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Is there something wrong here?

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  • Is there something wrong here?

    I started RDM recently(godly fun!).

    But, I only get 5mp more per lvl and i seem to run out of mp really fast...

    Am i doing something wrong?

    I'm elvaan if that helps at all.

  • #2
    Re: Is there something wrong here?

    Originally posted by darkness1700
    I started RDM recently(godly fun!).

    But, I only get 5mp more per lvl and i seem to run out of mp really fast...

    Am i doing something wrong?

    I'm elvaan if that helps at all.

    No not really. As elvaan we're hindered by low mp as well as low int so you need to wear as much +mp as you can as well as +int and +mnd.

    Also try not to cast too many nukes and stick to your enfeebles. Also make sure you rest whenever you can and use cookies for +hMP or pies for an overall mp boost. Your subjob also affects your mp pool with /smn /blm and /whm giving you more mp than melee subs.


    • #3
      Re: Is there something wrong here?

      Originally posted by darkness1700
      I started RDM recently(godly fun!).

      But, I only get 5mp more per lvl and i seem to run out of mp really fast...

      Am i doing something wrong?

      I'm elvaan if that helps at all.

      Are you still soloing and at a low level? Wait till you get a subjob, then you'll see a bigger boost to your mp pool. Just hang tight and you'll see that as you progress and become a more efficient RDM that your mp pool can be more than enough under normal circumstances (Elvaan has high mind power, so they burn less mp making things stick at the lower levels)


      • #4
        Re: Is there something wrong here?

        Originally posted by darkness1700
        Am i doing something wrong?
        I'm elvaan if that helps at all.
        Indeed, being Elvaan doesn't help at all during the early levels, and actually makes things rather challenging. Elvaan is one of the top MP challenged races.

        Which is not to say that being an Elvaan Red Mage is bad -- far from it. Higher STR means while your meleeing (in the early levels) that you're hitting for better damage. That high Elvaan MND makes your white magic more effective.

        You're doing nothing wrong. You just need to work around that small MP pool (and eventually lower INT). Stock up on +MP gear. If you have cooking leveled, bring incredients for juices. Eat pies to get a larger MP pool, or cookies to heal back your MP faster.
        Last edited by Gentoo; 08-18-2006, 05:37 PM. Reason: #1 punctuation! ; #2 removed random word insertion (note to self: drink less coffee)

        signature by fallenintoshadows


        • #5
          Re: Is there something wrong here?

          Originally posted by queenuma
          No not really. As elvaan we're hindered by low mp as well as low int so you need to wear as much +mp as you can as well as +int and +mnd.
          Elvaan have the highest mnd, load up on Int and Mp. Unless your getting +Mnd on equip that is also +Mp or +Int I wouldnt really bother with it.
          75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
          Woodworking 91.9+2
          ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


          • #6
            Re: Is there something wrong here?

            I would say that discounting +MND may not be the best way to go even if you're Elvaan. Most of Red Mage is debuffing which is MND based. If you try to be a BLM in an Elvaan RDM's body, I think you'll be disappointed in your performance. Play to your strengths. Backup heal--your cures will max out faster. Debuff a lot, your buffs will stick better. Most sources state that each spell interaction between you and a monster is a contest between your skill and their resistance, your stat and their stat. In this case, it's not about having a higher score than a given player, but having a better score than your mob opponent. In party, mob opponents are 5-10 levels higher than you, so you may need +MND for some fights. RDMs also get their mana back at a much slower rate than all other mages until they reach level 40 and get Convert. Nuking heavily will result in low damage numbers, even capped, and an abysmally empty mana pool that will not be available for important tasks like curing (which, as stated, Elvaan excel at).

            Double Post Edited:
            I wanted to add something...

            I don't want you to misinterpret the statements I made and assume that you shouldn't nuke. Red mage is one of the most versatile classes in the game. We can nuke, so we do nuke, and we should nuke. However, throwing all of your eggs into the nuke basket will make you an underpowered Red Mage. Just remember that it's not the only thing you're going to do and it definitely won't be the thing you're best at. At higher levels, we get into massive gear swaps. Swap out +INT gear for +MND gear. Swap in Mana gear when resting and swap it back out when this extra mana is depleted. Ideally, you will be configured to maximize your abilities on both ends by having +INT, +MND, and +MP gear. Early gear is very limited and there are few choices. For you, your first quest should be to kill Nunyenunc. He's relatively easy and drops the Rare/Ex Pilgrim's Wand, a level 10 wand with +2MPh on it. This will help refuel your mana more rapidly when you're resting (which you will be doing a lot of), swap it in when you rest. Remember, though, that swapping weapons will reset your TP to 0%.
            Last edited by Sabaron; 08-18-2006, 05:20 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • #7
              Re: Is there something wrong here?

              I'm thinking going whm sub but i could use the int and mp boosts from blm

              what should i do?


              • #8
                Re: Is there something wrong here?

                Have both BLM and WHM leveled to 37 to sub as the party needs.


                • #9
                  Re: Is there something wrong here?

                  Originally posted by Aeolus
                  Elvaan have the highest mnd, load up on Int and Mp. Unless your getting +Mnd on equip that is also +Mp or +Int I wouldnt really bother with it.
                  As Sabaron already stated, but I will reiterate.

                  Having +mnd gear is still essential regardless of the high elvaan mnd stat. Things such as the justice badge (questable) and saintly rings (dirt cheap) early on are great for making absolutly sure your mnd enfeebles stick and your cures have a greater effect. Discounting +mnd completely is a bad idea especially since rdm are called on to main heal often.

                  Always try to carry at least a pair of ermite's rings, a pair of saintly rings and (if you can afford it) a good wand incase you are called on to main heal.


                  • #10
                    Re: Is there something wrong here?

                    Originally posted by darkness1700
                    I'm thinking going whm sub but i could use the int and mp boosts from blm

                    what should i do?
                    Having a NIN sub post level 24 is good for soloing--Red Mages do quite a bit of soloing because we can. Soloing for XP by the way is not particularly viable, but if you need to top off a level, you can do so. Having a THF sub post 30 is also nice for Treasure Hunter. After you get Convert/Refresh, you don't need to sub NIN to solo because you won't need to melee. You can sub BLM and use the nuke/sleep/bind method that BLM's use to solo.

                    When I get a party, I always ask the leader which sub he prefers, WHM or BLM. If they don't choose, ask about their current party configuration. If there is a WHM and a backup healer already (SMN, BRD, PLD) go with BLM and focus on nukes rather than backup healing. If there's a lone WHM, or they've only got a BRD/SMN/RDM/PLD, you'll be either main or backup healing--take WHM.

