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Does CHR do anything for RDM??

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  • #16
    Re: Does CHR do anything for RDM??

    On a serious note, almost every job will use every stat. The difference being how important the stat is to what you spend most of your time doing in that job.

    I think I would also wonder why charisma is on the AF but I'm assuming that S/E knows something they expect a RDM to do at sometime which will use that stat. Many multi-hit weapon skills use charisma as a modifier and RDM was originally planned by S/E to be used as a melee'ing mage. Also, there may be some spells where charisma is a modifier. Check out the BLU spell modifiers sometime. From testing, there appears to be some spell modifiers made by unlikely stats. Could be RDM has some of those too.

    It's always good to ask those questions though since it can only lead to a better understanding of your job.
    Randwolf - Tarutaru
    Windurst Rank 10
    Goldsmith 53, Blacksmith 39, Alchemy 51
    World - Sylph


    • #17
      Re: Does CHR do anything for RDM??

      Without enough CHR, RDM don't get the proper bonus from our hat. Duh.
      The Tao of Ren
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      • #18
        Re: Does CHR do anything for RDM??

        Stat modifiers are pretty mediocre and not generally worth discussing, unless we're talking about some extreme cases like SAM or RNG WS. Also, there's only three BLU spells modified by CHR: Bludgeon, Mysterious Light, and Eyes on me (and you're better off just using STR for Bludgeon.)

        The only two non-Relic WS modified by CHR are Shadowstitch and Dancing Edge. Shadowstitch is a weak WS and you won't be using it by the time you have AF hat, and Dancing Edge is THF-only (and they benefit more from DEX anyways.)

        Not saying it's wrong to ask, but in my opinion CHR on RDM is as pointless as INT on a PLD.


        • #19
          Re: Does CHR do anything for RDM??

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          Not saying it's wrong to ask, but in my opinion CHR on RDM is as pointless as INT on a PLD.
          Yes it is pointless, but most people like to say that CHR has no use like SE was required to put some stat on the gear.

          The reason may be small, it may practically have no value, but there is a reason.
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