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new RDM spell

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  • #16
    Re: new RDM spell

    I agree with you BP, square really is looking to make to make this game intresting before balanced. Now I am very certain this wont happen in this patch but it is quite possible that they may decide to turn RDM into a real front line mage. Meaning provide all the necc. tools to keep the rdm meleeing. Considering Geomancers from FFT and other classes that have been introduced this doesn't seem an unreasonable idea. Ofcoarse that brings up the question of why change something that isn't broken?


    • #17
      Re: new RDM spell

      I wouldn't say the job is broken... far from it. Sometimes it think it should rep truer to it's image. Has it ever bothered anyone besides myself that after level 51, we spend 80% of our time wearing a staff?
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      I'd like to see a spell that makes it worthwhile for rdms (and whms) to level their Divine skill.
      WHMs get Banish in it's various incarnations, as well as Flash, which yes, in exp teams, they use rarely. RDM used to get Flash I believe, but I assume the reason it was taken away was because of it's hate-grabbing skills, which may have made it hard for PLD to do it's job(and then NIN comes along and fucks it all up anyhow, hahaha). I'd like to see perhaps an Enlight spell is dual role enhancing/divine stat based. Or, heaven forbid, they actually make Dia a Divine spell, which would make sense, since it's the opposite to Bio... a Dark spell. But then, so many people(WHM, RDM, BLM, etc.,) skill up their enfeebling on Dia alone, I think the crowd would be a little displeased by that idea.

      Though, you last question kind of has me scared now, Kman. The only reason to fix somehting that ain't broken, is if you're really planning to break it...
      Last edited by BurningPanther; 04-05-2006, 01:01 PM.


      • #18
        Re: new RDM spell

        RDM Had flash, but alas, if we kept it, then it would have been Dead-Obvious that we were probably designed as a Light-Tank. If I stock up on Damage- gear (Lesse, Cheviot's Cape, Jelly Ring, Darksteel Gear, Genbu Shield) I can get maybe 30% reduction. In addition to my enfeebles and phalanx, and Self-Refresh and PLD-type curing, RDMs can easily last the 3 minutes it takes for a PLD to wear off from weakened.

        With our gear choices, flexibility and magic abilities, Flash in addition to a WAR sub would have made RDMs strongly unbalanced. Hell, we even had access to Crossbows in the beta, unless I am mistaken. Imagine a RDM debuffing the mob with gu-

        Oh wait, no, we have Corsairs for that now -.-

        I'd like Refresh 2, even if it only meant that I could cast it on myself, then Refresh 1 on the rest of the pt faster, shortening my cycle, and giving me more time to help the pt. Or casting it on the PLD and being able to skip a cycle due to increased duration. Tier 2 enfeebles would be a big help as well, it would take some of the cost off of items.

        Enfeebling Earring is 35million on gilgamesh, because RDMs don't have other spells to fall back on if the initial is resisted. We have sleep 1 and Sleep 2, why not others?

        In hindsight, even if all they gave us was Gravity 2 and Bind 2, then Maat fights would be 10times easier, because, like sleep, if one fails, we can fall back onto the other. But who says that RDMs NEED to have the most unbalanced, luck-based Maat fight? -.-

        Paralyze 2, please. NINs are friggin DDs and they get tier 2 enfeebles. Aren't RDMs supposed to be the Masters of Enfeebling?
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


        • #19
          Re: new RDM spell

          we used to have gun skill up until cap 65 was just released if i remember correctly.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #20
            Re: new RDM spell

            Originally posted by Jei
            we used to have gun skill up until cap 65 was just released if i remember correctly.
            They saw how godly RDMs were at that point. I mean seriously, I bet a Team of RDMs were kicking Faffy's ass up and down and everywhere in testing and that scared the beejeezus out of the developers!

            Which probably explains a lot about why RDM have this skill or that skill yet we can't make use of the corresponding equipment/weapons for them.


            • #21
              Re: new RDM spell

              I don't recall RDM having Flash in beta, and I'm about 98% sure we didn't have access to any Marksmenship skill at all. However, I thought Regen II used to be RDM only spell. (But let's face it, NA Beta was a REALLY long time ago! I can't remember Saturday, let alone 4 years ago!)

              There have been a lot of debate about Tier II enfeebles, and a number of people have convinced me that we don't need them. That the effects of the spell increase with skill and MND. So this was why there weren't any Tier II enfeebles out side of Dia. (Though I must say I like the idea of making Dia a Divine spell.)

              I know RDMs can tank, or back up tank. I've been a DRKs SATA partner a number of times. Stoneskin, Phalanx, and my low hate lets them get off a big number, and the tank can get hate back quickly. The DRKs seem to really like this set up, and even talked about spreading the idea around. lol It's yet to come back around to me though.

              It's hard to speculate honestly. I mean we know they're not about to give us a Lv.2 Blink, Stoneskin or Phalanx. (Faster cast or something, we'd be teh Ãœber!) They're not going to give us Tier IV Elementals, and I just don't see us getting Cure V. I know some of us would really appreciate a higher skill in Enhancing Magic, but then they'd push up the max damage Stoneskin can eat, and that would make us too strong. I'm sure we all see the pattern here. People already think we're too powerful, when the truth is we're just highly skilled using our abilities and spells.
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


              • #22
                Re: new RDM spell

                Originally posted by tdh
                I don't recall RDM having Flash in beta, and I'm about 98% sure we didn't have access to any Marksmenship skill at all. However, I thought Regen II used to be RDM only spell. (But let's face it, NA Beta was a REALLY long time ago! I can't remember Saturday, let alone 4 years ago!)
                I remembered lots of stuff that was in Beta and that made weird subjob combos possible. Really, when was the last time WAR/PLD did a better job than PLD main?

                Anywho ... anyone remembered that bug discovered in late Beta (I think it was reported on this forum too!) The one where you can leave the mog house with the delivery box open? That was odd ... to find the moogle following you all around Jeuno. Or the hax that was discovered in which under a strange circumstance a player was duping combat caster's cloaks by the buttload ...

                Originally posted by tdh
                It's hard to speculate honestly. I mean we know they're not about to give us a Lv.2 Blink, Stoneskin or Phalanx. (Faster cast or something, we'd be teh Ãœber!) They're not going to give us Tier IV Elementals, and I just don't see us getting Cure V. I know some of us would really appreciate a higher skill in Enhancing Magic, but then they'd push up the max damage Stoneskin can eat, and that would make us too strong. I'm sure we all see the pattern here. People already think we're too powerful, when the truth is we're just highly skilled using our abilities and spells.
                If they give RDMs Tier IV elementals, I'm going to whine and b*tch to SE about giving DRKs their Tier III elementals as well as Tier I & II -ga elementals. -_-;;


                • #23
                  Re: new RDM spell

                  Some fanciful ideas on a RDM tank if flash became possible again:

                  Physical Damage Reduction for RDM:
                  -6% Umbra Cape
                  -10% Defending Ring
                  -10% Genbu's Shield
                  -5% Jelly Ring
                  -2% Darksteel Mittens +1
                  -2% Darksteel Cap +1
                  -4% Darksteel Harness +1
                  -2% Darksteel Leggings +1
                  -2% Darksteel Subligar +1
                  -43% Physical Damage Taken

                  Magical Damage Reduction for RDM:
                  -5% Resentment Cape
                  -10% Defending Ring
                  -8% Minerva's Ring
                  -2% Merman's Bangles
                  -2% Merman's Earring 1
                  -2% Merman's Earring 2
                  -2% Coral Visor +1
                  -3% Coral Cuisses +1
                  -2% Coral Greaves +1
                  -2% Coral Finger Gauntlets +1
                  -4% Coral Scale Mail +1
                  -42% Magical Damage Taken

                  Evasion Skill + Evasion for RDM:
                  ---Evasion Skill----
                  +7 [Neck] Evasion Torque
                  +10 [Hands] Master Caster's Mitts
                  +5 [Feet] Duelist Boots
                  +6 [Ear1] Melody Earring +1
                  +6 [Ear2] Melody Earring +1
                  +10 [Back] Boxer's Mantle
                  +10 [Waist] Scouter's Rope
                  +10 [Shield] Genbu's Shield
                  +10 [Legs] Hydra Brias
                  +10 [Head] Optical Hat
                  +15 [Ring1] Wind Ring
                  +12 [Body] Scorpian Harness +1
                  +10 [Ammo] Fenrir Stone
                  +6 [Hands] Hydra Gloves
                  +7 [Feet] Dance Shoes +1
                  +10 [Feet] Vampire Boots
                  +7 [Ear1] Novio Earring
                  +5 [Ear2] Beastly Earring / Musical Earring / Ethereal Earring
                  +44 Evasion Skill + (+77 Evasion / 2 skill/eva =) 38 = +82 Evasion Skill

                  Haste Build for RDM:
                  +6% [Waist] Ninurta's Sash
                  +2% [Legs] Nashira Seraweels
                  +2% [Head] Nashira Turban
                  +4% [Hands] Dusk Gloves +1
                  +3% [Feet] Dusk Ledelsens +1
                  +3% [Body] Nashira Manteel
                  +5% [Ear1] Wyvern Earring
                  +12.5% [Spell] Haste Spell
                  +37.5% Haste

                  Str Build for RDM:
                  +5 [Waist] Warwolf Belt
                  +3 [Ranged] Ifrit's Bow
                  +5 [Neck] Justice Torque
                  +2 [Legs] Galliard Trousers
                  +7 [Head] Maat's Cap
                  +11 [Hands] Alkyoneus's Bracelets
                  +6 [Ring1] Vulcan's Ring
                  +6 [Ring2] Vulcan's Ring
                  +3 [Feet] Rutter Sabatons
                  +2 [Ear1] Triumph Earring +1
                  +2 [Ear2] Triumph Earring +1
                  +5 [Body] Blue Cotehardie +1
                  +3 [Back] Forager's Mantle
                  +5 [Merits]
                  +65 Str

                  Anyways, on Kujata we have a jpn rdm who is pretty decked out. He tanks behemoth all the time as a rdm/war and their is a rumor of a a rdm taking out fafnor with a group of 7 (mostly blm).


                  • #24
                    Re: new RDM spell

                    wow I want to see that rdm... especially when he tank faf.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #25
                      Re: new RDM spell

                      Originally posted by Aeni
                      They saw how godly RDMs were at that point. I mean seriously, I bet a Team of RDMs were kicking Faffy's ass up and down and everywhere in testing and that scared the beejeezus out of the developers!

                      Which probably explains a lot about why RDM have this skill or that skill yet we can't make use of the corresponding equipment/weapons for them.

                      Actually they changed it cause RDMs sucked hardcore. C-ish in all stats (including Enhancing and Enfeebling). This was pre-Refresh, Gravity, dispel, Regen (when it was RDM only). RDMs were, while very true to the past FF version of the job, not the most liked job. Square changed the job a bit, beefed it up in some areas and ultimatly created a beast lol.

                      PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                      • #26
                        Re: new RDM spell


                        Sorry Gobo I couldn't help myself but I'm with you on that one : )


                        • #27
                          Re: new RDM spell

                          right when refresh first introduced to the game I can't tell how happy I was.
                          The first refresh sold for 1M in the AH (Leaping Boots were still 50-60k so go figure...)

                          Funny thing was that I got into a fight with a japanese friend who was a blm.
                          He kept talking shit in our Thai LS how cheating refresh was, how Rdm wasn't suppose to give others MP and how Rdm became a cheater.
                          Of course at that time I was the only Rdm in the LS I got so pissed off but no one would back me up on the arguement -_-'
                          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                          - Pablo Picasso


                          • #28
                            Re: new RDM spell

                            Oh yeah, Gobo, I finally understand wtf your avatar is.

                            Moving on, i honestly don't know what SE plans to do with RDM. Quite frankly, there is nothing left to do with us, and while other jobs bitch about balance and fairness, RDMs will always have our role. Tanks might bitch, mages may cry, melee will whine, but RDMs will always be there, ready to enhance, enfeeble, nuke or cure as needed.

                            I'll be happy if there is an update to RDM. I might even reactivate my Content IDs. But if there isn't a change, it won't phase me, cause i know my job is the epitome of balance.
                            The Tao of Ren
                            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                            Originally posted by Kaeko
                            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                            • #29
                              Re: new RDM spell

                              I'm happy with the way RDM is. I can solo decent challenge mob without having to be a BST or a 37+ NIN ... and still have enough to minimize my downtimes. I have a good mix of both offense and defense spells. Refresh and Convert! Awesome stuff, hands down.

                              The only beef I have is they lack of melee power that those travel broc- I mean the instruction manual leads you to believe that it exists in the first place. But really, if I wanted to go beat down something with physical prowess, I go on my first main account, sub WAR and go beat it down with a scythe.

                              My two cents :


                              • #30
                                Re: new RDM spell

                                I absolutly agree RDM is truly complete and balanced in my opinion. If I were to ask for one thing from SE it would be not to give us tier 2 enfeebles as it would make enfeebling rather cheap with two casts, but instead to beef up our current enfeebles or make enfeebling magic skill a bit more effective in the formula as to keep that role when other jobs have the ability to do the same as supporters debuffing should still be the one thing we exceed in. I'd like for either HNM to be more suspetible to enfeebles (even with 338 enfeebling skill I can't enfeeble sky gods with near good enough success rate) and everything in sea is like fully resistant to all enfeebles. Paralyze, Slow, Gravity doesn't win the fight for you but it sure does make us shine if the proc rate on paralyze is often enough, and Slow is near the full 30% mark, and Gravity almost speaks for itself even if it's a short duration.

                                Sorry as my post is no longer very informative but is now becoming a ramble I guess theirs just something that twitched inside me when I read everyone else's responses.

