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New RDM Spells

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  • #31
    Re: New RDM Spells

    Here's the relevant info from the BG link:
    Spell Info 232 BlackMagic Dark Enemy DarkMagic 110 1.5s 5s 60BLM/62RDM/65DRK E8 (232) 00 (0) 0F (15) バイオIII Bio III 敵を闇属性のダメージがじわじわ蝕み攻撃力ダウン。 Deals dark damage that weakens an enemy's attacks and gradually reduces its HP

    Spell Info 205 BlackMagic Fire Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM CD (205) 00 (0) 08 ( フレアII Flare II 敵に火属性のダメージを与え、水属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals fire damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against water.

    Spell Info 207 BlackMagic Ice Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM CF (207) 00 (0) 09 (9) フリーズII Freeze II 敵に氷属性のダメージを与え、火属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals ice damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against fire.

    Spell Info 209 BlackMagic Wind Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM D1 (209) 00 (0) 0A (10) トルネドII Tornado II 敵に風属性のダメージを与え、氷属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals wind damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against ice.

    Spell Info 211 BlackMagic Earth Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM D3 (211) 00 (0) 0B (11) クエイクII Quake II 敵に土属性のダメージを与え、風属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals earth damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against wind.

    Spell Info 213 BlackMagic Thunder Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM D5 (213) 00 (0) 0C (12) バーストII Burst II 敵に雷属性のダメージを与え、土属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals lightning damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against earth.

    Spell Info 215 BlackMagic Water Enemy ElementalMagic 457 8.5s 1m 75BLM D7 (215) 00 (0) 0D (13) フラッドII Flood II 敵に水属性のダメージを与え、雷属性に対する防御力をダウン。 Deals water damage to an enemy and lowers its resistance against lightning.

    Spell Info 035 WhiteMagic Light Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 120 2s 6.5s 75RDM 23 (35) 00 (0) 06 (6) ディアガIII Diaga III 範囲内の敵を光属性のダメージがじわじわ蝕み防御力ダウン。 Lowers defense of enemies within area of effect and gradually deals light elemental damage.

    Spell Info 356 WhiteMagic Ice Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 12 4s 20s 61WHM/61RDM 64 (100) 01 (1) 18 (24) パライガ Paralyga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 357 WhiteMagic Earth Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 30 2.5s 30s 61WHM/61RDM 65 (101) 01 (1) 18 (24) スロウガ Slowga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 358 WhiteMagic Thunder Self EnhancingMagic 80 4s 30s 61WHM/61RDM 66 (102) 01 (1) 18 (24) ヘイスガ Hastega 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 359 WhiteMagic Wind Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 32 4s 20s 61WHM/61RDM 67 (103) 01 (1) 18 (24) サイレガ Silencega 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 360 BlackMagic Dark Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 20 5s 1m 61RDM 68 (104) 01 (1) 18 (24) ディスペガ Dispelga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 361 BlackMagic Dark Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 10 2.5s 20s 61BLM/61RDM 69 (105) 01 (1) 18 (24) ブライガ Blindga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 362 BlackMagic Ice Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 16 2.5s 50s 61BLM/61RDM 6A (106) 01 (1) 18 (24) バインガ Bindga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.

    Spell Info 365 BlackMagic Earth Enemy EnfeeblingMagic 100 5s 1m 61BLM/61RDM 6D (109) 01 (1) 18 (24) ブレクガ Breakga 魔法ヘルプメッセージ。 Magic Help Message.
    Someone confirm this, please. Is this data for scrolls? The existence of scrolls in the dat files proves nothing, as evidenced by utsu<tab> (dammit) the Utsusemi: San scroll that's been hanging around in the dats forever. It recently had its level changed to 62, btw. If rdm really are getting these spells then quite likely blm is getting an AM2 set and nin is getting utsu:san. I find all three hard to believe.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #32
      Re: New RDM Spells

      maybe they are learnt through merits. like SE mentioned long ago
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #33
        Re: New RDM Spells

        Notice that the ones apperantly useable at lvl 75 (AM II) plus Bio III and Diaga III actually have a description. Seems like those most likely be would be the meritable ones.

        Pretty sure this stuff has been in the .dats a long time, just that lvl/job info is now added to it gives cause for RAMPANT WILD SPECULATION and UNCONFIRMED CLAIMS OF ABSOLUTENESS!!

        Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
        AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
        Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10


        • #34
          Re: New RDM Spells

          Originally posted by arkaine23
          Notice that the ones apperantly useable at lvl 75 (AM II) plus Bio III and Diaga III actually have a description. Seems like those most likely be would be the meritable ones.

          Pretty sure this stuff has been in the .dats a long time, just that lvl/job info is now added to it gives cause for RAMPANT WILD SPECULATION and UNCONFIRMED CLAIMS OF ABSOLUTENESS!!


          But honestly ... I think they had to *put* these in because of Blue Mage. Not sure if Blue Mage can get access to these spells. But on the other hand, they may buff up monsters to use these as well (against us)

          Adding the job doesn't guarantee anything. It's mostly for the monsters (SE claims that all monsters are spawned in a specific job role or job combination ... so a monster that pops as a level 75 RDM can use dispelga ... or that's what I like to speculate)

