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Maat Fight Blues ='(

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  • #16
    Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

    I agree, it's definately putting the cart before the horse to quit RDM for fear of losing to Maat when you're level 11 >_>;; ...Any job is a long and eventful road, and there isn't really any job where you can gain a true understanding of the mechanics of the job and determine if you even LIKE it that early. I'd say try it out and don't THINK about Maat. At all. Period. If you can make it to level 50 and aren't ready to scream about how tired you are of people whining for refresh the instant it wears off, you might be able to take RDM the long haul. :D

    And anyway, if you just want to raise a job that's easy to beat Maat with, I wouldn't necessarily suggest SMN either, based on what I've heard. Don't get me wrong, from what I understand, the SMN Maat fight isn't terribly difficult. I've never done it, because by the time I got my SMN to 70+, I'd already beaten him as a RDM.

    But if you just want a job where you don't have to worry too hard about killing Maat, I'd suggest WHM. Yes, it's possible to lose to WHM Maat. I know a WHM who lost to him a number of times, and he's a moderator on this forum. (/wave you know who you are) However, basically, the WHM Maat strategy is "Don't die." My RL husband beat Maat as a WHM, I watched the fight, and basically all he had to do was keep himself alive until Maat got tired of hitting him.
    召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
    San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


    • #17
      Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

      Do the trick I did, if you like. Go in at level 69 with a couple hundred TNL, bring in an item that bestows experience points, and use it when your HP/MP is drying out and you have Maat asleep. You'll level up to 70 and get a free HP/MP refill.

      well my plan from start was
      Buy List:
      5X HP Potion
      5X Hi Ether
      Yad Drink
      I wouldn't recommend Hi-Ethers, IIRC these have a delay attached to them after use that will prevent you from using any spells/JAs for a few seconds, and I've heard many stories of this delay being the death of some people (not just in this fight either). Stick with Mulsums and Ethers, or Vile Elixirs if you really feel like burning money on meds (I didn't, which is why I did the EXP scroll trick >_>)

      Hi-Ethers are mostly used by SMNs for recharging their MP after using an Astral Flow attack, where the delay tends not to matter as much (you need to wait a minute between Blood Pacts anyhow).

      Hmm ... thinking back I think they changed Blink so it doesn't fully absorb multi-hit weaponskills in one shadow. It probably happened the same time they let things strip multiple shadows of Utsusemi. Anyone know?
      The way I understand it, Blink is basically Utsusemi, only it's 2 shadows and only a 50% chance for a shadow to "proc" and take a hit for you.

      As anyone who's ever fought a MNK in Ballista can probably attest, a MNK's Asuran Fists will rip down Utsusemi and still deal damage; albeit less than what it would without shadows because a certain amount of the punches will still get absorbed.

      The only "shadow" like ability that can fully absorb a multi-hit physical based WS as far as I know, is Third Eye.

      Blink and SS should definitely be kept up in this fight as much as possible, though. The thing with Asuran Fists is, once he's used it once it probably means he's gone into SSJ mode and he'll usually spam it until you die, assuming the first one doesn't kill you. *remembers the screenshot of a PLD using Invincible and taking 8 Asuran Fists in a row before Invincible finally wore off and PLD died x.x* There isn't much you can do about that no matter how much you buff yourself. Blink/SS still are excellent protection for everything else he can throw at you though.


      • #18
        Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

        Originally posted by IxX3xil3d0n3XxI View Post
        i went 1/1 on rdm maat, i told my ls i was trying for that, and just got laughed at, heh. I believe the key to my victory was preperation. I had the moldavite earring, i had enfeeb torque and earring, solo'd my test, went in on windsday, i only brought a vile elixar and the +1 ver. Nothing resisted(except gravity lol). only mistake i made was using chainspell to late, he died 2 aero3's into it.
        This echoes my experience with RDM Maat. Aside from having farmed up a Moldy, bought a Phantom Earring, and such, I also brought an Intelligence Potion -- they're cheap on Midgard. Between that and my native taru INT, most of the time he slept like a baby; I even got to rest during one of his naps. I didn't even go on Darksday; I think it was Lightningday or something irrelevant like that. All in all, I was amazed at how easy it was. -- Pteryx


        • #19
          Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

          Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
          This echoes my experience with RDM Maat. Aside from having farmed up a Moldy, bought a Phantom Earring, and such, I also brought an Intelligence Potion -- they're cheap on Midgard. Between that and my native taru INT, most of the time he slept like a baby; I even got to rest during one of his naps. I didn't even go on Darksday; I think it was Lightningday or something irrelevant like that. All in all, I was amazed at how easy it was. -- Pteryx
          Hm, halfway through the fight he always starts resting my Sleeps. Also I have never landed Silence, or Gravity on him, if it wasn't for the fact I can land a lot of unresisted Aero's.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #20
            Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

            The advice I got regarding silence is it's safer if he can cast spells. There's always the chance he'll waste his time casting stoneskin or blind or something. If he can't cast, then his only option is to melee, which saves him the trouble of deciding to get up in your face and asuran fist you to death.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #21
              Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

              Edit on my last post- i went on Darksday, for sleeps, dont go on any other day

              things you dont want to do to maat- Silence- Anytime RDM maat is casting a spell is less time that hes smacking you around with his fists.

              gravity is very nice if you can get it stick, i couldnt, but i did bind him once, which bought me some time. also vile exliar and vile+1 are very very nice ^^


              • #22
                Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

                Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                The advice I got regarding silence is it's safer if he can cast spells. There's always the chance he'll waste his time casting stoneskin or blind or something. If he can't cast, then his only option is to melee, which saves him the trouble of deciding to get up in your face and asuran fist you to death.
                The only spells in Maat's arsenal that you really need to worry about are Silence and Paralyze. Silence is counterable with echo drops. Paralyze is very scary, however, since it can (with some bad luck) singlehandedly cause you to lose the fight if it procs too often. Some people go in with Remedies just in case (this actually isn't a bad idea, particularly since Remedies drop like candy from Assaults).

                Otherwise it doesn't much matter what Maat chooses to cast since you're probably going to be putting him to sleep (or trying to) at all other times.

                The real reason not to Silence him, though, is that every moment he spends casting spells is a moment when he's not meleeing and gaining TP for Asuran Fists.



                • #23
                  Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

                  Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                  The real reason not to Silence him, though, is that every moment he spends casting spells is a moment when he's not meleeing and gaining TP for Asuran Fists.
                  I don't think this really matters. He hardly touched me at all then as soon as he resisted my Sleeps, he hit me with 3 Asuran Fists in a row.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • #24
                    Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

                    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                    The only spells in Maat's arsenal that you really need to worry about are Silence and Paralyze. Silence is counterable with echo drops. Paralyze is very scary, however, since it can (with some bad luck) singlehandedly cause you to lose the fight if it procs too often.
                    Oh god, paralyze is a very scary thing in Maat fight - he did that to me, and was paralyzed while trying to use my Vile Elixir +1. You could hear the crys all the way back to Jeuno. My Maat fight was interesting - he resisted my sleeps at first (darksday, HQ dark staff, Enf torque and earring (yay), but I decided not to panic. In the end I was gonna loose, so going out with a bang, I CS aero III early, and was shocked as hell to win...

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                    • #25
                      Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

                      I've gone 0/2 with Maat yesterday, first shot was just a test run, see what the area was like, room to get my bearings. I gave it a shot but didnt win.

                      Second time he resisted my sleeps because my enf skills are lacking, I have spider torque, Pluto's Staff, but still need a few levels on enfeebling.

                      I'm planning on going back at 69ish, and work on upping my skills, getting a few more bits of equipment (planning that right now) and hopefully Ill have a win.

                      What I will say, that I havent seen anybody else say unless I missed it, was getting your testimony.

                      My first fight I had my test from months ago, went in and panicked / died.

                      No LS members on to help, I went down to Qulun Dome and started trying to solo Ruby Quadav, also panicked my ass off and had to zone about half a dozen times.

                      I took a look at my macros, spell damage from the different runs, went back in and killed him three times for my second test - solo. My nerves are now a lot better (lol) and I panicked a lot less after taking out Ruby than I did earlier.

                      Ruby Quadav is your best practice for sleep nuking Maat - you do exactly the same thing (aside from the initial pull for Ruby), sleep mob, buff / debuff, nuke, and repeat, resting as necessary.

                      You WILL panic, you MAY die, but as long as you learn something from it, the experience is a benefit.

                      Which FF Character Are You?


                      • #26
                        Re: Maat Fight Blues ='(

                        i saw this on youtube this nin barely got hit by matt ....matt was destroied

                        It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                        To those who are about to tank I salute you.

