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Weapon Skills

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  • #16
    Re: Weapon Skills

    Ok umm ...

    Joyeuse swings 1.5 times per attack round on average. So for each attack round it returns an average of 9 tp. With a delay of 224, Joyeuse gets 16.07 attack rounds per minute. Multiplying the two together gets us 144.64 tp/min average.

    Hornetneedle has a delay of 150. The combined delay for the two is 374, reduced by 15% from dual wield II gives us 317.9 delay, half of which (158.95) is used to calculate how much tp each hit gives, correct? The Studio Gobli TP formula for delay less than 180 is 5.0 + [(Delay - 180) * 1.5] / 180, so punching our value in there ... *click click click* Hmm 4.82 per hit, nearly the same as Hornetneedle alone. Duel wielding you'll attack 2.5 times on average so that's 12.05 tp average per round, and 11.32 rounds per minute gives us ... 136.45 tp/min average.

    Whee I got completely different numbers than you.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #17
      Re: Weapon Skills

      lol. I like your calculation much better. XD So much simpler.


      Everyone, please use Taskmage's numbers. m(_ _)m

      Just for fun, I wanted to see how much en- spell damage difference there is between different weapon setups. Assuming 18 damage per proc (and that I didn't royally screw up the calculations again):

      16.07 round/min * 1.5 attack/round * 18 dmg/attack = 433 dmg/min

      DWII + Joyeuse + Hornetneedle:
      11.32 round/min * 2.5 attack/round * 18 dmg/attack = 509 dmg/min

      DWII + Blau Dolch + Hornetneedle:
      10.98 round/min * 2 attack/round * 18 dmg/attack = 402 dmg/min

      Man, Joyeuse is nice. T_T I want one...
      Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 05-22-2007, 09:42 PM.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #18
        Re: Weapon Skills

        Hmmm, a Red Mage in my linkshell loves Eviseration, probably because he stacks Souleater on it and nearly kills himself.

        Might be worth getting Eviseration, if you bring your Dark Knight job up to 37


        I summon......... Armando!


        • #19
          Re: Weapon Skills

          Yay I was right and I'm too horrible at math to even attempt a calculation.


          • #20
            Re: Weapon Skills

            This is very interesting.

            I am looking at upgrading my weapons till such time as I get Joytoy, and now I have a few head starts to look into.

            Thank you!

