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Need some equipment help @ lvl 65

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  • Need some equipment help @ lvl 65

    Need help with what to wear on shoulders, belt, and rings.

    Also is there better armor than AF to be wearing for partying?

    I stop playing so much that I forget most of everything about items and stuff

    I'm just scared of looking like a noob with my items, because I have no clue what I should have at my lvl. So any help would be awesome. Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Need some equipment help @ lvl 65

    Originally posted by Rodin View Post
    At level 60, you will want:

    Weapon: Elemental Staves

    Ammo/Ranged: Morion Tathlum

    Head: Warlock's Chapeau

    Body: Warlock's Tabard

    Hands: AF Hands are acceptable, but you can use RSE, or Baron's Cuffs (MND +1 INT+1), depending on your race.

    Legs: Warlock's Tights

    Feet: Again, the AF is acceptable, but depending on your race, you can use RSE.

    Back: Red Cape +1 (This will last you from 43 to 71, get the +1, it's not that expensive).

    Neck: I'd say go with a Promise Badge, it's free from a quest, you'll need a high level friend or friends to do it with, but if not, it's relatively cheap on the AH. MND+5 HP+10.

    Rings: INT or MND rings are good. You can also use Astrals or an Astral + Ether, or an Ether + one INT or MND ring.

    Earrings: Phantom Earring is good. Geist Earrings are also nice. Use one of those, and a Moldavite Earring, if you can get a friend to help you camp Mysticmaker Profblix. If not, another Phantom earring is good.
    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    Ammo: Fortune Egg is a reasonable substitute for Morion/Phantom Tathlum

    Hands: Devotee's Mitts(+1) are amazing when casting any white magic.

    Back: I like Gramary Cape over Red Cape+1. Cheaper, easier to get, roughly equivalent overall performance.

    Neck: If you quest the Promise Badge, don't forget to complete the next quest, which yields the Rare/Exclusive Star Necklace that converts 15HP to MP. Very useful for Convert macro sets.

    Rings: Astral/Ether Rings are fine, but you can get by with Electrums if money is tight (I'd much rather see someone buy a full set of elemental staves than spend that money on one Astral Ring).

    Earrings: Enhancing Earring is a useful +5 HP and +5 MP for almost no money.

    Otherwise agree with the above list.

    At level 65 I think the only additional thing you need to worry about is torques. Enfeebling and Elemental are most important for parties. Spider can suffice if you can't afford Enfeebling. Enhancing is only really important for solo.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Need some equipment help @ lvl 65

      I noticed the posts I quoted don't mention the waist slot, which you asked about. The best item for that slot is generally Penitent's Rope for +5 int and mnd and -3 enmity. If you can't afford that, Royal Knight's Belt will do just fine, and some RSE belts like Jungle Stone are worth mentioning.

      Also those posts were made before the introduction of assault equipment. I consider the +30 hp and mp from Intensifying Cape to be more useful than the minor potency and accuracy bonuses from Red Cape +1 or Gramary Cape. Antivenom Earring, Insomnia Earring, and Ebullient Ring are all very good equipment for boosting your hp and mp. Antivenom Earring gives an additional +1 hMP, and the latter two give useful status resistance. I like Hale Ring as well for its +3 int and mnd. You can get rings with higher bonuses to either, but saving a space in your inventory and and equip swap line in your macros may be better for you.

      Any of those items will last you to 75, so they're good investments.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: Need some equipment help @ lvl 65 from 60-75 kinda general but it convers it I think

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