You may not know it, but there is a hate radius to each and every mob in the game. And when I say "hate radius" I'm not talking about plain ol' aggro. There is a radius for that as well, but that's not at issue here, aggro is your problem 
We all know that in combat there is enmity generated for every action taken. To avoid that enmity toward certain PT members, various actions should be taken conservatively or abilities drawn from subjobs to take care of it.
But there is a line you can cross where you can perform actions and not generate any enmity, wouldn't it be great to know where that line is? Why, a RDM could Convert and Cure in a fight without breaking the tank's hate mid-fight.
Beastmaster and Summoner are a helpful way to see where that line is.
I don't deal with windower or distance plug-ins, so I can't give you straight numbers, however, with a pet, I can give you a fair idea where to find that line.
In a fight, a BST will use their pets to whittle a mob down a fair bit before they melee, they may also wish to use this time to heal MP, cure themselves or recast Utsusemi. We don't want to do this near our pets, though, as it will move us up the hate list.
And so, we move ourselves just before a point where we can no longer see the pet's HP bar. Cross that line and the HP bar disappears. You might also see this other pet jobs when the wyvern, avatar or automation is not identified with a master, same thing they crossed that line. This also happens to be the point where you can no longer recieve EXP for a battle and pet HP and TP macros no longe work.
Its just roughly 5 paces before you cross this line that you've crossed the line where you no longer generate enmity. But another way to eye it is with your chat log. Use your pet to cover you and walk the until you no longer see the damage logged, when you hit that point, you are in the safe zone.
RDM can convert and cure, DRK can Last Resort, WAR could Berzerk and Warcry - doesn't matter what the action is, you won't move up the hate list.
However, the radius can increase if the mob is larger than usual. An antlion or dhamel wouldn't have as small a radius as an imp or colibri. So its important to keep that in mind while taking advantage of this.
This is one of the things I take advantage of while soloing BST. I found in my short-lived RDM career this knowledge was useful for RDM as well, so now I pass the savings on to you.
*The BBQ Kitten Revolution will not be held responsible for situations resulting in death such as HNMs, Grands, Gods and NMs where this tactic does not apply. They will hate you and will plot to kill you until you log out or your alliance kills them.

We all know that in combat there is enmity generated for every action taken. To avoid that enmity toward certain PT members, various actions should be taken conservatively or abilities drawn from subjobs to take care of it.
But there is a line you can cross where you can perform actions and not generate any enmity, wouldn't it be great to know where that line is? Why, a RDM could Convert and Cure in a fight without breaking the tank's hate mid-fight.
Beastmaster and Summoner are a helpful way to see where that line is.
I don't deal with windower or distance plug-ins, so I can't give you straight numbers, however, with a pet, I can give you a fair idea where to find that line.
In a fight, a BST will use their pets to whittle a mob down a fair bit before they melee, they may also wish to use this time to heal MP, cure themselves or recast Utsusemi. We don't want to do this near our pets, though, as it will move us up the hate list.
And so, we move ourselves just before a point where we can no longer see the pet's HP bar. Cross that line and the HP bar disappears. You might also see this other pet jobs when the wyvern, avatar or automation is not identified with a master, same thing they crossed that line. This also happens to be the point where you can no longer recieve EXP for a battle and pet HP and TP macros no longe work.
Its just roughly 5 paces before you cross this line that you've crossed the line where you no longer generate enmity. But another way to eye it is with your chat log. Use your pet to cover you and walk the until you no longer see the damage logged, when you hit that point, you are in the safe zone.
RDM can convert and cure, DRK can Last Resort, WAR could Berzerk and Warcry - doesn't matter what the action is, you won't move up the hate list.
However, the radius can increase if the mob is larger than usual. An antlion or dhamel wouldn't have as small a radius as an imp or colibri. So its important to keep that in mind while taking advantage of this.
This is one of the things I take advantage of while soloing BST. I found in my short-lived RDM career this knowledge was useful for RDM as well, so now I pass the savings on to you.

*The BBQ Kitten Revolution will not be held responsible for situations resulting in death such as HNMs, Grands, Gods and NMs where this tactic does not apply. They will hate you and will plot to kill you until you log out or your alliance kills them.