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Dynamis Doubts

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  • Dynamis Doubts

    Hello RDM forum. Im recently rethinking my ideas about dynamis. I dont know how it is with most shells but drop rates for RDM relic AF is really dismal, Even with 2-3 TH3's. Since my time in my dynamis shell (November 06) ive been to many dynamis and have seen 2 RDM AF drop, the hands (which i got outlotted) and legs(which i got). Im going on my 4th month in my shell with 1 piece (a fairly usless piece compaired to what i use now).

    What adds to the problem is there is about 4+ RDM with more points than me so they would get lotting priority over any piece that drops. There are about 7 RDM mains in my shell lol. I guess im questioning if its really worth it to pay 20-30k 2 times a week to use 4ish hours of my time and walk away with nothing.

    Honestly, going into dynamis i knew i would have to wait a while to get what i want: Full RDM relic AF. At the very least, the body and hat (definitly the 2 most desired pieces by almost any RDM). Realistically i imagine i could get all my pieces within the next year 1/2. Also been thinking of switching main to BRD. Note- Im not saying i dont like my shell, i do, its a very good shell. Just the fact that almost every RDM has double the points i do combined with the shitty drop rate.

    So, I dunno. Guess i just wanted to voice my situtation and gain feedback and expirences as to other RDM's own dynamis. How long did it take you to get you pieces? Did you have doubts? Please tell, im intrested.^^

  • #2
    Re: Dynamis Doubts

    Drop rates for any AF is really dismal, especially as you move into the Northlands.

    There are a lot of RDM in this game. Chances are you're going to be lotting against a lot of folks in Dynamis. You just have to buck up and deal with it.


    • #3
      Re: Dynamis Doubts

      I've been doing dynamis for 3 years. I've only seen Rdm hat dropped once.
      2 more dropped on runs I didn't attend, they went for 100+ points, for my shell you need to be really active for over 3 months to get that much point.
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: Dynamis Doubts

        A lot of RDMs just duo or solo the hat now. It costs a heck of a lot of gil, but it may be faster then the ls route.

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #5
          Re: Dynamis Doubts

          RDM AFv2 competition is very fierce as over the years high levels have accrued several high level RDMs. And, in a handful of cases, there are those just out to collect v2s for cool factor on jobs they don't really seriously play now, which I find utterly disgusting.

          Yeah, they might have had the points, but didn't need it and won't use it, so why lot over a RDM main that will put it to good use? Don't come to Dynamis if you're just gonna play Barbie with AFv2 and do nothing else with it.

          I haven't done any of the CoP Dynamis areas, but its my understanding that you don't have to have obtained the v2 in the RoZ Dynamis to get the +1 of v2s in the CoP Dynamis since they drop there, too.

          Most Dyna shells I know of focus on RoZ and heavily on Northlands, but there are shells that also do CoP Dynamis or focus on it. There's probably less competiton in those shells since RoZ Dynamis is so familiar and an easier path to take for the majority of players.

          So maybe CoP Dynamis is somthing to look into.

          I'm fortunate in that practically all my jobs are low in population, so competition on endgame gear is not something I really worry about too much. Sadly, RDM is not that fortunate and you have not only the real RDMs to compete with, but pretender RDMs, too.


          • #6
            Re: Dynamis Doubts

            Wait a lot of RDMS duo or solo the rdm af2 hat? Is that possible?


            • #7
              Re: Dynamis Doubts

              Originally posted by raidenn View Post
              Wait a lot of RDMS duo or solo the rdm af2 hat? Is that possible?
              Ok, not a lot per se. It is possible but its a pain to do and takes a lot of deaths from what I read. It basically involves DoTing the NM to death and continuously dying and reraising as they wail on you. I'm pretty sure BLM and RDM are the only jobs that can pull it off.

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • #8
                Re: Dynamis Doubts

                Sometimes I wish you can do Dynamis with just 1-2 parties instead of large alliances.


                • #9
                  Re: Dynamis Doubts

                  Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
                  Ok, not a lot per se. It is possible but its a pain to do and takes a lot of deaths from what I read. It basically involves DoTing the NM to death and continuously dying and reraising as they wail on you. I'm pretty sure BLM and RDM are the only jobs that can pull it off.
                  While I believe it's possible to do, I can't believe anyone would willingly do it. An hourglass to try costs a million gil on its own. When Avesta did this he went through three whole reraise gorgets before the NM died. Even at that, the drop rate on the hat is horrible. The 15 NMs usually drop only 1-2 relic pieces per run among them, so figure the drop rate for getting 1 item from 1 NM is about 10%. You'd be spending like 10M gil and 200k exp for a hat on average.

                  The shell I'm in now has been doing Xarcabard twice a month and has seen 11 chapeaus drop in the past two years. That's including maybe two hours of farming time after clearing the MB. I'd absolutely be happy to take that 25%ish drop rate at a fraction of the cost compared to solo attempts for 1M gil a pop and a 10% drop rate.

                  Responding to the OP: Imo, nothing in the game is worth it unless you enjoy it. If you don't have fun doing dynamis twice a week with your shell, even if you get your goal for a full set of rdm relic, you probably still won't be very happy about so much as relieved it's over.

                  Actually ... I really want those pants. I'd say the tabard is at the bottom of my list. It's pretty much just for looks unless you're blink tanking, which is probably my least favorite way to solo.
                  Last edited by Taskmage; 03-01-2007, 03:46 PM.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: Dynamis Doubts

                    Could BBQ's post be more bitter? Jesus Christ. Don't join crappy endgame shells and you won't have to deal with such ridiculous behavior.


                    edited to add: As much as I'd like a set of AF2, I wouldn't be so desperate as to try soloing a set. I haven't had anything but positive experiences with folks at endgame, and I wouldn't join an LS that would keep me waiting 2+ years to even lot on something from Dynamis. That's just silly.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dynamis Doubts

                      That's one of the things I hate about XI, Dynamis is a lot of fun, but turning it into a job to get full AF and a relic weapon after 2 years (or more) is the stupidest thing in the game.

                      With all the jobs to lvl and all the stuff to do the drop rates in Dynamis are the cheapest time sinks.

                      Thinking about it I'm glad I stopped doing Dynamis after beating the DL, had I stayed doing it weekly I would've quit the game a really long time ago.
                      Last edited by Raydeus; 03-01-2007, 06:24 PM.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #12
                        Re: Dynamis Doubts

                        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                        Could BBQ's post be more bitter? Jesus Christ. Don't join crappy endgame shells and you won't have to deal with such ridiculous behavior.
                        edited to add: As much as I'd like a set of AF2, I wouldn't be so desperate as to try soloing a set. I haven't had anything but positive experiences with folks at endgame, and I wouldn't join an LS that would keep me waiting 2+ years to even lot on something from Dynamis. That's just silly.
                        Actually, I gotta agree with 'kitten. Really, how many endgame shells do you know that don't have such ridiculous behaviour? The gear mongering from players who already have what they need, the "skip out when I get what I want", the shell leaders who ignore their points system to favor their buddies, so on, and so forth. Worst of all are the ones who hoard the hardest pieces of JSE to get simply because they like the pieces, whether they really play the job be damned. I'd daresay every 2 out of 3 HNM/Dynamis shells suffer these diseases horribly, and how often does a new, competent shell pop up that you can get in on, where you don't have to wait in line? It's pretty rare, and rarer still to see one last long.

                        I understand the bitterness, I share it wholeheartedly. In the end, if you want the gear bad enough, you'll grit your teeth and stick it out. Unless S-E sees that the rat race they've created(in the form of HNM camping/Dynamis runs) is not truly fun, it's really all you can do.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dynamis Doubts

                          Dynamis AF drop rates are truly horrid. Everyone jokes about drg and bst AF, but even that is as pathetic as any other. Northlands is worst than most. We can go on average 15-17 in a city, to 1 in Xarca.

                          My ls runs a tier system, especially for northlands. If you don't come to 75%+ events as your main choice for AF (with the exception of 5/5), forget about lotting. If you don't come after you get the AF, /kick. As a result, I'm fairly new, but I am actually only competing with about 3 others for hat. We did have one run when we saw first blm, then 2 rdm hats, followed by whm.

                          Dynamis is hard work, and the AF drop rates are pretty crap, but if you don't enjoy it, it makes it 10 times worse.

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • #14
                            Re: Dynamis Doubts

                            Yeah, but there are plenty of shells who do things fairly and do everything they can to avoid the drama. Yes, the majority aren't this way, but there are many that are. The dynamis ls I'm about to join only has a rule that you can't lot on icelands until you'e made 10 runs. When items do fall, its lot for people with the job 70+, tier 2 is 60+, and tier 3 is 40+. If it goes to a tier you can lot in and thats what you've chosen to lot for the day, then you have the option of lotting for it. You do have to be willing to use that job in dynamis, though. This is something that is looked at by the ls leaders and something will be said if you don't. Attendance is also taken, and if you suddenly quit showing up to a run after you get the af that it drops, or don't show up to a run that doesn't drop your af, then you're booted. I have to say I don't personally care for point systems in HNMls's. There are many players that do nothing but play this game and have all the time in the world to camp every mob and show up to every event and quickly accrue ungodly amounts of points and get everything they want. I don't think you should be punished for having a job and a RL, but thats getting off topic.
                            Now, if you have your heart set on a shadow ring and mantle, then you're probably SOL. I don't know of any dyna ls's that don't use points for those things, but atleast with dyna ls's you only have two runs a week and making time for this is much easier than your typical HNMls's schedule.
                            Taskmage hit the nail on the head, if you enjoy dynamis, then don't worry about so much about getting the relic gear. If you hate doing it, then it might be wise to just cut your losses and do something else. No point in driving yourself crazy trying to get relic gear for the next year only to become very bitter and hating this game.
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #15
                              Re: Dynamis Doubts

                              Originally posted by IxX3xil3d0n3XxI View Post
                              What adds to the problem is there is about 4+ RDM with more points than me so they would get lotting priority over any piece that drops. There are about 7 RDM mains in my shell lol. I guess im questioning if its really worth it to pay 20-30k 2 times a week to use 4ish hours of my time and walk away with nothing.
                              Since you're paying for entry do you lot or allow random drops for coins? If so then they shouyld cover the fee you're paying. As for time, well, Dynamis does take alot of time to get full relic sets, especially on populat jobs such as RDM. Personally with my Dynamis LS we rarely have to pay, usually someone sponcers the run, paying the full cost themselves and getting all coins, its usually just the CoP zones we pay for individually since they're rarely sponcered.

                              I was out lotted on the RDM hat twice. The first time another RDM had just 1 point more than me, the second time it dropped (well 3rd but I wasn't even close to getting it the first time) I'd just spent half my points 1 week earlier getting the Tabard. I've been doing Dynamis for maybe 2 years now, can't remember exactly and just got full 5/5 (excluding belt) a few weeks ago. Like with any eng game gear, it takes patience to get. I still need my Z.Mitts ><

