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Can I solo G1 mobs?

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  • Can I solo G1 mobs?

    I have a simple question, can I solo the genkai 1 mobs on my 50rdm? I have blm,whm,pld,war and thf levelled for subs, which would be best (i'm thinking thf). If not, would a duo setup with a DD do the trick? Would the drop rate, even with Treasure Hunter make this too painful? Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

    I don't think soloing at level 50 is possible... all these guys are hard.

    Lich are surrounded by dogs and skeletons, everything will aggro you and not even a room to kite.

    Exoray is strong. Vey powerful spore attack, paralyze move and silence gaz. ouch.

    The bomb is probably the only thing soloable, but only by pet jobs like SMN and BST. I think BST will be easier for this thing.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

      The best I was able to manage with people all doing G1 was a trio on Bombs and Exorays. We did ok, but it was really slow going. (PLD, THF, RDM)

      Liches would definitely be too much for you, unfortunately.


      • #4
        Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

        No, do a shout in jeuno for help im sure a lvl 75 wont mind helping you thats what i did took me about 45mins to find a very nice lvl 75 mnk to help me out!


        • #5
          Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

          rdm solo at 50 is pretty strong, but when I by the got to 50rdm on my new character, I already knew G1 fustration very well as a bst.

          bst50 can solo the exorays and bombs with a small amount of difficulty thanks to the choice of pets in the areas. To my knowledge, bst is the only lvl 50 that can solo exoray after exoray after exoray without a tremendous risk of a deadly accident. (risk still there)

          Bst50 can't solo the liches tho. I don't think *any* job can. G1 is for groups only.

          For a rdm to solo a lich, the lich would have to be sleepable /w "sleep" and/ or kiteable. There is no way to do either. At 50 there is no gear that could possibly tip the scales in your favor.

          I don't think even Avestra can do this as a lvl 50rdm. (No merits, no godly gear, no staves...awesome skill alone won't even cut it.)

          edited for clearity...
          After careful thought, I can see 1 lich soloed a possibility... if it were 51 or 52... but the number of liches you need to take down to get a paper can reach well into the 20s and 40s.


          • #6
            Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

            Originally posted by Artsfalcon
            rdm solo at 50 is pretty strong, but when I by the got to 50rdm on my new character, I already knew G1 fustration very well as a bst.

            bst50 can solo the exorays and bombs with a small amount of difficulty thanks to the choice of pets in the areas. To my knowledge, bst is the only lvl 50 that can solo exoray after exoray after exoray without a tremendous risk of a deadly accident. (risk still there)

            Bst50 can't solo the liches tho. I don't think *any* job can. G1 is for groups only.

            For a rdm to solo a lich, the lich would have to be sleepable /w "sleep" and/ or kiteable. There is no way to do either. At 50 there is no gear that could possibly tip the scales in your favor.

            I don't think even Avestra can do this as a lvl 50rdm. (No merits, no godly gear, no staves...awesome skill alone won't even cut it.)

            edited for clearity...
            After careful thought, I can see 1 lich soloed a possibility... if it were 51 or 52... but the number of liches you need to take down to get a paper can reach well into the 20s and 40s.
            Well I have soloed a Lich as BST50 actually in the "Beudecine Glacier" entrance of Eldieme Necropolis, it isn't easy however but I'll give the run-down.

            First bring a stack of pet foodzeta as well as a stack of Funguar or Crab jugs, I recommend Gaudy Harness if you have it since it means you usually don't have to reast.

            Enter into Eldieme and buff up as well Call Beast, now heal up mp and wait until Call Beast Timer is reset (yes completely reset). Now pop sneak and pull one of the liches from the rooms below with your jug up onto the stairs outside of bloodaggro range.

            Do not fight alogside the first jug, just keep the lich debuffed with Dia and use Pet Food when your jug start to get a lil low in health. When you first jug dies call another one immediatly and Sic on the Lich and join into the fight, remember to use Pet food if needed when the timers are back up again.

            Now depending on how the battle goes you will either win or loose (you'll get the hang of this prety fast into the battle). If you loose just zone out and try again after Call beast timer is reset and you're back to full again.

            Rinse, Repeat.

            Reason BST can do this is since Liches are 51-55 and that jugs deal blunt damage and therefore has a damage bonus against them. Funguar jugs are to be used since they can Silence the Liches while Crabs can pop up Shell to reduce magic damage.

            Either way, it doesn't succeed every time but a BST50 can possibly solo a Lich at level 50
            Keep in mind, sig might be outdated I just update it a few times per week.
            Signature with the usual levels and obtained stuff etc. . .


            • #7
              Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

              BST can solo G1 - I did it

              It is painfully slow though and I had a few deaths before finally getting the paper.


              • #8
                Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                Thanks for the responses, naturally bst is the premier soloer ^^ and well done anyone who does solo this.. it seems I could do bombs, though bst or smn would be prefrable, and perhaps take an exoray. No chance on the liches, even if I could find somewhere to pull them to.. I guess it was wishful thinking. The good news is, I have found some other level 50's needing it, and will try with a party of 50s. Should be no trouble!


                • #9
                  Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                  I *almost* duoed Exos with my lvl 45 NPC. Would've won if she cast cure more then once a fight. I tried duoing it with a 55 Whm but it actually seemed harder that way. Though IMO, with two good players, one capable of great Dmg and the other able to cure, it's possible.

                  As for bombs, I tried soloing them as my thf and used hide if I got too low on HP. I was attemtping to get one to blow itself up as they still drop the coal that way, but they kept despawning after I stopped fighting them so that plan didn't work either.

                  And with Liches, I never tried. But a 50 Mnk with healing can duo them from my understanding, assuming proper skill and gear with a lot of caution.

                  Trioing all of these however is highly possible, and a full pt shouldn't have any trouble.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #10
                    Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                    Originally posted by nazlfrag
                    Thanks for the responses, naturally bst is the premier soloer ^^ and well done anyone who does solo this.. it seems I could do bombs, though bst or smn would be prefrable, and perhaps take an exoray. No chance on the liches, even if I could find somewhere to pull them to.. I guess it was wishful thinking. The good news is, I have found some other level 50's needing it, and will try with a party of 50s. Should be no trouble!
                    I really have to caution you against trying to solo those bombs. A full-strength self-destruct from an explosure can do an obscene amount of damage. There's good news, though. Explosures are prime targets for BSTs who are exping. If you do an occasional /sea for any low-50s BSTs in Garlaige, and ask politely, they might be very happy to help you out. Of all the G1 items, the coal seems to have the best drop rate (which means said BST will not take much time out of her leveling to help out), plus they will probably be grateful to not have to compete with a G1 party for mobs.


                    • #11
                      Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                      I'm pretty sure they were still IT to my THF when I went to play with them... very very high risk.


                      • #12
                        Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                        I solo'd my Bomb Coal. I went as BLM50/BST20. Go ahead laugh, I know you want to. I charmed some DC bats and threw them at an Explosure. I ran and hid, watching the bats' HP closely. When I saw that the bats were low on life, I started casting Escape. At the last second, the Explosure Self-Destructed. I escaped out safely, got my bomb coal, and 150 EXP to boot.

                        DISCLAIMER: I am not a trained professional. I am known as the suicide mage. Attempting anything mentioned above should be done at your own risk.

                        i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                        I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                        • #13
                          Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                          BST can solo Bomb and Exoray.
                          MNK can solo Lichs (My level 50 Galka MNK friend years ago solo'd Lichs without too much problems)

                          RDM ... not sure. You can try, but I had to box in my 71 (at the time) DRK and duo'd G1, which was fairly easy in this manner.


                          • #14
                            Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                            The good news is, I have found some other level 50's needing it, and will try with a party of 50s. Should be no trouble!
                            No trouble? lol. I'm sorry, but there will be trouble. G1 is designed for trouble.


                            • #15
                              Re: Can I solo G1 mobs?

                              Trying to do G1 with a party of 48-50 is very challenging unless the players are mature. Just ask anyone who went through the initial waves of JP or NA retail. One wrong move in Eldieme and your whole alliance will wipe.

                              G1 takes time, patience, and a bit of luck. The drop rate on Exoray Mold and Ancient Papyrus is pretty dismal.

                              I've helped a few players with it as a solo WHM. It's pretty easy for level 75s to take those enemies down (but watch out for those Explosures... obscene damage does not even begin to describe it if you don't do a lot of damage before they explode or sic a pet on them).


