Re: Potency of Enfeebling Magic
Well for one thing, even though Accession Phalanx is pretty damn cool, Scholars only get one strategem charge every 4 minutes and Phalanx only lasts 3, so once you've exhausted your store of 4 charges it would be impossible to maintain Phalanx full time and you would sacrifice the use of strategems on any other spells to even try—correct me if I'm wrong.
Putting aside the redundancy of multiple rdms with maxed Slow II and Para II, I can think of a few situations where a strong DoT spell would be worth the sacrifice of utsusemi. My friend got me hooked on soloing/duoing wamoura princes for merits. Blink/stoneskin is more than sufficient for kiting those guys around, or even their adult versions.
There are also some HNMs, though I should say again that my experience there is somewhat limited, with ridiculously high auto-regen, such as Kirin and JoL. Having the strongest DoT possible on them to help counter that would be beneficial. More beneficial than -10% or -15% defense? Hard to say. I would think so but the question probably depends a lot on the damage strategy your shell uses to wear them down. This goes for farming normal Yovras too.
As for solo kited fights I don't know. To be honest I haven't even successfully soloed Fenrir yet. I think Avesta's Charybdis solo shows that /nin isn't always a strict necessity in a kited fight. Still a very good idea of course but the better you are at kiting and the more you control the fight the less additional defensive abilities are necessary. Ix'mnk for example never catches up to you if you're doing it right. If you're not, you're boned anyway. I wouldn't suggest bringing /sch to solo say Zipacna, who hits like multiple trucks and is kited in a very narrow area, but there are worthwhile solo targets with less offensive capability. Remember also that active Dark Arts gives you an additional reduction in recast time on Bind, which is another less obvious layer of defense.
Well for one thing, even though Accession Phalanx is pretty damn cool, Scholars only get one strategem charge every 4 minutes and Phalanx only lasts 3, so once you've exhausted your store of 4 charges it would be impossible to maintain Phalanx full time and you would sacrifice the use of strategems on any other spells to even try—correct me if I'm wrong.
Putting aside the redundancy of multiple rdms with maxed Slow II and Para II, I can think of a few situations where a strong DoT spell would be worth the sacrifice of utsusemi. My friend got me hooked on soloing/duoing wamoura princes for merits. Blink/stoneskin is more than sufficient for kiting those guys around, or even their adult versions.
There are also some HNMs, though I should say again that my experience there is somewhat limited, with ridiculously high auto-regen, such as Kirin and JoL. Having the strongest DoT possible on them to help counter that would be beneficial. More beneficial than -10% or -15% defense? Hard to say. I would think so but the question probably depends a lot on the damage strategy your shell uses to wear them down. This goes for farming normal Yovras too.
As for solo kited fights I don't know. To be honest I haven't even successfully soloed Fenrir yet. I think Avesta's Charybdis solo shows that /nin isn't always a strict necessity in a kited fight. Still a very good idea of course but the better you are at kiting and the more you control the fight the less additional defensive abilities are necessary. Ix'mnk for example never catches up to you if you're doing it right. If you're not, you're boned anyway. I wouldn't suggest bringing /sch to solo say Zipacna, who hits like multiple trucks and is kited in a very narrow area, but there are worthwhile solo targets with less offensive capability. Remember also that active Dark Arts gives you an additional reduction in recast time on Bind, which is another less obvious layer of defense.