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I <3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

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  • I <3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

    Ok, so maybe I'm weird because I just love those sneaky little bugs. Here's what I did for a few hours this Saturday in Caederva Mire:

    I was using a Joytoy/Tariqah and generally high def/attack melee gear. First off, Phalanx pwns Chigoes. It drops their dmg to mostly 0, except for crits. They tend to spawn in groups of 3, in a few places near tunnels, and of course will drop off the sheep and also marids. So I found a spawn spot and picked up 1 or 2 chigoes for practice. I engaged a nearby Caederva Leech, but kept back so I never attacked it (this often meant disengaging when it moved close to me), while getting the chigoes to face me. Maintain the following buffs: Stoneskin/Phalanx/Aquaveil/Regen/Protect IV/Refresh. It helps if your enhancing magic is capped for interrput purposes. The most dangerous thing is to lose Phalanx so I recast it pretty much every other stonesking and aquaveil every 3rd or 4th stoneskin. /war could give defender, and I suppose you could use +vit gear and eat tacos, but I didn't need to. /blm gave me sleepga which was like insurance for when I needed to Convert. These buggers don't miss, so -eva gear is not necessary for good skillup rate.

    Anybody who knows chigoes, knows they attack VERY fast. They don't seem to have a TP move, although there are times they seem to go into hyper mode and do a flurry of attacks faster than normal. Well after practicing on one, then two, I moved on to three. I raised my Shield skill from 98 to 171 and my parry from 97 to 134 in just a few hours. People passing thru often stopped to help the crazy red mage being beat on by 3 chigoes, but they respawned pretty quick so I was back up and going in no time even if good samaritans killed my skillup mobs. Guess seeing me in a more or less constant block/parry animation freaked some people out lol.

    Next on the agenda is to gear up some +agi and come back with an earth staff and my chevoit cape/jelly ring. That should get parry caught up to shield in no time. And after that play with korrigans in the boyahda tree and spiders in dragon's aery to hopefully get these skills even close to the cap.

    Double Post Edited:
    Oh and btw, the stretch from 165-171 on sheild was pretty slow so I seem to have hit the skill cap for what chigoes have to offer.
    Last edited by arkaine23; 05-01-2006, 08:14 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
    AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
    Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10

  • #2
    Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

    very interesting! i'd love to raise parry however, if what you say is true and the skill ups start slowing down past 170, then it looks like i dont have much room to raise parry currently at 164. anyhow, great info!
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #3
      Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

      Maurishe in Boyahda should take us to 175 and we can get maybe up to 8 on us with dmg -% gear, defender, and tacos. Korrigans to maybe 185 and we can do up to 2 at once I think. The spiders in dragon's aery would take it a little higher via the same method, but should only be fought one at a time. And I think puks in Ifrit's Cauldron might be next after that, also one at a time.

      Skilling up parry and shield to cap is probably the single best way to improve your soloing ability. Shield seems to proc 2x as much as parry when both are at the same skill level, and reduces damage a little more thanks to the recent update.

      Just logged after picking up 3 levels of parry on my lunchbreak. :D Did the same method vs 3 chigoes again, but this time weilding a Earth Staff, for parry skillup only.

      Sheild 171/189, Parry 137/200
      Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
      AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
      Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


      • #4
        Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

        when i'm playing lowbie jobs where my parry is capped, it's pretty damn nice. i was playing blu the other day (lv. 8) even at this level, you parry quite often. on avg, 2-4 times a fight. which is pretty damn nice considering its 100% dmg avoidance.

        i need to find some defensive gear, chigoe eat me up pretty fast.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #5
          Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

          Thanks for this info! I have a Taru PLD friend who's shield skill is woefully behind (Don't ask ... why) and he's 74 atm. I'll tell him about this to raise his skill. I'm sure he'll be elated... lol.


          • #6
            Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

            hmm sounds like fun o.O thanks for the info.
            now i gotta find some safe spot with a few of these things.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

              Some monks in my LS were talking about skilling up thier guard skill when I mentioned my masochistic chigoe encounters. Chigoes unfortunately have a propensity to be squished and instantly die from crit hits. I'm not sure if counter attack can critical, (leaning heavily towards yes), but counters would kill them off on its own after awhile. This could still work for say a mnk/rdm, it just might be a bit slower due to killing the chigoe with counters. I might try it after I get guard up to around 100 on mandies in the jungles. Heck, I might try it as mnk/war and pop defender & tacos, and just ask a red mage or white mage friend to cure bot me while I stand there engaged to something else and provoke spam a chigoe.

              I'd think most other jobs @ 75 could /rdm (with capped enhancing onry plz) and phalanx/stoneskin/aquaveil/regen/protect II + defensive gears and food + juice and any applicable defensive JA's and still take on 1 chigoe for a good while in relative safety while engaged to a distant mob. Just um, bring a friend as backup in case things go south lol.
              Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
              AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
              Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


              • #8
                Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                Without native Enhancing Magic, Phalanx will get interrupted a lot, so I think only RDM, WHM, and PLD can really make any use of this trick. Blue mages might be able to do so as well. BLM could, but they have no skill in either Shield or Parry.



                • #9
                  Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                  Counter attacks can critical (and they seem to do so often...but I'm a cat with crit merits), but the damage message doesn't change. It'll just say something like 72 damage on the counter attack instead of 40.
                  Generic Info!


                  • #10
                    Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                    i didnt have much luck with parry skills on those little fleas. but i did find a good method was to find players fighting sheep, then pull the little buggers when they attacked the other guy. if i remember correctly i was in the tunnel just before the sheep, an thats where i Ra them to,

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #11
                      Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                      Originally posted by Icemage
                      Without native Enhancing Magic, Phalanx will get interrupted a lot, so I think only RDM, WHM, and PLD can really make any use of this trick. Blue mages might be able to do so as well. BLM could, but they have no skill in either Shield or Parry.

                      How about those equipment that have reduced % of interruption? Does that help significantly?


                      • #12
                        Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                        Originally posted by Aeni
                        How about those equipment that have reduced % of interruption? Does that help significantly?
                        Not really. Helps some, but subbed Phalanx only gives you -10 damage per hit (-11 with an Enhancing Torque). By comparison my WHM/RDM with AF2 boots gets -24 damage from Phalanx, and a fully decked out RDM can hit -28 with AF, Enhancing Torque and Augmenting Earring.

                        My experience with it has been that if any damage manages to get through, your spell interrupt chances go way up, especially when you have no base magic skill, which means even recasting Phalanx while it's still active will be a huge chore (aside from MP problems... ).

                        I fought a Chigo a couple days ago, and it was able to interrupt my cast of Phalanx even with 240 Enhancing Magic. Had to Flash it to get Phalanx back up.



                        • #13
                          Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                          has anyone noticed that these little guys are 'weak' to critical hits? if i whack at it with katanas, i do ~80-100 dmg each swing. it'll take me around 15 hits or so to kill one but i noticed when i land a critical on it, the hp bar of the chigoe just drops real fast. i thought i was seeing things but i noticed this b/c i would kill one of them in 3 hits and be like huh? that doesnt add up....
                          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                          • #14
                            Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                            About skilling up Guarding, it's been awhile since I've jumped on my Monk job. But I seem to remember getting guard skillups once or twice when being attacked by aggressive Goblins in low level areas without being engaged. I could be wrong, but if my memory is correct then maybe you can go as Monk/White Mage Protect and Stoneskin up, then aggro them with Banish, then just face them without engaging so Counter doesn't go off?

                            As far as Phalanx interruption problems go, maybe this shield will help some?:


                            Usable by lots of other shield-wielding job too. Maybe I'll just try soloing one for the time being on my Thief. Not a great need for me to get too zealous for shield and parrying skillups just yet.

                            Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


                            • #15
                              Re: I &lt;3 Chigoes!!!! (shield/parry skillup)

                              The problem with that shield is that it has a 10 minute reuse timer, while Phalanx only lasts 3 minutes. Not practical for this purpose.


