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yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

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  • yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

    In light of the coming update, I just threw this up to see what everyone else has been lusting after for RDM(that, and I noticed we were totally hijacking the thread in General Discussions, totally Mhurron's fault, true story).

    Just a spot to rant on about what you think RDM ought to have. And yeah, there are those of you that think "RDM doesn't need anything else, stop being greedy." This thread isn't about that, so take it somewhere else. And perspective on ideas that might go against the image of the job or might be considered game-breaking(Hahahahah!)... Though some schools of thought would say that giving us anything else at this point would be considered game-breaking.

    And I wouldn't have started this without having my own rant ready, so without further ado...

    -Enlight and Endark. GET ON IT, S-E!
    -Banish. We have Divine skill, but no Divine spells? Dubya. Tee. Eff.
    -Regen II and Raise II. If I really must get stuck on the back line, gimme somethin' to work with.
    -Confuse. If this doesn't SCREAM Enfeebling, I don't what does.
    -Aura. The TP answer to Regen that might finally get the PLD, BLU, and DRK to sit the f*** down when they need to rest.
    -Virus I and II. Erodes TP and MP over time. Would compliment Poison Perfectly.
    -And Dia/Bio 3, and Paralyze/Blind/Slow 2. None of this merit crap, scroll them. NOW.

    -Some kind of Acc or DEX increase.
    -Boost to Parrying skill. Up it to B rating, C at the least. RDM is based off of fencers. Fencers are accomplished at parrying. It's part of their art. Why not ours, eh?
    -Change Archery skill to Marksmanship skill. We would look so much cooler with pistols or rifles.

    Job Traits:
    -Counter. In fencing, a counter following a parry is known as a riposte... Just a thought.
    -Subtle Blow. Reduced TP gain for the mob from strikes/nukes for a job that doesn't focus on heavy damage to begin with.
    -Magic Accuracy Bonus trait. Seeing as how we tend to have so much gear(and merits) that focus on it, it'd be cool to see a couple Magic Accuracy Bonus traits, right along with the M.Atk and M.Def we get. And as we all know, Enfeebling skill is kind of ambiguous. We have A+ in it, can have 330 skill, and can still get PWNT by some WHM or SMN casting Enfeebles. Hell, until the introduction of the tier IIs, NIN jutsus outdid us. A Magic Accuracy Bonus would fit well for us, perhaps allowing us to focus more gear toward spell potency, maybe.
    -Maybe an Accuracy bonus trait like DRG. Or a Critical Hit Rate bonus. Something like 2%, nothing crazy.
    -Natural Fast Cast IV. C'mon, S-E. Pleeeeease?

    Job Abilities:
    -The RDM equivalent to BLM/WHM's Elemental/Divine seals, something that would increase the potency of our next spell.
    -Maybe a JA sharing a Crit rate + or Enspell with one or more individuals, determined by line of sight.

    -More space to merit M. Acc, maybe a another 6-10 points to allocate.
    -Light Magic Accuracy, Dark Magic Accuracy. Same for BLMs with potency. Again... Dubya. Tee. Eff. Why isn't this in there now?
    -First, take Dia/Bio 3 and Paralyze/Blind/Slow 2 off the Group 2 list, and give them to us naturally. NOW. Hear me this time?
    -"Refresh Effect (+1 MP/tick recovered/upgrade)" ... There's your answer to Refresh II.
    -"Stoneskin Effect (+20 damage absorbed/upgrade)" Kind of explains itself. Under the current system, you'd see three upgrade, totaling to +60 damage absorbed. Not much, but it doesn't suck, I think.
    -"Haste Effect (+5% /upgrade)" Explains itself. Would a Haste equaling +30% be too much?
    -"Poison Effect" (+5 HP/tick lost/upgrade)" Poison maxes out at 10 HP lost/tick. Wouldn't it be cool to possible bring it to 25?
    -"Fast Cast effect(+0.2% per upgrade)" ... I'm thinking of this in lieu of a Fast Cast IV. One or the other would bring a smile to my face.
    Last edited by BurningPanther; 04-27-2007, 08:08 PM. Reason: A little clarity.

  • #2
    Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

    I would love another tier of Fast Cast. /salivate.

    Also I love the idea of a RDM specific "seal" ability. Enfeebling Seal? Enhancing Seal? Both?!?! ^^ (Hell we use both so much ...) Enhancing Seal could be like that Divine Veil thingy WHMs have where Erase becomse Erasega. Oh yeah. Probably never going to happen, but that would be sweet as hell.

    Spell: I want Break. If I have resistance to Petrify then I should be able to cast that bitch on someone else.

    Also, can we get our own Divine Spell? I'm sick of /WHM for sucky skillups. I just hate useless skills.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • #3
      Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

      Dia used to be Divine, I hear tell we used to get Banish... either would work great for me. Even more, I want Flash.

      A veil effect for Enhancing spells would kill. Might be nice to cast an AoE Haste or Enblizzard every ten minutes, though I'm still rooting for something that increases spell potency every ten minutes. I've never been a big fan of AoE on RDM, mostly because it doesn't fit the duelist style. But once in a while wouldn't hurt.

      I'd love to see Break, but it's one of those things that would be either broken or useless. Frankly, I'd be happy to see our melee capability get some respectability in party play, seeing as how we already do so well elsewhere. Maybe a spiffy new Weapon Skill would kick but too. Something RDM specific so we can be special like WHM or PLD.


      • #4
        Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

        I'd like to see Break as our own version of Stun.

        The Enhancing Seal and Enfeebling Seal JAs sound like good ideas as well.

        As does the Fast Cast aspect.

        However, I can't agree with the Counter/Parry ideas, Burning, unless it was modified so that the more members in the PT, the less effective it is.

        Subtle Blow when using Rapiers would be interesting.

        Now I'm just throwing coins down a wishing well, but hey, as long as I'm dreaming, someone send me my own personal SpaceShip.
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


        • #5
          Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

          I was thinking of a riposte effect taking place whenever RDM were to use the weapons we are rated highest/specialized in, specifically smallswords and daggers. Same stipulation for a Subtle Blow effect.

          I mean, if you consider: how often would Parrying proc, even if raised to a B or C? After that, how often would a riposte effect on it proc? It wouldn't be so much to begin with, so I don't think it would need reduction based on party size, thought now that I think of it, that would be an interesting idea.

          It might be even niftier to make the riposte effect deal minor magic damage.

          And as for coins down a wishing well... Endeath. 100% accurate, unresistable, Endeath.
          Hehehe, hilarious every time i think of it...


          • #6
            Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

            I'm still waiting for SE to implement my "En-Antenna" Idea, where casting the corresponding enspell increases the accuracy of a spell if you have a sword equipped.

            IE: Having Enblizzard on when you cast Paralyze makes para more potent.

            Or something.
            The Tao of Ren
            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
            Originally posted by Kaeko
            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


            • #7
              Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

              Hell that would even be nice for my nukes. Skillchain coming? /ma "Enblizzard" <me> ... Skillchain: Distortion ... Magic Burst! =D
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #8
                Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                The refresh potency merit as written is broken six ways to sunday. Fully merited, that'd make refresh give 8 mp/tick, more than double ballad with Gjallarhorn. Honestly I think refresh is nice an balanced right where it is, though meriting its duration might be a meaningful bonus without being overpowerful.

                Bio III give to blm or drk. Yes it's an enfeeble technically, but it's based on a skill we barely have. It's crap in our hands but in the hands of another job it might not suck.

                Poison III yes frickin please. Actually being based on enfeebling skill, this spell would make infinitely more sense for us to have. Poison mastery or whatever would work too, but I think as a seperate spell it'd be cleaner.

                Blind II ... at the mp cost and current effectiveness, would you even bother casting it if you got it for 0 merit points?

                Break I think is a great idea. Longer duration than stun, longer casting time so it can't be used as easily as an interrupt spell. Yes you could still chainspell it but that doesn't really change our role or power level in situations where we would chainstun anyway. Actually, give it a duration long enough that back to back casts would be wasted (10 seconds? 2 attack rounds, equivalent to para procing twice but all the benefit is upfront) and give it a higher mp cost than stun (40 mp maybe?) and you preserve chainstunning while still getting a useful similar spell.

                Y'know what'd actually be really neat? Stamp. Copy all our status effects onto a target ally. Make that our ten minute "seal" or a really expensive spell, whatever. I guess following the pattern of other merit JAs it would be 20 minute, meritable down to 15. Anyway .. I've got all these great buffs that do absolutely no good in a group situation. If I could drop spikes on the tank or enspell on the nin or mnk that would be killer. Of course, this would make Phalanx II pointless ..

                I'm really happy with my job, and I'm still of the opinion that we don't "need" anything, but those tweaks would be very nice.
                Last edited by Taskmage; 04-29-2007, 12:53 AM.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                  That Stamp thing actually sounds like it'll be all sorts of fun.

                  And I agree with the usage of Break. Of course, I'm sure that on HNMs, we'd still be doing Chainspell, because the duration/stick rate would probably be garbage.

                  Bio III is trash in our hands, because it's based on Dark Magic. So is Blind II...

                  I'd honestly prefer something that let our Buffs last longer. We'd save a TON of MP if we could double the duration of anything casted with Enhancing magic.

                  Heck, make that a Job Ability where any enhancing spells cast in the next 15ish seconds, or even just the next spell, last double the time.
                  The Tao of Ren
                  FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                  If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                  Originally posted by Kaeko
                  As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                  • #10
                    Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                    Someone should be writing these down and sending them to SE.
                    The Tao of Ren
                    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                    Originally posted by Kaeko
                    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                    • #11
                      Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                      I don't think a Refresh potency merit would be terribly broken. Under current group 2 merit restrictions, you could only upgrade it three times, for a max of 6MP/tick, which is rather strong... but then, what is Evoker's roll when you have a SMN in the party?

                      Bio 3 is based off Dark skill, but it's unresistable, and the Attack down and DoT effects are a set value, isn't they? Unless you're all about the initial damage, it's the one Dark spell that doesn't really need any real skill to function well, which is much the same with Dia, which was changed to Enfeebling for some unfathomable reason. I think Bio is far batter in our hands than it is in the hands of any BLM or DRK, as we actually pay attention to when it ought to be used.

                      If I could get my hands on Blind 2 without meriting it, I would undoubtedly use it. I love all my Enfeebles, but if I have to assign a priority to them, Slow and Paralyze go ahead of it, which is the same for the merited versions.

                      Stamp sounds like a beautiful JA. I wants it! It would make Phalanx 2 useless, sure, but I don't feel bad about that in the slightest, seeing as how there was no time in this millennium that I intended to merit it...

                      And don't think I haven't considered sending in ideas straight to S-E, seeing as how going through any other forum would get us ridiculed("lolrdm needs nothing else! they're already too strong! now go mainhealz!"). But let's be honest, if we sent these ideas in, where would we submit them? Do you really think S-E would listen?


                      • #12
                        Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                        Virus exists (uses By Mycrophyle with a stupidly high acc rate). Would be a nice thing to have, though could make RDM mobs potentially very annoying.

                        Your "Aura" effect exists already. Its the Regain effect. 2 ways to get it currently: Monarch's Drink in Besieged and Salvage and a gimped version in Bliztkreig Assault. Its actually really overpowered, about 180 TP (Blitzkreig is just a constant 1TP/tick for the assualt). It would have to be really gimped if it was given.

                        Confu, the effect is in the .dats (much like Berserk, Toad, Brave, Faith, Esuna and Libra). Most likely it would work like an uncontrolled Charm, attacking random people and mobs with no regard for anything.

                        Break...yum that would make lots of things more entertaining.

                        Why the heck are you so hell bent on Banish spells lol. I mean they suck and the hidden effect is useful in so few situation.

                        I don't think giving us Fast Cast IV as well as boosting it through merits would do any good. With AF(+1) hat and relic body, I can't go below 45% spell cast, with or without Loquac Earring.

                        Light Acc and Dark Acc would be kind of meh. There's really no need for any of it. Blind and Sleep don't need an Acc boost, the latter adding the potential for more drama. And more merits in category 1 would be game breaking since it would have to happen for other jobs.

                        Dia III and Bio III, sure scroll them. They're already .dat scrolled at 61 and 63 respectively. Slow II and Para II; no. Fully merited they are too good to be scrolled. a 37% slow with Less MND than the target and an actually fairly reliable Paralyze on NMs is worth the effort. Blind II I couldn't care less about, Kurayami: Ni is just as strong.

                        Subtle Blow, while an interesting Idea, would be kind of pointless. Even /NIN, RDM don't hit fast enough to cause it to be a TP problem (and if you really want to melee, /WAR :p)

                        RDM had Marksmanship, but they took it away, about the same time the job was completely overhauled from having C in pretty much everything. Having it back would be ok I guess, but it would be rated the same as Archery, meaning wiffest for everyone!

                        Refresh potency, SS potency, Haste potency, Poison Potency. Drop haste down to 2.5% increase per. Its pretty easy to hit the 70% haste cap (50% for recast) now with Equip (caps at 25%) BRDs and RDM or WHM. Other 3 are fine and practical. Fast Cast would be pointless again if you get relic body.

                        Bio IIIs initial damage and slip are based off skill so yeah BLM and DRK would get more out of them.

                        Berserk (spell) would be fun. Target (player or Mob) loses the ability to use JA and WS but gains an attack boost and small Haste.

                        Brave and Faith too. Massive Melee Stat or Mage stat boost at the near decimation of the other (So Brave would give a boost to STR and DEX, but INT, MND, and VIT would go down the crapper)

                        "Stamp" wouldn't make Phalanx II pointless, just more situational.

                        M. Acc job trait would have to be at lvl 38+. Would make /RDM too good for BLMs.

                        And its not that NIN out did us, its just that the bar for full potency Para I and Slow I were set so high that it was nearly impossible to even hit the same power as Ninjitsu.
                        Last edited by Gobo; 04-29-2007, 07:32 PM.

                        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                        • #13
                          Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                          Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                          "Stamp" wouldn't make Phalanx II pointless. Phalanx II can surpass Phalanx I in damage reduction with +Enhancing and maxed merit.
                          No it doesn't. Phalanx reduces damage by (Enhancing magic skill / 10) - 2. Phalanx II reduces damage by [(enhancing magic/25) +1 + (3 x MeritLv)]. So with say 301 enhancing magic skill (relic hands, artifact legs, torque, earring, and sea cape) and max Phalanx II merits, Phalanx I reduces damage by 28 and Phalanx II reduces damage by 22.

                          Bio III's slip damage scales with dark magic skill, and though it is unresistable, it's still not mp-efficient damage unless your target is resisting the heck out of your blizzards or you max out your skill with items and merits. Post here: I'd say the only good thing about us having Bio III instead of someone else is that nobody can overwrite Dia III should we choose to cast it.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #14
                            Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                            Regen II and raise II, as much as I want those myself, it will only render the already sub par merit choice WHM even less desirable.

                            Make refresh and haste a 3 hour effect. Wee
                            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                            - Pablo Picasso


                            • #15
                              Re: yet another Red Mage wish list thread.

                              Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                              No it doesn't. Phalanx reduces damage by (Enhancing magic skill / 10) - 2. Phalanx II reduces damage by [(enhancing magic/25) +1 + (3 x MeritLv)]. So with say 301 enhancing magic skill (relic hands, artifact legs, torque, earring, and sea cape) and max Phalanx II merits, Phalanx I reduces damage by 28 and Phalanx II reduces damage by 22.
                              My bad, head all fuzzy from finals studying. Anyway , unless the JA was on a 10 sec recast, it still wouldn't warrant writing off Phalanx II (although Salvage is the only situation atm I can think of needing to cast it more than once, its still a massive gil and time saver).

                              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)

