Yesterday I was just killing time while camping the Kard NM(I got it although the damn thing nearly killed me!), and I was shooting arrows at some Easy Prey gobbies. I hit one that put me up to 175 Archery, and I learned Sidewinder. I haven't had capped Archery on my RDM since about level 60, I used to use it alot in PvP(noone expects a Sleep Arrow to come from a RDM
), but I've been wanting to cap it out forever. So after leaving Onzozo, I said why not, and switched to /RNG, and put together a RAcc set. Here's what I came up with:
Fire Staff
Expunger(Still locked)
Horn Arrows
Optical Hat
Hollow Earring
Duelist's Tabard
Crimson Fng. Gauntlets
Coral Ring x2
Amemet Mantle
With this set I had +52 RAcc and +35 RAtk. The obvious skillup choice was worms, so I set out for Kuftal Tunnel. On Easy Prey Cave Worms I was doing about 58 per arrow, and about 400 per Sidewinder, Barrage did around 240~ if it hit full-on. This is with level 29 arrows and a bow that is locked at 26 DMG instead of the 39 you get when it's unlocked(I should've brought along my Lightning +1 to test it out).
After hitting 186 skill I went to Aydeewa Subterrane and started picking on DC Mold Eaters. The damage drop wasn't that large, went down to about 48~ per ranged attack and 380~ per Sidewinder.
Obviously this isn't something that I want to take to any kind of serious fight with my D Archery skill and all, but it is fun to play around with so far, and when the Expunger gets unlocked it seems like the damage will be pretty decent, maybe enough to make soloing Mold Eaters for xp buffer viable if I use better arrows. I am going to ask a few friends to come out and do Greater Colibri or Sea Puks with me once I get my skill about capped, just to see how it fares against VT mobs. The only sucky part is that worms only go up to about level 71, so I'll have to find some kind of skillup party to cap out the last 10 skill levels or so.
Anyways, that's my experiences so far with it.

Fire Staff
Expunger(Still locked)
Horn Arrows
Optical Hat
Hollow Earring
Duelist's Tabard
Crimson Fng. Gauntlets
Coral Ring x2
Amemet Mantle
With this set I had +52 RAcc and +35 RAtk. The obvious skillup choice was worms, so I set out for Kuftal Tunnel. On Easy Prey Cave Worms I was doing about 58 per arrow, and about 400 per Sidewinder, Barrage did around 240~ if it hit full-on. This is with level 29 arrows and a bow that is locked at 26 DMG instead of the 39 you get when it's unlocked(I should've brought along my Lightning +1 to test it out).
After hitting 186 skill I went to Aydeewa Subterrane and started picking on DC Mold Eaters. The damage drop wasn't that large, went down to about 48~ per ranged attack and 380~ per Sidewinder.
Obviously this isn't something that I want to take to any kind of serious fight with my D Archery skill and all, but it is fun to play around with so far, and when the Expunger gets unlocked it seems like the damage will be pretty decent, maybe enough to make soloing Mold Eaters for xp buffer viable if I use better arrows. I am going to ask a few friends to come out and do Greater Colibri or Sea Puks with me once I get my skill about capped, just to see how it fares against VT mobs. The only sucky part is that worms only go up to about level 71, so I'll have to find some kind of skillup party to cap out the last 10 skill levels or so.
Anyways, that's my experiences so far with it.