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RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

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  • #61
    Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

    That's not true.


    • #62
      Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      That's not true.
      Humor me - RDM level and highest chain?


      • #63
        Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

        73 and somewhere in the hundreds.

        edit: Oh wait, you mean when I was in the party. I have no idea anymore. It was sometime in the fall. I haven't leveled RDM in months.


        • #64
          Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          73 and somewhere in the hundreds.
          Yes, but you're leaving out some things

          Did you have a BRD? Were you on the backline?


          • #65
            Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

            We had a BRD, but I wasn't getting Ballad. And yes, I was on the back line. I'm always on the back line.


            • #66
              Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              We had a BRD, but I wasn't getting Ballad. And yes, I was on the back line. I'm always on the back line.
              If you were main heal, you would need ballads. If there was a WHM, they'd need Ballads + Refresh to keep such high chains. Your tank and melee would have to be evasion gods for that to happen otherwise.

              You had Ballads.


              • #67
                Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                No I didn't. I took BRD to 75. I know when someone does or doesn't have Ballad. But obviously you know better than I do, because you were in the party instead of me, right?

                Regardless of your edit, you're still wrong. I can manage my MP just fine, provided everyone else pulls their weight as well. We didn't break chains from lack of mana. Ever. We may have stopped here and there because people needed a sanity break, but it wasn't because the mages needed to take a knee.
                Last edited by Murphie; 02-27-2007, 09:56 PM.


                • #68
                  Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  If you think it isn't, you likely haven't seen very high EXP chains.
                  Maybe not, but:

                  1. After a certain chain number, exp/limit points ain't gonna get any higher anyway, so I'm not losing sleep over it, and...

                  2. It wasn't because I ran out of mana, that's for damn sure, and...

                  3. I said "chain breaking." The fact that I miss the Ballad/roll isn't gonna result in downtime every fight, or every other fight. Or every four fights, for that matter. We can still hum along fine and dandy, so long as we don't run into competition from other camps, nobody dies, leaves, etc...


                  • #69
                    Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    If you were main heal, you would need ballads. If there was a WHM, they'd need Ballads + Refresh to keep such high chains. Your tank and melee would have to be evasion gods for that to happen otherwise.

                    You had Ballads.
                    Stalker much?
                    Cleverness - Hades
                    DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                    • #70
                      Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                      No I didn't. I took BRD to 75. I know when someone does or doesn't have Ballad. But obviously you know better than I do, because you were in the party instead of me, right?
                      A BRD that forgets ballads is a totally worthless BRD. Forgeting melee buffs is bad enough, forgetting mage buffs is unforgivable.

                      Simplest answer is often the right one.

                      You had Ballads.


                      • #71
                        Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                        No, I didn't. I was in the party, so there is no fucking simplest answer. I know what I had and what I didn't have.

                        EDIT: Ease up on the flames please, or take it to PMs - Icemage
                        Last edited by Icemage; 02-27-2007, 11:13 PM. Reason: No need to beat a dead horse.


                        • #72
                          Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                          I've been in infini-chain parties with two bards, only gotten intermittent ballads because they were too busy pulling and dispelling and keeping up a double set of melee buffs. MP was tight sometimes, but I managed with just 4mp/tick 80%+ of the time. It is not strictly necessary to have ballads to maintain that kind of chain, though I will grant that the rest of the party was composed of excellent players.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #73
                            Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                            I've been in infini-chain parties with two bards, only gotten intermittent ballads because they were too busy pulling and dispelling and keeping up a double set of melee buffs. MP was tight sometimes, but I managed with just 4mp/tick 80%+ of the time. It is not strictly necessary to have ballads to maintain that kind of chain, though I will grant that the rest of the party was composed of excellent players.
                            Exactly. If everyone else is performing at their peak, then you don't need Ballad to keep things rolling. Is it helpful? Sure. But you can do without it, and still get excellent EXP.


                            • #74
                              Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                              Exactly. If everyone else is performing at their peak, then you don't need Ballad to keep things rolling. Is it helpful? Sure. But you can do without it, and still get excellent EXP.
                              Naw man, bbq says you had Ballads, so you had Ballads. I mean bbq knows everything M I RITE!? /sarcasm.

                              EDIT: No need for personal attacks. Please tone it down. - Icemage
                              Last edited by Icemage; 02-27-2007, 11:24 PM.
                              Cleverness - Hades
                              DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                              • #75
                                Re: RDM Melee (Renarudo Style)

                                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                                I've been in infini-chain parties with two bards, only gotten intermittent ballads because they were too busy pulling and dispelling and keeping up a double set of melee buffs. MP was tight sometimes, but I managed with just 4mp/tick 80%+ of the time. It is not strictly necessary to have ballads to maintain that kind of chain, though I will grant that the rest of the party was composed of excellent players.
                                Word. If you have a great team(and everything is going well), you can get those chain-whatevers no problem. The RDM doesn't need the BRD to help the team pull and kill like crazy, we never did. I will concede that it helps, but it's not necessary.

                                That said, if you really can effectively fit in some meleeing on the front line, then that can help as well.

