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ok heres the thing

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  • ok heres the thing

    im only level 18 war thats my main with 7 theif for sub but i dont really like war all that much im wondering if u think i should switch to rdm because it seems better cause i like mage and i like melee or if i should just get the 30 with my war so i can get the extra jobs but heres the other thing these r the jobs i would eventually like to get

    drg sum nin drk and pal so i dont kno wat would end up being a better sub for them im gonna guess war for must and whm for sum but i dont kno

    ... yes this is basicly like my last post lol but a lil different i mean blue mage is an option i guess but im an elf so i dont get much magic lol i might do drk and pal and elf for this guy and magic ones on a new taru i might make im not sure yet ... i already have 3 content ids somehow lol i only bought 2 ... did it come with one?? o well lol ill delete one or make a mule im only level 18 and i already need one thats pritty bad lol alright im thankful of ur comments


    o yeah and i know this has nothing to do with this but ... wats the point of gil on the site?????
    Last edited by Ravd; 05-01-2006, 07:05 AM.
    Spider Torque <mine>
    HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
    Phantom Earrings <mine>
    <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

    Remora Server - Ravd
    Rank 6

    58 Cooking

  • #2
    Re: ok heres the thing

    at some point in your life, it's always a good idea to get WAR to 30 if you plan on playing any melee or tank job. whether you do it now and get it over with or later is up to you.

    that being said, RDM is not melee and magic damnit! /slap /slap /slap Support is always your first priority!

    As you already guessed, BLU is more the route you should go if you want to melee and cast.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: ok heres the thing

      Originally posted by neighbortaru
      that being said, RDM is not melee and magic damnit! /slap /slap /slap Support is always your first priority!
      Had I known this at NA release (or if maybe someone had told me that RDM/THF is a bad idea...) I imagine my first trip to 30 would have gone a lot more smoothly. RDM is definately not a melee job. You'll swing a sword when solo, of course, but not in groups.


      • #4
        Re: ok heres the thing

        ok so no one seems to be able to answer my question u got close with the ull eventually need to but just to get to 30 wat do u think i should do
        Spider Torque <mine>
        HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
        Phantom Earrings <mine>
        <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

        Remora Server - Ravd
        Rank 6

        58 Cooking


        • #5
          Re: ok heres the thing

          Originally posted by Ravd
          ok so no one seems to be able to answer my question u got close with the ull eventually need to but just to get to 30 wat do u think i should do
          Well, if your original post didn't have have missing punctuation, perhaps people wouldn't overlook them. The only "questions" you asked were:

          Q: What is the point of gil on the forum?
          A: You can use it to buy neat forum perks like custom colors on your name or boldfaced text.

          Q: Did FFXI come with a free contentID?
          A: No. You must have created a third character and deleted it at some point. Make sure you've cancelled this unused ID or you'll get charged extra for it.

          If your real question was "Should I get to level 30 on WAR or switch to another job" - the answer is do whatever you like. The servers will still be there one way or another, and it's not a race.



          • #6
            Re: ok heres the thing

            lol thank u for finally clearing that up
            Spider Torque <mine>
            HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
            Phantom Earrings <mine>
            <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

            Remora Server - Ravd
            Rank 6

            58 Cooking


            • #7
              Re: ok heres the thing

              i finally figured out wat im doing, im gonna level rdm to 30 get extra jobs nin pal drk drg and sum and level them up with a war sub for most but change it up for sum and go with a rdm sub for sum. ill prob start on nin or drk maybe drg but i kno i need alot of money for nin so maybe not. ill start sum when i get higher rdm (gonna stay my main probally) and get summons for it and thats basicly my plan if anyone has any sigjestions to make my life ezer i would appresiate it.
              Spider Torque <mine>
              HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
              Phantom Earrings <mine>
              <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

              Remora Server - Ravd
              Rank 6

              58 Cooking


              • #8
                Re: ok heres the thing

                A word of advice: Don't sub RDM for SMN. Level White Mage to 37, then go for SMN. RDM offers practically nothing for a SMN main.

                For your other jobs, you'd do better to level WAR to 37 as well, since NIN or DRK are better places with WAR. Many DRKs will tell you that you whould level THF to sub for DRK, so take that into consderation.


                • #9
                  Re: ok heres the thing

                  Level whm and blm for subs for your rdm main.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: ok heres the thing

                    Don't worry about being an elvaan mage, there is gear and food that makes up for your low MP and INT, and your MND score, used for White Magic, is highest out of all the races. Redmage is a good mage job, but that is what it is, a mage job. You will be swinging your sword plenty outside of parties, but sitting up the back with the other mages gripping your wand or staff the rest of the time. If you like magic and melee, drk, pld or blu would be better choices.

                    Oh, and level your subjob to above where you need it right now, so it can last you for a while, ie. war18/thf7, you should have your thf at least 9, and prefrerably at 15 so it can lasr your war to 30.

                    Remember not to rush, take your time to experiment with the jobs and find one you like. Good luck ^^


                    • #11
                      Re: ok heres the thing

                      Originally posted by ioshua
                      Had I known this at NA release (or if maybe someone had told me that RDM/THF is a bad idea...) I imagine my first trip to 30 would have gone a lot more smoothly. RDM is definately not a melee job. You'll swing a sword when solo, of course, but not in groups.
                      That's not always true. Granted, most often at this level I spend time in the back of the party, especially because I get stuck being the Pink Mage, but I've meleed at least somewhat through every level in exp. I know that's about to change, but RDM isn't totally lost when it comes to melee. I do agree that if the OP wants to melee and cast he should be BLU, as it appears that BLU is more designed to be what most people thought RDM was going to be.

                      If you're going to be a RDM though, don't sub a melee job in lower levels. Subbing WAR, NIN, or DRK comes about later in the game for special situations, but do nothing for you pretty much up through your 60's. Level BLM and WHM for subs for RDM. Trust me, I made the mistake of subbing WAR for 30 levels. >.<
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #12
                        Re: ok heres the thing

                        I think the biggest advice you need is...

                        DON'T USE "NETSPEAK"!

                        Good lord, if "'ud stop tlkin like this so we cud red wut ur sayin insted of luking at it and our i's bledin lol", it would be a lot easier to get a response.

                        It says you hardly ANY time to say "you" over "u". And Punctuation is your friend.

                        Using net-speak might work in other games, but in FFXI, you NEED to speak properly.


                        • #13
                          Re: ok heres the thing

                          Originally posted by Ravd
                          drg sum nin drk and pal so i dont kno wat would end up being a better sub for them im gonna guess war for must and whm for sum but i dont kno
                          Out of those, NIN is the best sub for WAR, at least after level 20. At level 20 you get dual weild, and at that point you should dual weild axes. At 24+ you'll get utsusemi which will be the greatest thing next to God for you. You can subtank for a NIN or PLD, or you could fully tank if your heart desires.

                          As for your RDM idea: WHM, BLM, and SMN are your best choices for subs. WHM for more MND and buffs; BLM for +INT, a better MP boost, warp, and things like aspir and drain; and SMN for a balanced INT and MND boost and a major MP boost. I use BLM myself for warp, aspir, and drain. Warp is great for traveling, aspir is great for any situation with mobs with MP, and drain is fun after convert (a level 40 RDM ability).

                          Originally posted by Ravd
                          ... yes this is basicly like my last post lol but a lil different i mean blue mage is an option i guess but im an elf so i dont get much magic lol i might do drk and pal and elf for this guy and magic ones on a new taru i might make im not sure yet ... i already have 3 content ids somehow lol i only bought 2 ... did it come with one?? o well lol ill delete one or make a mule im only level 18 and i already need one thats pritty bad lol alright im thankful of ur comments
                          I don't know much about BLU, but I do know that if you want to play BLU then do it anyway. Just get some +MP gear and use pies for food.

                          And on a side note, to be able to play the jobs other than WAR, MNK, RDM, BLM, WHM, and THF you have to be level 30 with one of those six jobs and you need to complete a/some quest(s). So you might want to do a bit of research on where you have to go and fame, lol. And remember: to play BLU, PUP, and COR you need the newest expansion pack (Treasures of Aht Urhgan).\

                          EDIT: And yes, I'm all for Feba's suggestion. I could barely understand what you were asking exactly...I just kind of guessed my way through it o-o Sentences and punctuation...that's all we're asking for....

                          Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                          Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                          Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                          My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                          Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                          Susan>> Just smaller.
                          [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                          [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                          Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                          [GM]Dave>> ...
                          [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                          • #14
                            Re: ok heres the thing

                            I dont think a NIN sub would be worthwhile pre 50 due to the fact that you have two Axes delay recalculated so that you would get LESS TP than two swings of a normal single wielded Axe, sub MNK for Boost and the HP Bonus if nothing else. Only around 24 should NIN sub be considered and only as an alternative and for specific situations only.

                            i also disagree with SMN sub, since you dont get status cures/group buffs with WHM sub nor the enfeebles and -ga spells of the BLM sub, you only really get more MP....which might or might not be fine depending on the party but in the end i dont feel its worth giving those up especially with Conserve MP and Ele/Divine Seal.


                            • #15
                              Re: ok heres the thing

                              Originally posted by nazlfrag
                              Don't worry about being an elvaan mage, there is gear and food that makes up for your low MP and INT, and your MND score, used for White Magic, is highest out of all the races. Redmage is a good mage job, but that is what it is, a mage job. You will be swinging your sword plenty outside of parties, but sitting up the back with the other mages gripping your wand or staff the rest of the time. If you like magic and melee, drk, pld or blu would be better choices.

                              Oh, and level your subjob to above where you need it right now, so it can last you for a while, ie. war18/thf7, you should have your thf at least 9, and prefrerably at 15 so it can lasr your war to 30.

                              Remember not to rush, take your time to experiment with the jobs and find one you like. Good luck ^^
                              yeah my theif is 9 i might just have forgot to change it and i need to level that and my blm up cause im 15 now and thats only 7

                              Double Post Edited:
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              I think the biggest advice you need is...

                              DON'T USE "NETSPEAK"!

                              Good lord, if "'ud stop tlkin like this so we cud red wut ur sayin insted of luking at it and our i's bledin lol", it would be a lot easier to get a response.

                              It says you hardly ANY time to say "you" over "u". And Punctuation is your friend.

                              Using net-speak might work in other games, but in FFXI, you NEED to speak properly.
                              yeah iv been yelled at for it before. this was an older post that i restarted up with a new reply, so my net speaking has gotten better

                              Double Post Edited:
                              and yeah i do use blm for sub rdm, but i heard around 50ish ishould change to whm?????
                              Last edited by Ravd; 05-17-2006, 03:52 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                              Spider Torque <mine>
                              HQ INT + MND 54 rings ... <mine>
                              Phantom Earrings <mine>
                              <Imposible to Gauge> <Red Mage> <me>

                              Remora Server - Ravd
                              Rank 6

                              58 Cooking

