What is the biggest "close call" you've ever had? Probably when my husband and I were fighting Mysticmaker for my Moldy, I was slept and he was inches from death. If not for the kind people who we out-claimed curing me awake, we'd have died. It's nice to see that some people are not complete jerks, because many others would have let us die and lose the claim.

    How long did you solo before xping in parties? Until about 15-ish. I was nervous about joining.

    Did you solo any of your AF quests? Not for RDM, I was {Too weak.} Though getting the Nest Chest Key was done in XP so I could feel like I soloed it. I did solo most of my WHM AF though, with the exception of that Elvaan guy in Fei'Yin.

    What was your biggest misconception about the job when you first started playing? That I could be a melee mage from 1-75, with a bit of white mage, warrior, and black mage all rumbled into one neat little package.

    What do you like most about being a red mage? Busy busy busy, in good xp parties with me actually enfeebling I don't get a chance to breathe between pulls. I love that.

    What don't you like? Main. Fucking. Healing. Don't make me do it!

    How many merits do you have? And what did you spend them on? I have five merits, and I spent my first three on Slow II. I'm in XP mode right now so I don't forsee any more. I need to get back some of my XP I've lost in Dynamis.

    What is your primary role in Dynamis? Sleepga, except in Xarcabard where I'm a Chainstunner.

    What is your primary role in Sky? I don't do sky.

    What is your primary role in Assault/Salvage? Don't do Salvage, and in Assault it really depends which one but mostly your garden variety enfeebling.

    What is your primary role in XP parties now? When I'm lucky enough to get one on my terms, Enfeebling, just like I'm supposed to. Otherwise, Healing. >.<

    What would you change about how you leveled RDM from the very start? I would have made sure to cap enfeebling and enhancing magic, and left the other four skills behind more. Around 50 I had to really work to get my debuffs to stick because I still (XD) didn't know that I was primary enfeebler.

    Anyway, feel free to copy/paste and post your own responses.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

  • #2
    Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

    Best job in the game, but this is about RDM?

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

      Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
      Best job in the game, but this is about RDM?
      /stare...lucky there isn't an 'Unthanks' button!
      Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

      Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

      Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


      • #4
        Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

        Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
        Best job in the game, but this is about RDM?
        Ok, ok, I admit, I laughed, it was mildly funny.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #5
          Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

          Damn it you {Bastard Sword}s, fill it out. XD
          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
          ~I has a blog~~
          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


          • #6
            Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

            It's way too long, I don't have the attention span to d
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #7
              Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

              Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
              Best job in the game, but this is about RDM?
              RDM is the best job I ever quit playing, if I wish to deepen my ability to go insane, I may consider a comeback.

              Getting to use a Joyeuse and a gun was a far better deal, though. Not to mention I get to gamble as much as I want.

              And I got a better hat.

              c'mon admit it, your hat has been out-pimped.


              • #8
                Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                As a red mage in an xp party, have you ever:
                Main healed? Grudgingly
                Tanked? Yes! I do often when helping people kill Plague Chigoe or when duo/trio with friends.
                Pulled? About 80% of my merit parties.
                Been main nuker? Actually I don't think so. I hope not.
                Pulled too much hate? Last Resort + Souleater + Vorpal
                Skillchained (pre-Refresh)? Daily.
                Skillchained (post-Refresh)? See above.
                Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party? Hehe, yep, meant to hit Escape, left the party for dead.
                Accidentally Chainspell + Escaped out of a party? Nope.
                Shown up with the wrong sub? Only to Dynamis a few times. This one time this guy kept bothering me to XP while I was farming as /THF so I showed up like that on purpose.

                As a solo red mage, have you ever:
                Killed an NM? Tons.
                Killed an IT? Sleep/Nuke ftw.
                Gotten killed by Converting at the wrong moment? Bubble Shower > Me.
                Been silenced to death? Not often, I've carried Echos for a long, long time now.
                Been stunned/petrified to death? Actually, I don't think so.
                Been DOT'ed to death? (Bio, Dia, Poison, etc.) I don't think I have since getting Stoneskin.
                Hung on to dear life with less than 20 HP left? Yep. Pulled out several wins, and lost a few.
                Attempted to Warp back to your HP only to zone in dead? Yeah, it takes surprisingly long to get a raise when sitting dead outside of your MH.
                Describe your most horrible death: After ChainStunning Suzaku one time, I ran behind the PLD for cover. He moved out of the way and watched Suzy eat me.
                Describe your best red mage moment: With 20 HP and 40 MP, the entire party about to wipe, I cast Bio II on Promathia. He readies an AoE attack to finish us all off...and falls to the ground. 1/6
                Describe your worst red mage moment: Dynamis Sandy, I hit the wrong macro and Poison II an Avatar instead of Sleep II. Spent the next 2 minutes running for my life hoping the SMN doesn't 2hr.
                How long did it take you from 1-25? About a month I think.
                How long did it take you from 1-50? About 8 months, at 40~ I spent like a solid month farming for gear.
                How long did it take you from 1-75? About 2 years, I was very anal about not leveling until I had certain gear.
                What was your first subjob? WAR until 30(lol)
                What is your current subjob? DRK!!!
                What subjobs do you actively use on a regular basis? DRK/WHM/BLM/NIN/THF
                How many times did you fight Maat? 1/1. He got off one spell and I resisted it.
                What is the biggest "close call" you've ever had? BCNM 50: Hostile Herbivores, a really rough run. Party wipes(except me) with last sheep at about 30%, I use Fast Blade, Icarus Wing, Lotus Blade, Fire II MB, kill the sheep as he killshots me. The RNG RR's, runs for the crate, we finish with a time of 29:54. My friends stopped making fun of me for carrying around Ica Wings after that.
                How long did you solo before xping in parties? I actually duo'd/trio'd or partied with RL friends from 1-30.
                Did you solo any of your AF quests? LoL, I used DoT/zone solo trick for the ghost in Fei'Yin.
                What was your biggest misconception about the job when you first started playing? That it wasn't ridiculously awesome.
                What do you like most about being a red mage? That it is ridiculously awesome.
                What don't you like? B weapon ranks, lack of Vorpal Blade and Reraise I.

                How many merits do you have? And what did you spend them on? 8 Enfeebling, 1 Elemental, 1 Dark, 3 Convert, 2 Ice/Wind/Earth Acc, 1 Thunder Acc, 2 Para II/Phalanx II, 1 Slow II/Blind II, 2 Sword, 2 MP, 1 Crit Rate+, 1 Enemy Crit Rate-, Troubador, 1 Wind, 1 Singing(last few for BRD obviously).

                What is your primary role in Dynamis? Keeping the puller alive, crowd control.

                What is your primary role in Sky? Enfeebling, pulling, Suzaku ChainStun

                What is your primary role in Assault/Salvage? Healing, Refresh/DD

                What is your primary role in XP parties now? Pulling

                What would you change about how you leveled RDM from the very start? Start macro swapping at level 10!
                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                • #9
                  Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                  This site needs a bitch slap button. >.>
                  [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                  • #10
                    Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                    Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                    Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party? Hehe, yep, meant to hit Escape, left the party for dead.
                    Hahahahahahaha, that's awesome. I really lol'ed when I read that.

                    Bet your party didn't think it was so funny though.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
                    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                    • #11
                      Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                      As a red mage in an xp party, have you ever:
                      Main healed? Yes
                      Tanked? Regular 6 man party? No. Something else? Yes. /nin is all you need. Was it successfull? How much damage you do and how much healing you do will define this.
                      Pulled? Yes
                      Been main nuker? Yes
                      Pulled too much hate? Oh yes
                      Skillchained (pre-Refresh)? Yes
                      Skillchained (post-Refresh)? Yes
                      Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party? No
                      Accidentally Chainspell + Escaped out of a party? No
                      Shown up with the wrong sub? Yes
                      As a solo red mage, have you ever:
                      Killed an NM? Yes
                      Killed an IT? Yes. /nin accomplishes alot. And 2hs too.
                      Gotten killed by Converting at the wrong moment? All the time.
                      Been silenced to death? Yep.
                      Been stunned/petrified to death? In dynamis this is quite frequent, but never done it with RDM, so no.
                      Been DOT'ed to death? (Bio, Dia, Poison, etc.) Oh lawd. Happens a little too often...
                      Hung on to dear life with less than 20 HP left? I think is happens all the time, and not just with RDM.
                      Attempted to Warp back to your HP only to zone in dead? This has happened at least once. Wasnt on RDM though :x

                      Describe your most horrible death: Thought I had shihei. Nuff said.

                      Describe your best red mage moment: Whenever the 2h REALLY helps. Whenever Escape is CRUCIAL and i manage to land it before anyone even asks. Some people will go WTF DID YOU DO, but those that payed attention will go MAN THAT WAS CLOSE.

                      Describe your worst red mage moment: Convert accidentally while i have hate.

                      How long did it take you from 1-25? RDM was my first job. It may have taken months, unsure. It was with RDM 1-30 that i learned the game, then i took SAM 1-49, then i took BRD to 1-40ish, then BLM to 60, then RDM to 37, then BLM to 75... so... not very sure.

                      How long did it take you from 1-50? Taking into account the above said, about half a year.

                      How long did it take you from 1-75? RDM is 67, i mained it after BLM 75, took me like a full half a year from 37 to 67.

                      What was your first subjob? WHM

                      What is your current subjob? BLM

                      What subjobs do you actively use on a regular basis? BLM NIN BRD

                      How many times did you fight Maat? Havent with RDM, am i still eligible for this?

                      What is the biggest "close call" you've ever had? So many things happen with Convert... but 2h to fully heal a tank is something that comes to mind.

                      How long did you solo before xping in parties? To 18, had no idea what "Valkurm" was.

                      Did you solo any of your AF quests? No

                      What was your biggest misconception about the job when you first started playing? Why give me a sword and the make me go through hell and back for using it? We should have expertise with Rapiers and we should be doing melee dmg like in the past.

                      What do you like most about being a red mage? Versatility

                      What don't you like? The void that Pre-Refresh is. We should get Refresh 2 at 75. Or double cast.

                      How many merits do you have? And what did you spend them on? I think im still upping MP only.

                      What is your primary role in Dynamis? Dont use RDM in dynamis. BLM is usually more usefull. Plenty of RDMs.

                      What is your primary role in Sky? Don't do sky.

                      What is your primary role in Assault/Salvage? Ergh...

                      What is your primary role in XP parties now? Main healer or regular Support.

                      What would you change about how you leveled RDM from the very start? Ability to gain MP while standing with an earlier refresh, and perhaps stronger refresh? Ability to melee better. I just like the idea of a fencer in a FF game. Im not in love with sitting in the back line. Everyone should be able to melee imo, in true FF fashion. Even Lulu melee'd. Sheesh. The reason why not everyone can melee? Party formation, mob TP, need to rest for MP... these things just hinder down the game. Work it out in the next installment and SE, you'll have the perfect game.

                      K bai.
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #12
                        Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                        As a red mage in an xp party, have you ever:
                        Main healed? Yes
                        Tanked? No
                        Pulled? Yes
                        Been main nuker? Yes
                        Pulled too much hate? Yes
                        Skillchained (pre-Refresh)? Yes
                        Skillchained (post-Refresh)? No
                        Accidentally Chainspell + Warped out of a party? No
                        Accidentally Chainspell + Escaped out of a party? No
                        Shown up with the wrong sub? Unless you count showing up as /WHM when I should have been /BLM because the leader wouldn't tell me the PT layout, then no.

                        As a solo red mage, have you ever:

                        Killed an NM? Yes
                        Killed an IT? No
                        Gotten killed by Converting at the wrong moment? Yes - but the mob died too (Wespe Final Sting).
                        Been silenced to death? No
                        Been stunned/petrified to death? No
                        Been DOT'ed to death? (Bio, Dia, Poison, etc.) Yes
                        Hung on to dear life with less than 20 HP left? Constantly
                        Attempted to Warp back to your HP only to zone in dead? No

                        Describe your most horrible death: All of them, because I look so pitiful when I'm dead.

                        Describe your best red mage moment: All of them have been pretty kickass.

                        Describe your worst red mage moment: Doing endgame stuff with RDMs who have been in the mix for years, and have all the sweet gear that I don't have.

                        How long did it take you from 1-25? A week? Maybe.

                        How long did it take you from 1-50? OMG with the specifics.

                        How long did it take you from 1-75? About four months for 1-73, and then another 2-3 months of not playing to finally get 75.

                        What was your first subjob? I don't recall.

                        What is your current subjob? At 75, I'm almost always /WHM.

                        What subjobs do you actively use on a regular basis? WHM and BLM, but only because those are the only ones I have. Eventually I'll have NIN, DRK, BRD, BLU, THF and WAR. And maybe TIM(?) if it proves useful.

                        How many times did you fight Maat? Twice. I panicked the first time and forgot to re-bind him, and thus died. I beat him easily the second time around.

                        What is the biggest "close call" you've ever had? Probably my solo attempts for my testimony. Or maybe for Hakutaku eyes.

                        How long did you solo before xping in parties? To 20.

                        Did you solo any of your AF quests? No.

                        What was your biggest misconception about the job when you first started playing? That it was going to be hard.

                        What do you like most about being a red mage? Being awesome. I mean, it's kind of part of what just being Murphie is like, but RDM is like +1 to my natural awesome.

                        What don't you like? There isn't a single thing I don't like about the job.

                        How many merits do you have? And what did you spend them on? I have like, five. And I didn't spend them.

                        What is your primary role in Dynamis? Heal/Haste/Refresh - sometimes backup sleeper, but only when there aren't enough BLMs. Which isn't often.

                        What is your primary role in Sky? Heal/Haste/Refresh

                        What is your primary role in Assault/Salvage? I've never done either. ; ;

                        What is your primary role in XP parties now? Main Healer/Haste Whore

                        What would you change about how you leveled RDM from the very start? Nothing. Well, except maybe I would have gone ahead and leveled all of my lesser used subs before tackling RDM (thus allowing me to focus on it and only it once I hit 75, instead of the other way around). But all in all I was happy with how I did it.


                        • #13
                          Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                          My post got deleted, ppl failed to see the remark in terms of rdm being pimp oh well
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • #14
                            Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                            Hahahahahahaha, that's awesome. I really lol'ed when I read that.

                            Bet your party didn't think it was so funny though.
                            I came back to raise them, but I did zone into my HP to a chorus of dot dot dots!

                            Another good one was when I attempted to Chainspell > Warp...and then realized I was /DRK, the mob beat me down.
                            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                            • #15
                              Re: A fun survey about the best job in the game. XD

                              Shudda used Drain then. CS + Drain can be pretty awesome on its own merits.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

