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I <3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

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  • #16
    Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

    You can always carry 4 or 5 and cycle them. When exping my war I always take along ~10 haste belts, not because of the reuse timer, but the low charges. Most people also carry multiple warp cudgels since it has that 21 hour or whatever cooldown.
    Calin - Ragnarok


    • #17
      Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

      Originally posted by ClydeArrowny
      You can always carry 4 or 5 and cycle them. When exping my war I always take along ~10 haste belts, not because of the reuse timer, but the low charges. Most people also carry multiple warp cudgels since it has that 21 hour or whatever cooldown.
      Requires a ton of inventory space. You better pray you won't need to swap in tanking gear in place of your TP gear if the main tank in PT goes down (Or similar situations)


      • #18
        Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

        Nice to know!

        I found a SMN holding a marid, just so the PLD could get the chigoes, he didnt engage and he was curing himself stading around, after much amazement at him taking 5-50 dmg, i eventually got a chigoe after my ass, as as rdm 62.. i was pretty much bug food, so chainspelled and warped the Eff outta there.

        Good info for the future ^^
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #19
          Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

          True story: I was looking for the Staging Point in Caevarva Mire last night and ran across 3 dead bodies a short way from town.

          Me: o.O. {Do you need any help?}
          Them: {Yes, please.} {Danger.} Chigo!
          Me: BRB

          Go back to town, switch to WHM/RDM, come back out with Stoneskin/Protect 4/Phalanx/Blaze Spikes up, turn off Sneak and get attacked for 0 repeatedly while casting Raise 3. They're like "Whoah" after they see me take around 70 hits for 0.

          Gotta love Phalanx + 25% physical damage reduction.



          • #20
            Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

            This is not a normal Chigoe but NM for the quest "The Prankster" at Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Normal ones don't have Hundred Fists unlike this NM but they seem to have triple attack and shorter attack interval. What is more, their attack accuracy is crazy although they are EP. Even NIN75/THF37 with a lot of EVA gears cannot stand for a long time because shadows are taken off immediately.

            However, each hit isn't hard and Phalanx works perfect against them like RDM in Ballista against Daggers and Katanas for example.

            I am not sure how high their LVs are but it is said that those in Bhaflau Thickets and Wajaom Woodlands are at LV71-73. If this is true, they will helps to increase our parrying skill to 196 and shield skill to 185 very quickly. Korrigans at The Boyahda Tree will iventually cap both skills since some are EM.

            I usually go to Den of Rancor for Pucks (LV74-77) unless Elshimo Uplands are controlled by beastmans because the outpost is very close. Tough ones hit very hard and just be careful not letting them link.

            BTW, Spartan Hoplon is a good one although they don't look great . It seems to reduce around 20 damage per hit.


            • #21
              Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

              Originally posted by Apple Pie
              I usually go to Den of Rancor for Pucks (LV74-77) unless Elshimo Uplands are controlled by beastmans because the outpost is very close. Tough ones hit very hard and just be careful not letting them link.
              I meant no disrespect for saying you are crazy to suggest Pucks. LOL They are evil. There's a reason those burnt onions come with such piercing lamps for eyes... *cowers in fear*


              • #22
                Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                Blue Mage actually does have a Parrying ranking, capped at a D skill.

                However, I don't see a BLU working too well against the little fleas. No shield skill to speak of and no Phalanx spell to cast.
                All spells obtained!
                Homam Gear: 2/5


                • #23
                  Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                  Originally posted by Apple Pie
                  This is not a normal Chigoe but NM for the quest "The Prankster" at Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Normal ones don't have Hundred Fists unlike this NM but they seem to have triple attack and shorter attack interval. What is more, their attack accuracy is crazy although they are EP. Even NIN75/THF37 with a lot of EVA gears cannot stand for a long time because shadows are taken off immediately.

                  However, each hit isn't hard and Phalanx works perfect against them like RDM in Ballista against Daggers and Katanas for example.
                  Off topics: Yeap, Phalanx + Ice Spikes + Def food = dead Plague Chigoe. I'm still not sure what dealt more damage, spikes or melee This, combined with the fact that it can be slept make the fight quite easy for us RDM. EnAspir attack can be a pain, though.

                  And welcome back Grendal ^^
                  Feona - Leviathan Server - Bastok 10


                  • #24
                    Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                    Indeed Apple Pie's suggestion of Pucks is very nice as a zone line is nearby and in case of trouble, just run to zone =P.

                    Nevertheless, it appears this Chigoe is good as it attacks much faster and hence skilll up way faster. Its funny to see many rdm forums are spreading the news, I trust rdm always seek to better themselves.


                    • #25
                      Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                      Ok, I've been working on Morioche's, Korrigans, and Bark Tarantula's at the tree. I think the chigoes spoiled me, because the skillups are of course much slower. My Shield seems capped agaist the Moriche. I had 9 of them on me and was using parry+ and agi+ gear with earth staff, plus defender and tacos and the usual buffs. Got a couple of Parry levels, and finally decided to blaze spikes and start fighting back. Was pretty funny to watch. ^^

                      Worked over some Korrigans, one at a time. Not too difficult, but interrupt rate on Stoneskin is pretty bad, even with aquaveil up, and I have 2 merits on interrupt rate and capped skill. ; ; Might have to rethink gear and add interrupt -% swap on my stoneskin casts if I hope to take on two of them at a time.

                      Against a T spider things got a little hairy. I melee'd it the whole time which was probably a bad idea- acid breath lowers def and eats SS, and we all have got to Sickle Slash. Wound up converting midway through the fight. Got a link too. >< I'd changed tactics to disengaging to Sleep, then stoneskin by that point, and with the link and no sleepga, I had quite an adventure keeping one asleep while sleep/nuking the other to death. 200 limit points each! wohoo!

                      Skillup's are not bad on the Korrigan's. Just got to come up with a tactic/gear combination to handle two at once without a lot of risk, but I'm starting to doubt enough intterupt -% gear exists to accomplish this. I guess ice spikes might turn the tables a little vs 2 Korrigans in my favor at the cost of some skillup rate.

                      Shield 178 Parry 148 sans gear

                      Also note: Plague Chigoe = pwned but no skillups like I was hoping for, and enaspir is really lame
                      Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
                      75: RDM MNK BLM PLD BRD subs: NIN WAR DRK BLU WHM SCH DNC RNG
                      AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
                      Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


                      • #26
                        Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                        Thanks for the info guys.

                        Omni, the only gear that comes to mind for NIN would be Arhats +1. I'm not sure what NINs can really use, but my friend tanked Faust using damage-% as a NIN. NIN/RDM might do this well, but I'm not 100% sure. The Parry Knifes wouldn't hurt either >.>;
                        The Tao of Ren
                        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                        Originally posted by Kaeko
                        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                        • #27
                          Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                          yea arhats gi, arhats jinpachi, jelly ring, and...... i think thats about it... cant recall anything else. then sub rdm for stoneskin and phalanx.

                          parry really is awesome if you have it capped. /sigh~
                          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                          • #28
                            Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                            Originally posted by Dragonsword
                            Indeed Apple Pie's suggestion of Pucks is very nice as a zone line is nearby and in case of trouble, just run to zone =P.
                            Dunno about you, but if you got a very bad link (read: gangbanged) on those pucks, you're screwed if you're caught up with a group of them. Hence my comments about it being crazy idea. I think those con Ts to a 75 IIRC (I was in there as a 72 DRK and they were VT to me)


                            • #29
                              Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                              The Pucks can be located at:


                              Indeed, we need to be very careful but fortunately zone line is close. I have seen Apple Pie farming in Castle Z Centre High Platform vs T mobs, so I have little doubt on his little dare adventure here, :lol .

                              But without doubt, I will try out the Chigoes and then may go thru tougher mobs at later stage.


                              • #30
                                Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                                Since the Chigoes cap at 171 shield, given that RDM has F in shield, that would mean they cap at level 66. So you can get the E-ranked parry up to 182.

