Can some one tell me the +/- of a rdm I've been considering it but, I've not played in so long...idk what job I want I know I liked ranger but idk if I'd like rdm...If someone can help me out I'd be greatful
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+/- of a rdm
Re: +/- of a rdm
+ You get to become awesome
- Everyone looks bad compared to your awesomeness.
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Re: +/- of a rdm
+You get to wear the pimp hat.
-You also get to wear tights.I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
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Re: +/- of a rdm
Originally posted by Timian View Post+You get to wear the pimp hat.
-You also get to wear tights.sigpic
~Aksannyi~~Hades~~75WHM~75RDM~75BLM~75SMN~73WAR~67SCH~47BRD~~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
~I has a blog~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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Re: +/- of a rdm
+ High demand in parties
+ Lots of variety in parties for the first 40 levels
+ Strong soloer
+ Doesn't require lots of expensive equipment
+ Pimp hat
- After level 40 party role becomes very repetetive
- Very SLOW soloer
- Often required to main heal (It's a big - for some)
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Re: +/- of a rdm
+Can solo at virtually every level
+Lots of versatility, some nuking, some melee, some healing/buffing
+insane pt invites post 40
+convert = nearly unlimited MP pool
+very cheap job to level compared to others.
-(for some) very busy job
-Will need lots of equipment slots and equipment swap macros
-Nukes not as strong or consistant as blm
-/whm /blm need to be levelled as sub to be most efficient (/drk and /nin for endgame as well)
Originally posted by SevIfritwe asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...
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Re: +/- of a rdm
+ You can almost be as cool as me
- You can never be as cool as meThere are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: +/- of a rdm
+ No one will care what you do so long as you have refresh and dispel
- No one will care what you do so long as you have refresh and dispel
- If a monkey had refresh and dispel, they'd invite that.
- Such monkeys exist, we call them bards and they hardly do either these days. We could accuse some CORs of the same... if you could find any.
+ You can solo very well.
- Soloing very well also takes a very long time.
- In the time it took you to kill that vile beast, chances are a DRG, THF, NIN, BLU or BST would have killed it ten minutes ago.
+ Don't feel too bad though, whatever you just soloed, a BRD would have taken 20 more minutes to kill.. or hours.
+ You get hurt less than anyone soloing.
+ Best enfeebler in the game
- NINs will drive you mad because your efeebs won't stack with theirs.
+ Pimp Hat
- Warlock's Chapeau has been out-pimped, Corsair's Tricorne FTW.
+ Access to best shortsword in the game - the Joyeuse
- You will battle endlessly with PLDs and CORs that can make good use of it in EXP/merit... in addition to BRDs its totally wasted on.
+ You can solo better than any of them.
+ Fast invites
- You wear RED. If you don't want an invite, you're not fooling anyone when you're /anon. If you PTed with someone recently, they will still badger you for invites. The British lost the American Revolution for a reason. The reason was the color red.
- You can even change to your DRG, they will still hunt you down and ask to PT as RDM.
+ versatile job, lots of subjobs you can use.
- lots of return trips to Valkurm Dunes.
- You're the first man people gang up on in PvP.
- You will cease your lolTHFs after the third time you've been owned by one.
- Blue Mage will eat you and everyone else. Even THF.
+ Many roles to play in PTs.
- Usually main healer.
+ Easy on the wallet.
- OK, I got nothing' funny for that.Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-02-2007, 01:45 AM.
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Re: +/- of a rdm
Originally posted by BBQ+ Fast invites
- You can even change to your DRG, they will still hunt you down and ask to PT as RDM.
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Re: +/- of a rdm
Originally posted by Mhurron View PostAnyone else get the feeling that omgwtf is just trying to cover a feeling of inadequacy?
Rdm Hat is the classic and still the best hat in the game. Never really liked the whole pirate hat sorry. Pimp Hat for the win.
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Re: +/- of a rdm
Yar....RDM hat will pwn a pirate hat any day of the week. Pirates wish they could wear the RDM hat, but it doesn't quite match their whole scene, so they don't. Poor pirates having to wear those fugly hats...:[
Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D
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