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/BRD, my new favorite

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  • /BRD, my new favorite

    Just wanted to post a bit about this combo. I've had a chance to use it now in Lufaise Meadows a couple of times, in a monk burn, and also in some limbus runs. The topic pops up frequently and there're almost always some positive stories told about personal experiences. There are times when utility spells from /blm and /whm of course are more valuable and this combo should not be considered. However, I've found myself requesting to use it more and more. Generally, as long as a WHM or /WHM are present you should be able to get away with using /brd, depending on what you're fighting of course.

    /BRD advantages:

    +1 mp/tick from Mage's Ballad for you and mages in your party
    +1 weak song buff for melees
    + hp regen from Paeon when its time for a rest
    Light-based Sleep/Sleepga
    Light-based dispel
    resist silence trait
    buff songs only take about as long as stoneskin to sing thanks to fast cast

    /BRD limitations

    Less base MP
    Less time to do stuff like rest
    More running around
    These primarily are things you lack by not subbing the more common mage subjobs:
    BLM- Warp/Escape, Aspir/Drain, ES, Sleepga, Elemental Enfeebles, tier 1 -agas, Conserve MP, Wizard's Earring.
    WHM- DS, Erase, status cure -nas and elemental resist -ras, Curaga 1 & 2.

    I haven't often been called upon to Escape a party, and warp is just a selfish convenience. Drain is a great, cheap nuke if you pump your Dark skill. Aspir is situational and again needs that +dark skill to work well. I can barely recall the last time I fired Elemental Enfeebles or tier 1 -agas. conserve mp and wizard's earring. Elemental Seal is great if you remember to use it every 10 minutes. I generally fire my ES on Aspirs or a free nuke in typical xp parties unless there's a need to save it for an emergency sleep vs a dark resistant mob or something.

    You really can't argue about the /whm utility. Either your party has a WHM main or couple of /whm's or it doesn't. It either is fighting mobs that have nasty status effects and AOE's or it isn't. And that ultimately determines if you can/should choose to /BRD.

    Busy, busy, busy:
    First off, this is a busy combination, the busiest job combo in the game in fact. In a typical fight a RDM/BRD will enfeeble (if kill speed warrants it), dispel as needed, haste/refresh, sleep/kite links, Magic Burst (if mob hp warrants it), backup heal, and sing 2 buff songs. I generally sing when the puller heads out if mobs are plentiful or when he/she is en route to camp. This cuts into some rest time. In fact, I pretty much don't rest when subbing BRD.

    What to sing:

    The songs are all weak compared to a main Bard, but far from useless. I discuss it with the melees and ask them to tweak their gear a little if they think they can get mroe ot of it. The choice is invariably between +accuracy and +attack (prelude for RNG's and gun-toting COR's). /BRD can add extra haste, but it calculates out in the neighborhood of 3% so its generally not in demand, and Etudes only seem to give +3 stat. There are times when the party takes a breather where Paeon is useful. Ballad is unaffected by not having an instrument, except for its shorter AOE & duration. It's great when at least 2 others besides yourself can benefit from it. It's very helpful even in burn parties, because main bards often have a hard time keeping 2 ballads up when they're pulling fast chains. Taking the load off an overworked bard helps chains go more smoothly, especially in fast fights where you're not enfeebling much or nuking at all, but mostly just hasting, refreshing, and healing.

    Minuet II with 110 singing skill = +15 atk
    Madrigral with 110 singing skill = +11 acc

    I use a Song Belt (singing +5) for my buff songs. I've almost got enough gil for a Chanter's Staff (singing +4) and Singing Earring (singing +3). To make the list complete for this skill, there are also the (r/ex from event) Orphic Egg (singing +1) and (r/ex 75 ancient beastcoins) Musical Earring (Singing +5). I often bug bards about finding formulas for their songs and conduct some of my own tests. I'm thinking there'll be another small increase in buff potency (like +1 for mad/min) at 120 skill since minuet showed an increase of +1 going from 105 to 110. And conversely stick rates will improve for Lullaby and Finale with more skill.

    Charisma is another matter: AF Tabard has +5 on it, errant/mahatma slops have +7/+8, Hume RSE2 hands (great int/mnd/mp piece in itself) has +4, and prism/rainbow cape has +4/+3, and if you've got room in that gobbie bag, there are fairly cheap charisma rings. There are other items to stack on CHR, but most of us RDM are already overflowing in the Gobbie Bag dept. Charisma is only useful on Bard debuffs, and the only ones you're likely to use are Finale since its an mp-free dispel, and Lullaby as it can sleep things that would resist dark-based Sleep spells. HQ Light staff is a plus for song debuffs, and I'm starting to wonder if Magic Acc+ from RDM JSE might not help a bit... I generally fire Finale then Dispel if additional dispelling is needed or if Finale's resisted. Same for Lullaby then Sleep II, though I generally fire that followup sleep II even when Lullaby lands due to duration isssues. These are not that fantastic but can save a little mp now and then and are very quick casts, or buy some time vs demons/bones/etc that are hard to sleep otherwise. For completeness' sake, there are also the Threnody's whose short duration elemental resist -% effect is supposed to be unresistable, and the DOT song which seems to get resisted a lot.

    MP Concerns-
    I wouldn't use this combo before level 50 because it lacks ballad. It'd be ok in the dunes/quifim of course, if you've got a race with decent mp. And all of my experience with it is @75 with merits. At 75 /blm gives a Red Mage 97 mp and /whm gives 78 mp regardless of race, when subbed to a job that has native mp. /brd gives you 0 mp. What has made this job combo work well for me at endgame compared to the grind up to 75, is 5x MP merits, 3x Convert merits, auto-refresh Sanction in ToAU areas, and the Magentic Earring's Conserve MP +5 which grants a weak Conserve MP trait while equipped regardless of subjob. You will have less MP to work with. However, you'll be able to land an occaisional MP-free dispel and you will have 1/mp tick extra from your Ballad. These factors actually bring the useable mp/10 minutes very close to what you'd have with /blm, though a few successful aspirs tip that in favor of /blm. And your fellow mages will have significantly more MP to work with because of Ballad, if a main bard is not already in your party.

    The more mp users in your party, the more worthwhile is this combo, even when you already have a main Bard. If you happen to be main healing an all shadow party and have a backup status curer/curaga-er, you'd be surprised how efficient 3hp/tick regen-ga can be in addition to maintaining the standard 5mp/tick regen...

    This job combo really solidifies your role as a support class. Not only will you be an enfeebling master, but you'll also have the ability to enhance your party members' attack power or accuracy. When called upon to mainly haste/refresh/heal, you'll be able to refresh for 4mp/tick instead of 3mp/tick, or haste for 18% instead of 15%, or regen for 8/tick instead of 5/tick. If you burn with main bards, the melees get 3 songs, the mages have a more consistently active Ballad I, and the Bard has a little more free time to pull/support.
    Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
    AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
    Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10

  • #2
    Re: /BRD, my new favorite

    My /bard is actually a little gimped (34), even though it's one of my available subs for rdm should people want me to use it. I had great success with it around the 50s or 60s. In the 70s, the melee are so good, and the fights go so fast, I found the songs not worth the time it took to cast them (even ballad). I found the utility spells from /whm to be more helpful, even if there was a whm in the pt, because it just meant everyone can get cleaned up faster.

    One thing that was enlightening in this thread is that singnig skill determines effectiveness. I never tried to lvl it up too much, but I doubt any melee would turn down 11 acc or 15 attack, even if they claim to never miss in the 70s.

    Also, I never really thought to use /brd for sleeping or dispelling. I do have alot of chr as a hume rdm, even just using the equipment I use for maging. If the sleep and dispels are reliable, well that's pretty nice too.

    Ever since I lvled /whm, I found it to be vastly superior to both /blm and /bard. My opinion stands on /blm, but I might check out /bard again thanks to your post.


    • #3
      Re: /BRD, my new favorite

      I've been a huge proponent of /BRD for mages (WHM and RDM) for the past two years and can say it's very potent when used correctly. For reference, I even showed up and fought Fafnir a few weeks ago as WHM/BRD and was able to main heal and keep a melee party alive with no extra Refresh or Ballad support due to the utility of Paeon III.

      I've been using RDM/BRD as my primary job combination for Red Mage since level 50, and even used it a bit in the 20's range.

      I never ever rest as RDM/BRD. There's just too much to do to take 20+ seconds

      Some more tips and tricks based on my experiences:


      Unless you have an ungodly amount of +Magic Accuracy gear (i.e. lots of Wise gear), Lullaby basically won't land on anything that isn't extremely weak to Light when subbed.


      Threnody can be useful sometimes against enemies that either have multiple weaknesses (Lizards, where Wind Threnody can take advantage of their weakness to Ice, or Mandragora who are weak to virtually everything). Light Threnody can also be used against Beetles to improve Aspir and Drain potency, but you really stop XPing on beetles past the mid-50s so it's of limited use.


      Even with limited Haste boost, Advancing March should not be discounted. I generally find it more useful at high levels than Minuet II or Sword Madrigal in burn parties where accuracy isn't an issue - the slightly increased attack speed plus slightly faster recast on Utsusemi makes it worthwhile.


      Finale is a 100% success against weapons in Ro'Maeve (or heaven forbid you be XPing on Aura Weapons in Ru'Avitau, but it works great on them too). It's also 100% success against the Ice Spikes cast by undead in King Ranperre's Tomb.


      Horde Lullaby is a fantastic way to zap shadows off of any enemy using Blink or Utsusemi (WHM, RDM, and NIN enemy spellcasters). It's particularly useful in Ro'Maeve, but is also handy against goblins in Cape Teriggan and Bibiki Bay.


      From personal experience, Ballad makes up for a lot of the shortfall in MP flow from /BLM's Conserve MP or /WHM's Auto-Regen+Divine Seal. You still end up slightly behind overall in personal MP, but giving that extra MP to at least 1 other party member makes it worthwhile.



      • #4
        Re: /BRD, my new favorite

        The lack of MP bonus from BLM shouldn't hurt a RDM/BRD in certain PT setups. VC + Ballad I + Refresh is 5mp/tick. Add in a good COR and you've got minimum 8mp/tick (All other mages should be getting at minimum 7mp/tick if you and the COR play the cards right)

        A good COR should also act like a main BRD, so this is the key with a RDM/BRD. In fact, if for not needing Erase for certain situations, you need only a RDM/BRD with a main COR and melee burn with the PT.

        However, I'm not a big fan of RDM/BRD in traditional PT setups. It actually is detrimental since there's a lot of utilty that is missing which over time eventually adds up (taken by individual battles, it might seem insignificant, but add it all up over a period of 3 hours and you realize how gimped you really are)

        Again, key to any non-traditional job combinations is that of having every other member in the party contribute equally as well as having key abilities come into play to make up for any losses incurred.


        • #5
          Re: /BRD, my new favorite

          While I have been dragging my feet and sulking and bemoaning the idea of leveling /whm to 37. :p I suppose I'll have an opinion on /whm someday that's not just based on theoretical or second-hand data. Currently my WHM is lvl 5. ; ;

          /em gets defensive about not having /whm.
          I've found I can heal burn parties effectively as /blm with a bard to back me up, especially camps where status ailments and elemental attacks are not factors, like decos in sky. The trick that's worked for me is to maintain a complete regen cycle on the people who need it to make up for not having curaga. The amount of hp cured by regens over the course of a 2 hour party can be phenomenal, and it is the single most mp-efficient healing spell. Conserve MP and Aspir can also be very helpful for a rdm/blm main healer's staying power. This is of course very stressful.

          Not to discount /whm at all. Erase and -nas in particular can be vital depending on what you're fighting, and curagas can get the hp out to all who need it faster than anything else. Bar-ras from a RDM can drop a deadly AOE or high tier -aga spell down to almost nothing.

          But think about imp burns... only silence to remove. There's generally at least one whm and /whm to do that, and the fly poison in the mire is only 1hp/tick which even "regen sanction" could nullify, and I think vit down from the fleshes, which hardly matters. I wind up binding and silencing imp aggro when the bard's out pulling or busy singing. If I could land Lullaby instead, it might save me some time and maybe some hp for whoever took aggro.

          Of course mana burns and fighting weapons in Moon or the Aura Weapons in sky, it goes without saying that /brd would be very helpful when there's no main Bard. Finale lands about as well as Dispel does for non-red mages who /rdm. I can pretty much drop 2 dispels & 1 Finale in about 7 seconds when /brd.

          Monk burns, and I mean the high dmg variety with all mnk/war and whm, brd, rdm on the back line... in these the monks are often straining the line between meat and sushi, where a 3rd song +11 acc boost would make them think twice about eating meat instead of raw fish. In KRT you'd need the status removal, but this type of party can pwn any of the ToAU areas as well with an infinte chain, provided the bard and rdm can refresh fast enough and the mobs keep dying too fast to burn through the healing MP.

          Sky, Lufaise, and the ToAU areas come to my mind as the primary places to merit. I just can't think of much that needs erasing in these camps, besides the max hp down from rams and bindga from statues. If you have a white mage in the party, subbing bard should not be detrimental. If you have a bard in the party as well, they're probably /whm and can help out, maybe /nin.

          I can see your point about burn parties, where enfeebling becomes unnecessary, so too could a small melee boost considering a roughly 4 second cast time. But if you're singing between pulls because there's no time to rest anyway, faster killing, more consistant mp recovery for the healers, and -8 seconds of singing time for the puller are going to make things smoother provided negative statuses are not crippling the party's performance.

          There are tougher camps for 75's vs Trolls in Halvung, in Lufaise Meadows, and vs Statues in sky where fights are longer than a minute and sometimes closer to 2 minutes. In these cases the party is probably built closer to a standard xp party. Extra accuracy or attack, and mp refresh are going to be more desireable. Having a main Bard at one of these camps is going to be a rarity.

          Maybe I'm just becoming dissatisfied with /BLM.... I recognize that it offers utility and some of the best mp efficiency through Conserve MP and Aspir (/smn can be argued, but there's no utility there). It can also once/10 minutes land a spell with massive accuracy bonus. And it can bail a party out of some areas with escape if things go bad. Also, the +5 elemental skill earrring...

          /WHM offers a lot more to keep a party alive and in high gear, to resist and remove status effects, resist elemental damage, and cure quickly and efficiently. At times its downright a necessity.

          But for the times that whm utility is covered, I think small melee buff-gas and a little extra refresh-ga wins the day. It just takes a bit more work and good mp management for a Red Mage to pull it off.
          Last edited by arkaine23; 06-28-2006, 02:50 PM.
          Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
          AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
          Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


          • #6
            Re: /BRD, my new favorite

            I think my response is coming from my majority of time spent as RDM/WHM Almost 80% of my JP PTs demand me sub WHM and then forego inviting any of the 3 WHMs LFP at the time and opt for another melee. For some reason, melee burn or mana burn (partial) setups are all the rage with JPs leveling their COR/BLU/PUP jobs.

            Anyway, I agree that RDM/BRD has a place for exp. I'm just not too overzealous with that combination working even 1/2-way decent in "normal" setup of 2x melee DD, 1x melee Tank (I use this term because BLU are considered more mages and have been known to tank well) 1x support mage, 1x mage DD and 1x main healer. It definitely does not make any sense with a main BRD since having 2x /WHM with erase > 1 gimp singer. Most people don't exp off of beastmen, but I can think of goblins being the most exp'd off of in your 70s as well as casting Pots/Statues/Weapons in Sky (especially if you're at water or Ulli camp). Not sure about Sea.

