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I see you have MP!

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  • I see you have MP!


    Why, why, why do BLU, DRK always ask for refresh? You'll alwasy be last on my refresh list, and if I have 5 freaking people to refresh, you're probably NOT going to get any unless you're less than half MP at the end of my cycle!!

    God!! This BLU I partied with last night:
    a) spams for refresh
    b) if reaches <100 stops the chain, breaks out the dark staff (usually losing 100+ TP) and rests -while- the PLD & the WHM has almost full to full MP...

    Mr. "Rank 10 & Refresh > Enfeebles"... I'd expect some basic sense of party dynamics... /sigh

    /rant off

    Elffy the untamed beast... ...master!
    Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
    Paragon of White Mage Excellence
    Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
    My quest for a very full wardrobe continues...

  • #2
    Re: I see you have MP!

    Considering blu mp is kinda vital for their spells, otherwise they are gimp sword users, I think it reasonable that they ask for refresh... certainly if I am on blm, i tend to tell the rdm to refresh them before they refresh me seeing as it is easier for me to take a knee and recover that mp. I was xping with a blu who was self skillchaining (hence the need for 100% tp), meaning I could burst a guaranteed twice per fight, killing the mobs faster. Now that works for me...

    And as for dark knights, well often they are using their mp to stun, especially if it is something like bomb toss. I won't refresh them every cycle, but the second they hit half mp they get hit with a refresh in my next cycle.

    Nope, afraid I think you are onto a loser there.

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


    • #3
      Re: I see you have MP!

      Yeah, I'm with Kirsteena. I'd say BLU is kind of up there on the "needs some refresh loving" list. Their spells are expensive MP-wise, but really useful. Plus, their TP is pretty vital. So I'd rather they not have to change weapons or rest if they don't have to.


      • #4
        Re: I see you have MP!

        I just started learning some of my lvl 50+ let see just to give you an idea:

        --Self destruct 100 mp lvl 50
        --- Hecatomb Wave 116 mp lvl 54

        and some other spells I heard about later on:

        lvl 62 1000 needles. 350 MP
        lvl 61 Bad Breath, 212 MP

        and supposedly there are worst than that...

        mmmm yeah blu spells are very expensive and refresh is necessary because with resting like it was said before we lose TP and a blue can self skill chain+ self magic burst provided he has enough TP to do it to begin with but generally I just skill chain and let blm magic burst.

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: I see you have MP!

          I'd have to agree that blu needs refreshing more often than drks but they shouldn't spam "Refresh me!!!" at you. I stop refreshing players who have no concept of recast timers or my other duties and wait until they apologise.

          Personally though I place a blu in the refresh cycle depending on sub and the party setup. If we have a pld tank, whm healer and a blm in the pt then a blu/melee will get a refresh before the blm if we're on aspirable mobs. If the blu is /mage and therefore has a greater mp pool their refresh will be mp dependent.

          Drks are different, if a drk is doing his job well and using his spells properly I will refresh him but only every other cycle and every 3rd cycle if the mobs can be aspired.

          My refresh priorities tend to be
          me >> pld >> whm (or smn healer) >> blu/melee >> blm (non-taru on non aspir mobs) >> smn/drk/blu >> blm (taru or with aspirable mobs)

          Sorry if this offends any taru blm but your mp pool is so much larger than other jobs and you have higher natural int which means you'll need to cast fewer spells each fight.

          Smn are so low on my list because on the rare chance I get to party with them as an acutal smn and not as a healer they don't need my refresh. In my experience they manage to keep their mp up pretty well resting with a dark staff between bloodpacts.


          • #6
            Re: I see you have MP!

            I hope you don't use 1000 needles as I've seen it fail often.

            I'd gladly refresh a BLU, anyone for that matter but if you're going to spam asking for refresh the more likely I'm going to ignore you, and I don't think spaming "Refresh plz" at 75%+ MP really makes me want to refresh you more.

            Elffy the untamed beast... ...master!
            Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
            Paragon of White Mage Excellence
            Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
            My quest for a very full wardrobe continues...


            • #7
              Re: I see you have MP!

              Wouldnt giving RDM refreshga make sense since BRDs ballad and CORs evokers roll are AoE? Ive seen some heavy MP usuage parties before and that poor rdm was one busy lil bee being a refresher, plus trying to do other rdm stuff.


              • #8
                Re: I see you have MP!

                No, don't give RDM Refreshga. One of the greatest things about a RDM is having the singel target Refresh. Think about it, RDM is the ONLY job that's going to be reliably able to refresh a PLD and not hit any of the melees, you can do it with BRD, but it's alot harder. I'd perfer to have a RDM in my party than a BRD if I've got a PLD tank.


                • #9
                  Re: I see you have MP!

                  Blue mages are high on my priority list, regardless of the role they're playing. They're not Dark Knights, they need their MP to deal significant damage (or main heal, if that's what they're doing).

                  You should never skip Blue Mages in the Refresh cycle.

                  Me > PLD > Main Healer (WHM, SMN/WHM, BLU/WHM) > MP Nuker (BLM, BLU/DD) > DRK

                  Aside to queenuma: Shame on you for discriminating against Tarutaru BLMs. They don't recover MP any faster than any other race.



                  • #10
                    Re: I see you have MP!

                    Originally posted by Zamphire
                    No, don't give RDM Refreshga. One of the greatest things about a RDM is having the singel target Refresh. Think about it, RDM is the ONLY job that's going to be reliably able to refresh a PLD and not hit any of the melees, you can do it with BRD, but it's alot harder. I'd perfer to have a RDM in my party than a BRD if I've got a PLD tank.
                    Not that RDM Refreshga is a good idea (it's not), but that would only be an issue if their Refreshga overwrote something important, like Haste. It's not like it hurts a THF to have Refresh.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #11
                      Re: I see you have MP!

                      Noone should spam refresh, but frankly if they do, I just hit the blist button rather than leave...

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • #12
                        Re: I see you have MP!

                        I agree that a BLU should never be left out of a refresh cycle. The fact that they need MP and TP means that healing for MP is a slow down. I haven't had a chance to party with any BLUs at refresh level, but I would expect the Red Mage to put the BLU before me (Black Mage) in the Refresh cycle. I have no need for TP, I have no problem putting on my Dark Staff and healing. Plus, I have Conserve MP to help.

                        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                        • #13
                          Re: I see you have MP!

                          what could refresh possibly override? lol refresh!? i seriously fail to see why refreshga would be bad, if a thf gets it who cares! Thats why it has its own cute little buff symbol.
                          I was in a party recently were the rdm almost systmatically skipped me with refresh for a DRK, me being a summoner. Why spend all that time refreshing ppl when u can nail them all in 1 or maybe 2 spells?


                          • #14
                            Re: I see you have MP!

                            Yea, you're right, my last post was a little flawed, I guess it comes from me playing BRD(70) and COR(60) for so long I forget refresh doesn't overwrite things like dice and songs do. But this would give RDM too much of an advantage if you ask me, probably be over powering them. I like them just the way they are, I'm also a 46 RDM so I've had access to all forms of refresh, each form is better for a differant setup. If they do give RDMs refreshga they need to get rid of Refresh, or make refreshga 2mp/tick.


                            • #15
                              Re: I see you have MP!

                              Ok, so I was wrong about keeping a BLU out of a refresh cycle, but why would you stop chain and break out a dark staff?

                              He -could- have waited for a refresh instead of asking the party to stop...

                              Alright we're both wrong >.>

                              Elffy the untamed beast... ...master!
                              Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
                              Paragon of White Mage Excellence
                              Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                              My quest for a very full wardrobe continues...

