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Just a Questions

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  • #31
    Re: Just a Questions

    Yeah, while you hear of the wunderkind that RDM is at soloing in endgame, you don't hear of RDM doing that soloing for XP. If you ever want to reach 75 in this lifetime, you'll realize that it's much faster in exp parties. There's also ENMs, Eco-Warrior, and Escort quests, which augment regular experience teams.


    • #32
      Re: Just a Questions

      The only way to properly solo for exp as a Rdm is to first level Bst to 75 and then go at it as Rdm/Bst


      • #33
        Re: Just a Questions

        Earth Staff, Ice Staff, Dark Staff, Wind Staff, Light Staff. While not absolutely 100% required, each of these staves greatly increases the potency or accuracy of one or more of your most important spells (Slow, Paralyze, Silence, Cure, and Sleep II respectively).
        I didn't have any staves until about 60 (because they weren't in the game yet when I hit 60) and my enfeebling was fine. From what I remember, resist rates don't go up very much until 60.

        But since they are available, I would definately get a dark staff just to help with downtime.

        At you're level, rdm can get by without really great equipment. Things will start getting expensive around 60 though when you'll have to spend a good bit of money just to do your job as well as your doing it now.


        • #34
          Re: Just a Questions

          The NQ staffs are getting really cheap. There's no reason not to get them ^^
          earth staff is already down to 20k on my server.

          Before staffs, I couldn't land any enfeebles reliably enough with out the AF body piece. Level 58 was a huge obvious jump in resist rate.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #35
            Re: Just a Questions

            20k for earth is awesome. I think it's still around 200k on Midgar because it's useful to tanks.

            If they are cheap enough, I definately recommend them- just saying they don't make or break you. I still don't have earth staff and I land slow consistantly (but I do have enfeebling torque and marine M gloves)


            • #36
              Re: Just a Questions

              Well Ive always had a huge probelem with a stead income of Gil. I dunno if its just me but there seems to be alot of Gil Sellers on my Server. . .and honestly I dont even know where the Idea of solo came into my head last night. . .course being up for 36 hours strait ruins your though process lol.

              Im not too sure what Staff prices are on my server, I dont they they're too bad but Ill have to take a look before I can really tell.

              Im not out to be any kind of great Rdm, just one that operates well, Im more so in it for the adventure and what not. . .which there isnt alot of right now, do tell me that soon Ill have access to new and more exciting PT possiblities and leveling areas(Soon meaning in the next 4 lvls lol).

              But yeah, Id rather be as Unknown as a Player as I can be on my Server. I dont like alot of attention be it good or bad lol(Where if I solo'd more the less reputation Im sure to generate). Although Rdm/Brd sounds really interesting its really not my style of play(Im more the /Blm type lol).

              Of course my first job choice was Thf but. . .well that was short lived to say the least lol.

              Double Post Edited:
              And just for the hell of it Id like to just add I really hate my server ><. Promise Badge is anything BUT cheap, I dont have half a mil to throw around on equipment hell I dont even have 1/4 mil period. . .

              And the Staves, if only I could buy for the price thats most common, but Nope. . .Even going 5k over the Normal Price isnt high enough, greedy bitchs. . .
              Last edited by Vaigrant; 05-23-2006, 07:47 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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              • #37
                Re: Just a Questions

                If you're having trouble making gil, may I suggest taking a break from leveling to take up a craft? In a sense, it's no different from the the level grind, in that you spend long hours skilling up your trade in order to make better stuff, but the more time oyu spend on it, the better returns you get. In my opinion, fishing is the simplest to take up, and people will always need fish to make sushis. I've taken up cooking as it dosen't require a sub-craft, and even decent players will always keep a stack of whatever food they need onhand.
                As far as leveling and new camp sites, every new one you go to will seem refreshing, but in the end, the level grind is just that: a grind. It'll always wear on you at some point, but what keeps you going is whether or not you enjoy playing your job. If you don't enjoy it you should find a job you will get a kick out of.
                If you were looking not to draw attention to yourself, you picked the wrooong job. By virtue of Refresh alone, RDM is a hot commodity, and whenever there aren't any WHM or SMN around, it's all eyes on you to heal. With all the roles RDM performs, whether or not you decide to play it well will be a blessing and a curse. If you only aspire to mediocrity, you're sort of in luck, since most players will be so desperate for a refresher or healer that they don't care who they take. But everyone will always recognize that you're hardly the best, which will make you last pick in most cases. The best and smartest players would sooner not party at all than to pick a mediocre RDM. If you aspire to anonymity, I'd suggest taking a melee job, there are so many, you can pick one, play normally(not excelling or falling behind in DD capability), and be no worse off.


                • #38
                  Re: Just a Questions

                  Ive taken up a craft and I can make gil when I decide to farm up the materials. Otherwise its not very profitable if I dont farm it up. RIght now IM gathering what I need to make Velvet Cloth, sells for 15k for Individual Cloths on my server and I can get Cotton and Silk very easy in the right areas. . .at least with low population times or its a battle like no other ugh ; ;.

                  Just as a side note I did get all my Elemental Staves(Well the ones that Icemage and Rodin listed =p). . .forgot which ones to get while buying them though lol and bought the right ones by accident lmao.
                  Last edited by Vaigrant; 05-23-2006, 02:16 PM.

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #39
                    Re: Just a Questions

                    While the EXP will be lower than you'd get in a PT, a properly subbed, equipped and played RDM can effectively solo XP. I have soloed Even Match and Tough mobs while waiting for invites. There are certain mobs that aren't RDM fodder, but others are perfect for soloing by us, and give decent EXP (especially now with the Empress Band on). Crabs are an excellent example.

                    It isn't what I would consider a reasonable way to level up, but RDM can certainly kill monsters worth decent EXP solo, and it's a better use of time than sitting in Jeuno and staring at the Auction House, in my opinion.
                    There will be cake.


                    • #40
                      Re: Just a Questions

                      Yeha my server seems to have a particularly high Rdm population, so sometimes I can go hours and hours LFP and nothing, and then of course when Im not LFP and I have my anon off doing something else THEN the invites come lol.

                      Which FF Character Are You?


                      • #41
                        Re: Just a Questions

                        Yes, definately get the Devotee's Mitts (+1), they are amazing for Paralyze and Slow specifically. For your feet, I'd try to get the Custom M Boots, the boots from Hume Male RSE1. They give +3 INT, which is a nice bonus. However, they also give -1 MND, so you'll want to macro them out for any white magic. Same goes for the Devotee's Mitts, they lower INT so you'll want to macro them out for Black Magic. You can make your spells very effective with a minimal amount of cost if you know which pieces of equipment to go for. And even though its been said many times before, I'll say it again. Get the Ice, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Light staves definately. The prices may seem slighty hefty (depending on how much you farm), but you should definately get them. No single piece of equipment will affect your spell performance as much as your Elemental Staves, and they will last you for the rest of your career (until you get HQ Staves, of course).
                        RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                        Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                        Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                        Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                        Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


                        • #42
                          Re: Just a Questions

                          Originally posted by Vaigrant
                          Yeha my server seems to have a particularly high Rdm population, so sometimes I can go hours and hours LFP and nothing, and then of course when Im not LFP and I have my anon off doing something else THEN the invites come lol.
                          The fastest way to get to 75 isn't always having your flag up. It's about having your flag up at the right times. Now, during NA primetime you will probalby have a lot more people LFG. And that means more parties. Each of those parties will need a RDM/BRD/COR for Refreshing. Now, a lot depends on how you fill out your search comment, I like to do mine like this:

                          @3,500 JP/NA: O All {Area}: O
                          {Main}{Healing}: X Subs: BLM WHM
                          {Long Time}{Party}{Please}

                          I seem to get a lot of invites in the 30s, even though I don't have refresh, AND, I refuse to main heal. The thing is, I LFG mostly during JP primetime, because I get off work during then. Not many RDMs LFG during JP primetime, and I know first-hand, from spending hours looking for a RDM to party with my BLM >_<.
                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                          • #43
                            Re: Just a Questions

                            Yeah I also dont like to main heal, I havent lvl'd up my Whm since lvl 19 so its pretty weak in comparison to my Blm. I have respect for Whms who do nothing but main heal, to me its just a really boring job, given your always needed lol, but I hate it.

                            I usually have my comment similarly though but it always seems I get the most invites when Im trying to do a Promy or helping someone with something, or doing a quest or something like that lol. When is Japanese Prime Time anyways?

                            Which FF Character Are You?


                            • #44
                              Re: Just a Questions

                              Usually, if you find WHM boring, you're not really playing it right. Now, here's a thought: Have you ever tried becoming a master WHM? Now, what i mean by that is have you tried to play WHM down to a freaking T. I mean, total job perfection? Haste Cycles if no RDM? Is a status effect like Paralyze staying on the tank for more than 3 seconds? Is regen always up? Are you using short heal, and long healing macros? By that I mean are you switching out the right gears depending on how long you will be resting MP? Do you flash when shadows drop? Do you keep Protectra, and Shellra up? Do you make sure the RDM always has enough MP to completely fill up his MP bar each convert? Are you keeping track of your enmity as not to screw up the skillchain by making the mob move?

                              These are a lot of things I do when I play my WHM. Anyone can take a job from 1-75 and be proficient at it, but I'm talking about toal job mastery. Many in my HNMLS are on their way to full merits. Just so they can be THAT much better at their job. You have to know what the mob is doing, what the tank is doing, what the DDs are doing, what even people outside your party are doing, because you need to make sure you're using the right spells at the appropriate time. You also need to know what every mob's TP moves do. Like Bomb Toss does AoE damage with a possible Mijin Gakure effect. Yes, Bomb Toss DMG when suicided is proportional to the Gobs HP. Do you know which spell to use immediately after a Coeurl uses Blaster? WHM isn't "boring" trust me. Doing all that and having to conserve MP is going to make your head explode the first few days you try it.

                              If you find WHM boring, I suggest you play it more, and try to master it. WHM is one of the most challenging jobs in the game if you play it right. It's not "boring" at all. Yes, you're ALWAYS needed for everything, but that can be a good thing sometimes.
                              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                              • #45
                                Re: Just a Questions

                                Ive never really gotten into any of the more intense Whm moments. The idea of healing people doesnt appeal to me as much as I dunno hindering stuff or killing it lol. I have more of a Blm Personality, Blm Ive had alot of fun with and once I finish Rdm Ill probably move onto that.

                                Merits? I never did learn alot about Merits since they dont really apply to me at my lvl, I usually learn as I go rather than figure out stuff I wont see for a while right away lol.

                                Which FF Character Are You?

