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Red Mage Testimony

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  • Red Mage Testimony

    Hello all!

    I am 69 Red Mage at the moment;
    and I know I probably should have got my testimony a long time ago,
    but, I hate /shouting for help.

    I still don't have a testimony, and I'm about 12k to next level.

    My question is:
    1) Where is the best place to get a Red Mage Testimony?
    2) What Level help, and what kind of jobs do I need to help me with this?
    3) Does anyone know the drop rate of the Testimonies?

    Thank you for any help.
    RedMage 75 || BlackMage 41 || WhiteMage 22 || BlueMage 22

    Paladin 21 || DarkKnight 19

    Ninja 44 || Warrior 34 || Monk 45

    Samari 35 || Dragoon 8

    Ranger 24 || Thief 61

    BeastMaster 14 || Bard 10 || Summoner 14

    PuppetMaster 31

    The only loss in death, is to gain nothing after life...

  • #2
    Re: Red Mage Testimony

    Where to get a Testimony.

    You can probably solo it, mob depending. A friend of mine had some luck with Hover Tanks.


    • #3
      Re: Red Mage Testimony

      Hover Tanks can definitely be solo'd, and they're safe too since you can fight with a zoneline to your back. Enter Temple of Uggalepih, sneak/invis up, and take all lefts, going through a hidden door (drop invisible and activate it, go through, and invis again). Go back out through that side to Yhoator Jungle, then follow the outside hallway around until you re-enter Temple of Uggalepih. Just past the zoneline where you re-enter are a couple of Hover Tanks. Bring a bow and some arrows and use them to pull them.

      Shouldn't take more than a few kills, the drop rate is relatively decent as I recall.



      • #4
        Re: Red Mage Testimony

        Haha, I had horrible luck with Hover Tanks. None that I soloed ever dropped anything for me. I found that I only ever got what I wanted when accompanied by a THF.
        Another solo opportunity(and good exercise for Maat strategies), is Ruby Quadav in Beadeaux. Drag he and the other quadavs to the zone line, Sleep Ruby, and zone to despawn the others. Afterward, simply use the Sleep/Nuke method on Ruby, zoning if you get in any real trouble.
        I'd mention Sky, but you can't really solo the pots there. It's best to go if you have a team together.


        • #5
          Re: Red Mage Testimony

          If you have a friend that is level 65+ BST, they can get one for you: I was soloing on the 11th & 12th floors of delkfutts tower at 65 and tossing them away like confetti. along with WAR, RNG, BST, MNK ... I swear if you were to use scavenge on the stairs there, you'd probably find hundreds ^^. For the record, I have taken a RDM friend of mine up there twice now for her testy, and dropped it in the first 10 minutes each time.

          Dire bats cut into those pots like a hot knife into butter, so they're great for exp, just run like heck out of range of the -ga spells!

          Hope that helps, and good luck with Maat!
          CatrinM WHM75/BST75/BRD45/BLM37/PLD37/WAR37
          Bastok [10] Sandoria [10] Windurst [9]
          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
          Catrin BST75/WHM37/BLM31/SMN9/NIN7/MNK6
          Bastok [6] Sandoria [1] Windurst [1]
          Linkshell: PromathiaChained / Shiva
          Beastmasters never die, we just get do-overs!


          • #6
            Re: Red Mage Testimony

            I got mine from the Ruby Quadav. It was quite easy except due to his long respawn time it can take a long time. I got my first testimony on the first kill. My second testimony took about 10 kills (5 hours!).


            • #7
              Re: Red Mage Testimony

              u could always kill pots in sky, but of course ud have to get it on a run or somethin, but the testimony drop rate is great with those

              Gaze upon its glory.


              • #8
                Re: Red Mage Testimony

                i solo'd mine rdm/nin from a hover tank, dropped 1st try ^^ also went 1/1 on maat =D


                • #9
                  Re: Red Mage Testimony

                  I just got a few of these recently for some friends. RDM and me (SMN73) duos Ruby Quadav in Davoi. If you know your way around there its easy. However its a bit deep in.

                  The drop-rate is very high, we got 3 in 4 kills.



                  • #10
                    Re: Red Mage Testimony

                    I recommend getting a high-level thief to help. TH2 makes it so much easier. And, I don't recommend soloing, unless you're trying to prove something or have alot of hours with nothing else to do. They are possible to solo, but take a long time.

                    My first testimony was from a hover tank in the Temple of Ugly, with assistance of a 75THF. Got it on the first drop. This one took about 10 minutes to get.

                    My 2nd testimony was in the same place, also with a 75 THF, and it took about 10 to 12 hover tanks before it dropped. This one took about an hour or two.

                    My 3rd was obtained from the Ruby Quadavs. For this one, I had a 75 BLM/WHM help me, and about half way thru, I had a warrior and a RDM/THF, join the party. My testimony took around 18 to 20 kills to obtain, and the one for the other RDM took another 4 or 5 kills. So it averaged out to about 1 testimony per 12 kills.

                    Note: Ruby Quadav is in Qulun Dome, not in Davoi, as stated in a previous post. There are 2 of them there, but I recommend just fighting the one near the zone, because fighting the other one will probably result in 4 or 5 links. Even with the one near the zone, you need to either kill or zone 2 other quadavs (darsksteels, platinums, sapphires, and/or ancient) that are also there. Testimonies for warrior, paladin, black mage and dark knight drop in the same area, so you might consider forming a party with people needing those.
                    (Saiph on Sylph server)


                    • #11
                      Re: Red Mage Testimony

                      I recommend getting a high-level thief to help. TH2 makes it so much easier. And, I don't recommend soloing, unless you're trying to prove something or have alot of hours with nothing else to do. They are possible to solo, but take a long time.

                      My first testimony was from a hover tank in the Temple of Ugly, with assistance of a 75THF. Got it on the first drop. This one took about 10 minutes to get.

                      My 2nd testimony was in the same place, also with a 75 THF, and it took about 10 to 12 hover tanks before it dropped. This one took about an hour or two.

                      My 3rd was obtained from the Ruby Quadavs. For this one, I had a 75 BLM/WHM help me, and about half way thru, I had a warrior and a RDM/THF, join the party. My testimony took around 18 to 20 kills to obtain, and the one for the other RDM took another 4 or 5 kills. So it averaged out to about 1 testimony per 12 kills.

                      Note: Ruby Quadav is in Qulun Dome, not in Davoi, as stated in a previous post. There are 2 of them there, but I recommend just fighting the one near the zone, because fighting the other one will probably result in 4 or 5 links. Even with the one near the zone, you need to either kill or zone 2 other quadavs (darsksteels, platinums, sapphires, and/or ancient) that are also there. Testimonies for warrior, paladin, black mage and dark knight drop in the same area, so you might consider forming a party with people needing those.
                      (Saiph on Sylph server)


                      • #12
                        Re: Red Mage Testimony

                        I still preferred to solo my Testimonies. If someone wanted to come along and help, that was ok, but I wasn't going to ask for it. And it worked out ok. Bringing along a 75 THF to insure my chances of a drop seems kind of cheap to me, but everyone values their time differently.


                        • #13
                          Re: Red Mage Testimony

                          Myself and another Red Mage got our testimonies while farming Lanterns for ZM4. Do yourself a favor and kill two birds with one stone! At your level, you and a group of friends can go down here, farm your lanterns, get your testimony, pick up a couple of spell scrolls and maybe a few pot/doll shards for good measure. It's a great little excursion--quite entertaining. The best part is killing Tonberries which, for some reason, is kinda fun. We farmed near the Hate Reset which also means that if you already have your key, you can just reset whenever you feel like.


                          • #14
                            Re: Red Mage Testimony

                            Doing everything with a friend is nice, but you do have to do Maat alone. RDM is one of the few jobs that can practice soloing a lvl70 mob of the same job.

                            Not that doing Ruby is really close to Maat, but if you hadn't done much soloing of anything it does give you some encouragement that you can handle some lvl70 RDM mobs on your own.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #15
                              Re: Red Mage Testimony

                              Of course, to be fair, I didn't go anywhere near Ruby Quadav, and still had no problem with my Maat fight. But I do agree that it's nice practice if nothing else. Understanding the process of sleep nuking is really helpful to the fight. If you feel that you don't really get it, then Ruby Quad (or something like it) is a good way to test things out.

