So, has anyone been finding it difficult to resume playing RDM as they once had before? Say you've been playing another job to 75 and have been mainly using that job for just about everything. BCNM/KSNM, Dynamis, quests, Ballista, Besieged, etc. You know everything there is inside and out to this other job. Then you go back to RDM because there's a need for it. KSNM kiting, replenishing MP, whatever.
It may sound silly or ridiculous but it seems to be happening to me. I mean come on, RDM had practically been my life when I played earlier. But I had been playing MNK and WHM for quite a while straying far from my once awesome RDM. I tried getting merit points by using my RDM's lv75 status. It turns out I don't know how to manage my mp anymore... In fact, I was so thankful for the convert recast merits I had invested points into some year ago. But overall, I had forgotten that info on what level of effectiveness my debuffs are at, why I need errants or whatever to successfully deal near maximum elemental damage on a pull, etc, etc. It was kinda saddening and disappointing.
Have any of you famed RDMs also been experiencing this?
It may sound silly or ridiculous but it seems to be happening to me. I mean come on, RDM had practically been my life when I played earlier. But I had been playing MNK and WHM for quite a while straying far from my once awesome RDM. I tried getting merit points by using my RDM's lv75 status. It turns out I don't know how to manage my mp anymore... In fact, I was so thankful for the convert recast merits I had invested points into some year ago. But overall, I had forgotten that info on what level of effectiveness my debuffs are at, why I need errants or whatever to successfully deal near maximum elemental damage on a pull, etc, etc. It was kinda saddening and disappointing.
Have any of you famed RDMs also been experiencing this?