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Starting Red Mage

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  • Starting Red Mage

    Hello im currently leveling warrior and its starting to bore me so i've decided to stick with it until level 18 to unlock sub jobs then switch to red mage.
    So is warrior a good sub job and if you could give me any advice for starting with a red mage it would be greatly appreciated Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Starting Red Mage

    Warrior isnt such a solid sub for red mage in PT settings. However as a solo mix it is fine. Warrior gives you more survivability until you Quest for and level ninja [ Rdm/nin is a beautiful solo mix. As is Blu/nin ] Better sub for Red mage at your level would be another mage class such as whm or Blm. More Magic points and either one as sub still allows you the ability to wield a sword and shield with heavier armor. Blm naturally gives you more Nuke spells [ enfeeble etc ] and enhances them as well. Whm enhances [ and allows rdm to use at higher lvls ] curing spells as well as spells like dia , Banish.
    It all depends on your preferance though , i love to solo as well as pt so. Warrior as sub until level ten maybe. switch and level blm to 18 then switch back to rdm atw ftw until new subs are quested for. Hope my rambling helps!

    [ Greatest Asura LS ]
    War / Nin [40]


    • #3
      Re: Starting Red Mage

      Thanks that helps a lot but i have another question say if i learn protect for the Red Mage and then i switch to White Mage do i have to learn it again or does it carry over.


      • #4
        Re: Starting Red Mage

        Every spell you learn as a rdm or blm or whm carries over for every job if subbed. say i sub blm for rdm. I learned Poison on blm at level 5. my rdm is level 9 so rdm 9 / blm 4 atm. when you level rdm to 10 / blm naturally hits 5. as a Blm you learned poison at lvl 5 , now with it subbed you can cast it because it has hit that level. Every spell learned stays with your character no matter what. However if you are playing rdm/warrior and as a ninja you learned utsesimi:ichi you cant cast it unless you have ninja as main or sub at the appropriate level. Buy the magic scroll and learn it , now its yours forever if you have the appropriate job used. Easiest way i can say it

        [ Greatest Asura LS ]
        War / Nin [40]


        • #5
          Re: Starting Red Mage

          Loic, what he's asking is, if he learns Protect as RDM, does he have to re-learn it as WHM? The answer is no. Once you learn a spell, you learn it for all jobs that can use it. In the case of Protect, this means a main or support job of RDM7+, WHM7+, or PLD10+.

          RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
          Image by Askannyi


          • #6
            Re: Starting Red Mage

            Ok thats all the question i had thanks


            • #7
              Re: Starting Red Mage

              Remember that some spells are similar but different, though. Red mages have a whole line of defensive spells (Barstone, Barparalyze, etc.) that only work on yourself when cast, but white mages have an area-effect version which must be learned separately (Barstonra, Barparalyzra, etc.).



              • #8
                Re: Starting Red Mage

                Warrior is an ok sub for RDM when soloing, but NIN is much better post 20. But in parties you have 3 good choices for a sub: BLM, WHM, and SMN.

                BLM sub will give you higher INT, warp after level 34, and a pretty good MP boost. You also get aspir and drain. Aspir is good in any situation where the mob has MP (crawlers, crabs, etc) and drain is fun after convert, an ability you will get at level 40. It takes your current HP and MP and switches them. So if you have 10 MP and 500 HP then you will have 10 HP and 500 MP (or less if you don't have that much MP). You need to cure yourself fast after converting so a macro is the only way to go.

                Anyways, WHM sub gives you higher MND and an MP boost that's a little smaller than BLM. It also gives you all of the -ra spells like barfira, and you get AoE buffs like protectra and shellra. Then there's banish and the like, but personally, I like BLM sub better because post 41 you aren't really expected to main heal (at least without someone else with a WHM sub).

                Then there's SMN. SMN is better when you have all of the avatars, because you can do buffs if you like (but that's only for the very high levels). But, the primary reasons a RDM would sub SMN is the massive MP boost (higher than BLM) and the even MND and INT boosts. And it's easier to solo in your LFP downtime with SMN. But remember: the avatar's strength will be half as much, so be careful.

                And if you are wondering what INT and MND are for: INT boosts the chances of spells like poison and bio to not be resisted. MND helps stuff like slow, paralyze, and dia to not be resisted. INT helps black magic in general too, the more INT you have the more powerful and less likely to be resisted the spells will be. MND also helps white magic in general, making cures more effective and enfeebles less likely to be resisted. Both are very important to you as a RDM. A WAR sub lowers your MP and gives you no INT or MND boost at all, so it's ok only in solo situations when you can't sub NIN.

                Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                Susan>> Just smaller.
                [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                [GM]Dave>> ...
                [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.

