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  • lolNukes!

    In the interest of improving my guide I'm working on a few sections(also making it into a web page so I don't have to update a stupid shared file link every other day!), the first being the nuking one. I want to add a MAB vs. INT section, but wanted to run a few things past you guys to make sure I'm not (completely)retarded.

    I'm sure you've seen this before:

    For dINT < 0: D = V + dINT (when dINT is a penalty, the tier mult. is always 1)
    For dINT > 0, but less than some inflection point: D = V + (dINT * M)
    For dINT > 0, but after some inflection point: D = V + (const + (dINT-const) * M / 2))
    (above some critical value, adding INT becomes half as effective)
    For dINT > 0, but after some cap: D = cap
    I've been trying to dig for it, but I can't find where anyone actually has figured out what the 'inflection point' is where you start getting half returns on your dINT. Just wondering if you guys had figured it out or seen it posted somewhere?

    At any rate I'm trying to make this a write up comparing gear in a few slots(mostly hands, legs, and feet) to show whether the INT piece or the MAB piece in that slot would be favorable for nuking. I'm using a fictional level 82 mob with a race INT ranking of D and main/sub job rankings of C(going for a pretty average mob, most have a D INT race ranking).

    I just wanted to make sure that I calculated their INT right...I came up with them having 87 INT:

    3+(82-1)*.35 + 4+(82-1)*.4 + 4+(41-1)*.4
    31.35 + 36.4 + 20
    Does this look correct to you? Hehe, sorry to use you guys as my proofreaders, but this is the most knowledgeable out of the RDM forums that I frequent.

    Edit: Here's what I came up with on my own, cut & pasted from The Fraggles forums. Lemme know if I seem seriously offbase with anything.
    Last edited by Callisto; 09-06-2007, 01:43 PM.
    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

  • #2
    Re: lolNukes!

    I normally do this kind of stuff on the DiV forums, but hey, we have RDMs, so why not here? This is kind of my notepad for things that are going to be added into the RDM guide, and this is the kind of stuff that I waste my work days on. Today I'm working on MAB vs. INT, more specifically, which choices between certain gear options will yield you the most bang for your magical buck. Warning: There will be math.

    Calculating Magic Damage

    Using this page as a resource, the math behind your nuking damage is calculated as such, in order:
    • 1) D (Base Damage)
      2) Multiple-Target Damage Reduction
      3) Resists
      4) Staff Bonus
      5) Day/Weather Bonus
      6) Magic Burst Bonus
      7) MAB/MDB
      8) Target Magic Damage Adjustment
    Since this is just to figure out in general which gear will be best, we'll be using some constants. I will assume the following:
    • Blizzard III is the spell being used
    • An Ice Staff is equipped
    • The spells are going fully unresisted
    • There is no weather
    • The day is neutral to Ice magic
    • A Moldavite Earring is equipped
    • The mob does not have any MDB bonus or racial magic defense/weakness to adjust for
    Soooooo let's get down to business. I will be using my personal nuking setup for the purposes of the guide, then examining what effects changing certain pieces will have. The point is to figure out if we should be going for INT in certain slots, or MAB.

    My Nuking Set
    • Ice Staff
      Phantom Tathlum
      Warlock's Chapeau+1
      Elemental Torque
      Elemental Earring
      Moldavite Earring
      Errant Houppelande
      Duelist's Gloves
      Hale Ring
      Tamas Ring
      Prism Cape
      Penitent's Rope
      Duelist's Tights
    As /BLM I have a base INT of 64. All of this added up brings me to a total of 106 INT, and 33 MAB(24 from JTs, 5 from Moldavite Earring, and 4 from Duelist's Boots. If you don't have a Moldavite Earring, go get one. Now.)

    Our Mob

    For the purposes of this I'll be using a fictional mob, we'll call it the Calliburn(if you get the pun you're a big nerd, more power to you.) The Calliburn is level 82(VT to a 75 player). Like most XP mobs, he has a racial INT ranking of D, and we'll say that he's THF/THF for his job, giving him a job INT ranking of C, making him a nice, average mob. Race Rankings and Job Rankings can be found here and here, respectively. Using his level and rankings, we will find that the Calliburn has an INT score of 87(How to calculate stats is also found in the same thread as the Race Rankings).

    The Calliburn

    Sooo, that leaves me with 106 INT, and our mob with 87, making a dINT of 19. Let's calculate some damage!

    Finding 'D': 'D', or base magic damage, is the first thing we need to find to figure out our total nuke damage. This next part is important:
    For dINT < 0: D = V + dINT (when dINT is a penalty, the tier mult. is always 1)
    For dINT > 0, but less than some inflection point: D = V + (dINT * M)
    For dINT > 0, but after some inflection point: D = V + (const + (dINT-const) * M / 2))
    (above some critical value, adding INT becomes half as effective)
    For dINT > 0, but after some cap: D = cap
    Notice that there is a point where adding more INT gives diminishing returns. I myself have no freakin clue what this point is, and I can't find it posted online(I need someone to do some PVP Testing with me!), but for this I'm going to assume that a RDM using our gear setup cannot reach this 'inflection point' against our VT mob. Our formula for D will be
    • D = V + (dINT * M)
    Here V is the base value of the spell, which is 320 for Blizzard III, and M is the tier multiplier, which is 1.5 on single-target tier III spells. Sooo doing the math:
    • D = 320 + (19 * 1.5) = 320 + 28.5 = 348
    Staff Bonus: Using the conditions I set out at the beginning, we can skip a couple of steps, and take D straight into the Staff Bonus. Using a NQ Ice Staff, we will receive a 10% bonus:
    • D = 348 * 1.10 = 382.8 = 382
    Magic Attack Bonus: The next variable that we need to consider is our MAB. Using our gear setup, we have 33 MAB, or +33% damage:
    • D = 382 * 1.33 = 508.06 = 508
    Using our current setup, our current Blizzard III damage without resists, MDB, or a racial magic damage adjustment factor is 508. Now we can take a look at how changing some of our gearz will affect this.

    Optimizing the lolNukes

    Now that we have our normal damage in this setup, let's see how some changes would affect this...I will be leaving out the Morrigan set for the time being due to how effing difficult it is to get those pieces.

    Zenith Mitts vs. Yigit Gages

    Although I currently use my Duelist's Gloves for pretty much everything, I do plan on getting a pair of Yigit Gages to use for nuking and debuffs. The Yigit Gages offer INT/MND+5, and MAB +2. There are also the Zenith Mitts, which offer a straight MAB+5, as well as 50 HP>MP. You probably know how I feel about the Zenith set by now, but we'll give a look at them and see how they fare.

    Yigit Gages: Adding one more INT than the Duelist's Gloves, these would bring our dINT to 20, in addition to the MAB +2, which brings our total MAB to +35. Let's run the #'s on this:
    • D = V + (dINT * M)
      D = 320 + (20 * 1.5)
      D = 350
    So we only gain 2 damage in our base damage, that's practically nothing, but let's see how the rest plays out:
    • D = 350 * 1.1 = 385 (Staff Bonus)
      D = 385 * 1.35 = 519.75 = 519
    So without any other factors considered, the Yigit Gages would add 11 damage to each Blizzard III. While not a stellar improvement, they do also have 5 MND for debuffing and Evasion +4. Aside from your buff cycle, they are certainly and improvement over the Duelist's Gloves.

    Zenith Mitts: Although offering no INT bonus, these do offer a higher MAB than any other options in the hands slot, the +5 MAB bringing us to +38 total. But is that enough to make them a better nuking piece?
    • D = V + (dINT * M)
      D = 320 + (15 * 1.5)
      D = 342
    So we lose 6 base damage from the lack of INT boost. Let's see if this is made up in MAB:
    • D = 342 * 1.1 = 376.2 = 376 (Staff Bonus)
      D = 376 * 1.38 = 518.88 = 518
    So the Zenith Mitts do actually do slightly less damage than the Yigit Gages for Blizzard III. Although my original opinion about them was completely biased and prejudicial, it appears that I was right, the Z set continues to blow goats. Some notes do need to be made though:
    • A Melon Pie+1 could make up the base INT difference between the Zenith Mitts and the Yigit Gages
    • Wearing Yigit Gages while eating Marron Glace would yield the INT and about the same MP(5 more, actually), and cost a shitload less than eating Melon Pies+1 all of the time
    • On a partially resisted spell, Zenith Mitts would out-damage the Yigit Gages, as the MAB bonus is calculated after the resists are, while the INT portion of the damage is calculated before resists
    Winnar = Yigit Gages

    Duelist's Boots vs. Yigit Crackows

    Duelist's Boots: These were used as part of our original set, they offer +4 MAB and no INT bonus. Calculated above, the damage with these on would be:
    • D = 508
    Let's see if that can be improved...

    Yigit Crackows: The Yigit Crackows offer +3 INT and MND, but only +2 MAB, making our total +31. Is the 3 INT enough to make up for the loss of MAB?
    • D = V + (dINT * M)
      D = 320 + (22 * 1.5)
      D = 353
    Those 3 INT points added a solid 5 to the base damage, let's see about that MAB though...
    • D = 353 * 1.1 = 388.3 = 388 (Staff Bonus)
      D = 388 * 1.31 = 508.28 = 508
    So the Yigit Crackows actually come in even with the Duelist's boots, and the extra INT will also come in handy for Enfeebling. If you had to choose, the Yigit Crackows could definitely be your full-time footwear of choice.

    Winnar = Yigit Crackows

    Duelist's Tights vs. Mahatma Slops vs. Shadow Trews (3-way Cage Match, Every Pants for Themselves!)

    Duelist's Tights: While these offer no INT or MAB bonuses, they do give Elemental Skill +10, or roughly +9 Magic Accuracy for nukes. While you do lose damage by wearing these over other pieces, you do have to remember that Elemental Magic is only a C+ skill for RDM, and you will need some help landing spells on VT+ mobs. I prefer to wear these, as no matter how much more damage you can do with other pants, you'll do less damage if you get resisted. This is only my personal preference however, there are 2 other options you can look at for increasing nuke damage...

    Mahatma Slops: Notice that I don't have Jet Seraweels on this list. Why not? Well, if you're going to pay for Jet Seraweels to increase your nuking damage, you may as well get the Mahatma Slops instead. They're about the same price and offer 1 more INT and MND than the Jets. These of course give 8 INT. If my Assumed Magic Accuracy Formula is correct, these would not be completely devoid of Magic Accuracy, giving +4. Let's see how the extra INT would boost the damage:
    • D = V + (dINT * M)
      D = 320 + (27 * 1.5)
      D = 360
    A whole +12 to base damage, that's actually a pretty big boost...let's see how it ends up with the other factors:
    • D = 360 * 1.1 = 396 (Staff Bonus)
      D = 396 * 1.33 = 526.68 = 526
    So +18 damage with no weather/day factors considered. That's a pretty substantial amount when other multipliers are added...there are some things that need to be kept in mind though:
    • You may get more resists wearing Mahatma Slops than you do with Duelist's Tights
    • It's possible that 27 dINT may be past the 'inflection point' where adding more INT only becomes half as effective. I don't think this is likely to be the case, but it is possible
    • When nuking mobs that con Tough or lower, you'd be better served to wear the Mahatma Slops over the Duelist's Tights, as they are not likely to resist the spell if you skill is capped. For VT+ I still recommend going with the +10 skill
    Shadow Trews: One of the new Einherjar Abjuration pieces, the Shadow Trews may prove to be a decent pair of nuking pants. While offering no INT boost, they do give MAB+4 and Magic Accuracy +4. Let's see how big of an effect that'd have:
    • D = 382 * 1.37 = 523.34 = 523
    So slightly less damage than the Mahatma Slops, and seemingly the same Magic Acc boost, with a smaller emnity down effect. These pants actually don't seem very hot at all compared to the Mahatma Slops in pretty much every facet. Some notes:
    • If my Assumed Magic Accuracy Formula is wrong, and INT does not figure into Magic Acc, then the Shadow Trews would be preferrable over the Mahatma Slops
    • As with the Zenith Mitts, the Trews would do more damage than the INT pieces on a resisted nuke
    • If the INT bonus from the Mahatma Slops does put you past the 'inflection point', the Trews may in fact do more damage
    Winnar = Comes down to preference, either Duelist's Tights for less resists, or Mahatma Slops for best damage

    Uggalepih Pendant

    I get asked about my opinion on this piece kind of often, so I would like to touch on it. This neckpiece offers +8 MAB when your current MP is 50% or less of your maximum MP. Something important needs to be noted, though: MP boosts from Food or from '# HP Converted to MP' gear is not taken into consideration for this!! Read also: Zenith Set still blows goats. My current setup, including 2 MP merits and a Staff Strap, is about 720 MP without food(I don't wear any 'HP Converted to MP' pieces). A Hume wearing my exact same setup would have about 795 MP, and a Tarutaru would have around 980 MP. So while the latent was active, you would have between 360 and 490 MP to work with. Blizzard III costs 120 MP, so barring any Conserve MP procs, you would have 3-4 nukes available with the latent active(if you were doing something such as ChainNuking). Let's see how much damage would be added:
    • D = 382 * 1.41 = 538.62 = 538
    So you would get a solid 30 damage per cast added, making 90-120 over the course of your 3-4 nukes. That's nothing to scoff at. would be giving up the Elemental Torque for this, so you would be losing about 6 Magic Accuracy in order to wear the U Pendant. This lack of accuracy applies to all of your nukes, including the ones that are over 51% MP, while the U Pendant only applies to the last 3-4 nukes you can get off before you are out of MP. This needs to be taken into consideration when deciding which of these you want to wear. Of course you could stack some MP gear to have a larger pool to work with while the latent is active, do need to keep in mind that:
    • 'HP Converted to MP' gear will not work for this purpose, and the bulk of high level MP+ gear is of this nature
    • Adding MP into slots means losing INT. You could gain 240 max MP(enough for one more Blizzard III while latent is up), but this could easily cost you 15+ INT. If the INT loss is enough to bring your dINT down to or below 0, you just screwed your nuking damage all to hell regardless of how much MAB+ you have

    As you can see, it's hard to say whether MAB is better than INT for nuking damage. Alot of it depends on the slot, and how much the differences are. The 3 INT of the Yigit Crackows does offset the extra 2 MAB of the Duelist's Boots, while the 5 INT of the Yigit Gages outperforms the 3 greater MAB of the Zenith Mitts. From what I can tell so far on paper, the optimal nuking damage setup for RDM(not counting batshit insane Morrigan pieces, or the crazy expensive Mahatma Houppelande) would be:
    • Ice Staff(Aquilo's Staff if you can!)
      Staff Strap
      Phantom Tathlum
      Warlock's Chapeau+1
      Elemental Torque
      Elemental Earring(Magnetic Earring would be nice too)
      Moldavite Earring
      Errant Houppelande
      Yigit Gages
      Hale Ring(Omega Ring if possible)
      Tamas Ring
      Prism Cape
      Penitent's Rope
      Duelist's Tights
      Yigit Crackows
    I do intend to test dINT in PvP as soon as I can so that I can make sure my math is all correct, as well as to see if I can discover what the 'inflection point' is where INT starts giving diminished returns, this may have some effect on the outcome of my results, and I may have to fix them at some point.

    MAB vs. INT Notes

    It should be noted that at lower levels of dINT, Magic Attack Bonus will have more of an effect. When running the #'s using Thunder III and a Thunder Staff, the results showed the Zenith Mitts being even if not barely better than the Yigit Gages, due to the lower dINT resulting from not wearing an Ice Staff. However, under my Assumed Magic Accuracy Formula, the Yigit Gages would still be a stronger piece, as the INT bonus they offer will also have a slight effect on Magic Accuracy, even if the Zenith Mitts gave the exact same damage.

    So basically I'm saying that if you're fighting a level 90 mob, load up on MAB and nuke away, right? No, doofus! If you are fighting the likes of Kirin & Company in Sky, Ultima & Omega, or other high level baddies, you should be focusing on what RDMs do best: Enfeebling the mob and Enhancing your teamates! A RDM's Elemental Magic Skill is just too low to count on nukes not getting resisted against very high-level mosters. If you are nuking, it will likely be a level 80-85 mob, which should have INT rankings similar to that of our Calliburn. In this case you will have a reasonabe dINT, so you should focus on landing the spells without resists and finding the right balance of INT and MAB, which I believe can be found in the set I listed above.

    Why Use Blizzard III/Ice Staff?

    This is explained in the nuking section of my guide already, but there is a specific reason why I chose Blizzard III and the Ice Staff to be used when considering what is best for RDM nuking. Blizzard III should be your go-to nuking spell as RDM! The Ice Staff gives INT+4 and Elemental Magic Skill +10, both of which are large enough boosts that they should not be overlooked. You should also have at least 2 Ice Accuracy merits in your Group 1 merits, while having any Thunder Accuracy merits at all is much more optional. Although Thunder III is your strongest nuke, Blizzard III will be much more accurate, and will have greater damage/mp spent, which is what RDM nuking is all about. I can't stress enough that if you are going to ChainNuke, you need to use your Ice Staff and Blizzard III for it. Edit: The obvious exceptions being on Firesday or Lightningsday.
    Last edited by Callisto; 09-07-2007, 08:18 AM.
    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


    • #3
      Re: lolNukes!

      As for the inflection point on INT for spell damage where you get diminishing returns, I can't say for sure. But I'm fairly sure that it varies from tier to tier. I notice my tier 2 nukes do more damage in errants than in weskit.

      As for yigit out weighing zenith; that is typically true in cases of tier3 spells and lower. Of course as rdm you only have tier 3 spells, so not a needed piece for rdms. Though could be useful in convert ratios I suppose for non tarus. Tier4 there is a noticable difference between yigit or igqira and zenith; and zenith is a clear winner in those situations.

      One other thing I'd mention is fast cast gear vs int/mab gear. Fast Cast is calculated at the beginning of the cast, as is recast; damage is calculated when the spell hits effect. Provided you have room in your macros, you start casting in all the fast cast gear you can; and once you've started you can swap to damage gear.

      As for your earring choices; while the +3 elemental skill is nice from the elemental earring, and knowing that RDM have a C+ in elemental, I'd still go for INT in this slot. Especially for blizzard, as the stave will often lower the resist rates to nearly non-existance for even RDM on most exp mobs. I would encourage purchasing full HQ staves for nukes before buying that over priced earring. Skill will never increase the damage, only lower resist, and the HQ staves will lower the resist rates much more than the earring.

      I would suggest moving to a Snow ring or at least a Diamond ring. Also, test the mobs with nukes to see how resist are, if you aren't getting resisted move to more max int gear. Philomath Stole, Snow ring/Tamas, Morion Earring, Jet serawells or Mahatma slops could add INT if you find HQ stave and af hat is enough to lower resist. You may at that point have hit the inflection point on INT, and Zenith would add a more significant boost to you nukes.

      However, I can understand that rdm have enough gear to carry around when they don't typically nuke, that to carry so much more extra gear could be troublesome. But if you're really looking to maximize damage from nukes, I think you'd find more use out of the INT gear.

      Very good guide from what I see so far. Fairly easy to read, and nice format.


      • #4
        Re: lolNukes!

        Thanks Necro, I'm going to play around with some more INT gear when I can drag my buddy out to PvP. I have an Abyssal I can use instead of the skill+ earring, and I'd like to break out the M Slops as well, if for no other reason than to find the inflection point. And working on the Aquilo's, that'll be the first HQ staff I get once I can afford it. In the meantime I'm going to get cracking on the Yigit hands/feet, I need them for debuffing as much as the nuking!

        One other thing I'd mention is fast cast gear vs int/mab gear. Fast Cast is calculated at the beginning of the cast, as is recast; damage is calculated when the spell hits effect. Provided you have room in your macros, you start casting in all the fast cast gear you can; and once you've started you can swap to damage gear.
        That is actually a great thing to know, I need to play around with it a bit, but if you're right that'll make a huge change to how I hit my macros when nuking, and I'll definitely need to add it into the guide. Thanks again!
        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


        • #5
          Re: lolNukes!

          Something else of note, while still debated and with no way of proving it, is that it's believe INT does aid in resist rates of nukes as well.

          I'm of the persuasion that it does, just to a lesser extent than skill does. Something of a hunch I suppose, since the resist are so random sometimes it's hard to tell why you are or are not resisted on a spell.

          From what I'm gathering of from your guide, it appears more endgame oriented than leveling the job; if that is the case, you may want to add a note about merits. The magic accuracy merits in Group I for rdm add 3 accuracy per merit, and can merit up to 5 times in one type.

          RDM merits from what I've analyzed can be troubling to confirm; and really depends on what you intend to do with you RDM. Most notably, I'd say Ice merits are of value for Paralyze or Paralyze II alone. If you were to max that catagory out, you essentially be adding 15 Elemental skill to you ice spells. That in addition with 10 from staff and 10 from hat, you've got 35 additional skill right there.

          From what I've seen, Wind and Earth are the other common merits for rdm; but sadly those two elements don't get much use. I suppose if you're nuking on kirin or Ouryu for MB damage the wind merits would be of use. As for earth, I'm very disappointed with that element as a whole. Really kind of sad that Blizzard IV will outdamage a Stone IV on a thunder elemental.

          I don't intend to poke too much into your guide, but I've been meriting a little bit off and on on a friends RDM account while she's off playing WoW. I'm really kind of curious what all your guide will hold as I've skipped 37 levels on my RDM while playing on her's.

          Meriting choices seem to be the worst for me; convert recast is attractive (as I mainly use the account to self PL) though outside of that as a taru I rarly run out of MP. Then the decision of do I want to solo stuff and merit Bio III or go for Dia III and be more effective at events (though I don't usually go to events on her account). Then I can't really choose between maxing a spell or two, or just unlocking them all as for catagory 2.

          I have however love the Ice Magic merits. With fairly standard gear and HQ staves I was able to solo Zipacna. Few close calls, but fairly well for not having much exp on rdm. Bind is a soloers life saver :x

          Really looking forward to your guide.


          • #6
            Re: lolNukes!

            One other thing I'd mention is fast cast gear vs int/mab gear. Fast Cast is calculated at the beginning of the cast, as is recast; damage is calculated when the spell hits effect. Provided you have room in your macros, you start casting in all the fast cast gear you can; and once you've started you can swap to damage gear.
            Great, so now all my macro's need to be twice as long and I'll be blinking the entire time becuase I'm too much of a perfectionist to leave this out!!!

            EDIT: lol... Actually I dont have much FastCast / Haste gear anyway...
            Last edited by hongman; 09-07-2007, 07:59 AM.


            • #7
              Re: lolNukes!

              Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
              Something else of note, while still debated and with no way of proving it, is that it's believe INT does aid in resist rates of nukes as well.

              I'm of the persuasion that it does, just to a lesser extent than skill does. Something of a hunch I suppose, since the resist are so random sometimes it's hard to tell why you are or are not resisted on a spell.
              I agree, the assumed Magic Accuracy formula I use in my guide is
              • floor(200 + ((Skill - 200) * .9) + floor(INTorMND/2) + Magic Acc from gear)
              It's pretty much the same as the established melee accuracy formula, it's the most logical one that I could come up with.

              Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
              From what I'm gathering of from your guide, it appears more endgame oriented than leveling the job; if that is the case, you may want to add a note about merits. The magic accuracy merits in Group I for rdm add 3 accuracy per merit, and can merit up to 5 times in one type.

              RDM merits from what I've analyzed can be troubling to confirm; and really depends on what you intend to do with you RDM. Most notably, I'd say Ice merits are of value for Paralyze or Paralyze II alone. If you were to max that catagory out, you essentially be adding 15 Elemental skill to you ice spells. That in addition with 10 from staff and 10 from hat, you've got 35 additional skill right there.
              Yep, it's intended to be endgame only, I do have a section where I go over merits. The rough draft of the guide is in Word format available here, sorry but it's freakin long. I'm working to put it into web page form so that I can update it a bit more easily, and so it's not all just one big file. Lemme know what you think.

              Note: My personal thoughts on which Group 2 spells to go with are in the Spells section, rather than the Merits section.
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • #8
                Re: lolNukes!

                Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                Bind is a soloers life saver :x
                Haha, the Goblin that drops the Kard was a bit stronger than I anticipated, when I went to solo it I ended up having to use Bind and DoT to take off the last 30%. Definitely glad I had a couple of Ice Merits at that point, as a poorly-timed resist could have wiped me.
                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                • #9
                  Re: lolNukes!

                  I must say that you guide is very well done. At first I didn't like the informal language use in it, but after a few chapters found it much more interesting. Doesn't sound too textbookish (though i do love a good textbook >.>; )

                  I've skimmed most of it, reading a few chapters I have particular intrest in. I fully intend to peruse the entire thing though. Well written, and doesn't give a sense of superiority or that I'm being talked down too. Biased on some aspects though Personally as a taru, I don't intend to ever serious melee a mob in exp. But of course I play the role for support or soloing rather than as melee or jack of all trades jobs.

                  Kudos on an excellent piece of work, and look forward to a finalized version of it.


                  • #10
                    Re: lolNukes!

                    Thanks a bunch for the feedback, and holy crap thanks for the tip on FC being calculated at the start of the spell and potency at the point of casting, that has done wonders for my Sleep/Nuke action! I spent alot of time over the weekend Sleep/Nuking Eo'aerns trying to get HQ organs for the Merciful Cape, and the good news for me is that my math looks to be spot on. Against BLM mobs I was doing 513~ per Blizzard III, and around 560~ against melee jobs. Starting the cast in my FC set and then swapping to my nuke set cut down my Blizz III recast timers by a solid amount and saved me a bunch of time! I'll be adding that tip to the guide, crediting you for the info of course^^
                    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                    • #11
                      Re: lolNukes!

                      From what I can recall - int affects up to and including Tier III more than MAB. MAB is king from Tier IV through III -ga and AM (I and II). Certainly from playing about as blm that seems to be right - I tend to go with a MAB heavy set up as blm, but do cast the occasional tier III - and they do slightly less than they used to.

                      My rdm testing would be heavily screwed by my 8 merits in elemental magic...

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • #12
                        Re: lolNukes!

                        Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                        My rdm testing would be heavily screwed by my 8 merits in elemental magic...
                        I don't think it would at all, you would only get less resists. Your damage is decided by dINT and MAB, so the extra 16 skill wouldn't do anything to your results in terms of #'s. You could definitely press out more damage though, as you could wear Mahatmas or other INT gear in the legs slot rather than your Duelist's Tights without as much fear of being resisted.
                        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                        • #13
                          Re: lolNukes!

                          I might have a play around when I get a free chance.

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • #14
                            Re: lolNukes!

                            Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                            I might have a play around with Booty when I get a free chance.

                            Couldnt resist

