Quick question :p
On wiki it sayd Ulli and Despot can be soloed by 75 RDM - just wondering so far what it takes, straegies, things to be aware of, helpful/needed merits to beat these 2?
Not at all considering it right now, unless it is riduclously simple but I would like like to get a gauge on this?
Or is it referring to "Soloable by someone like Avesta that has a billion merits and a sack full of VE+1"?
On wiki it sayd Ulli and Despot can be soloed by 75 RDM - just wondering so far what it takes, straegies, things to be aware of, helpful/needed merits to beat these 2?
Not at all considering it right now, unless it is riduclously simple but I would like like to get a gauge on this?
Or is it referring to "Soloable by someone like Avesta that has a billion merits and a sack full of VE+1"?