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  • Food???

    someone tell me whats good food for +50 rdm? hit me back. i was told +1melon pies

  • #2
    Re: Food???

    you don't really need melon pies unless you want INT for some situation.

    I normally don't use food that often. but here are some food you might want to look into.

    orange kuchen is good if you want only mp boost. it's cheap and last for hour.
    sweet rice cake is also cheap. I usually eat this in merit PT (altho I do just fine not eating anything too)
    goblin chocolate adds 5 MP regen same as ginger cookie. But it lasts 3 hours. can buy from goblin shop.
    goblin mushpot adds 10 MND but no MP. Very good if you only want MND boost. Can buy from goblin shop also. Lasts 3 hours.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Food???

      My experiences with rdm have lead me to believe that mpH+ bonuses are sort of useless, unless, like Jei said, you use gob choco, you will rarely be seated as a rdm at those levels, my rdm is 47 and i find no time to sit! last time i ended up using around 5 ginger cookies and they wore off without me ever sitting, so i just got rid of them and started using food just for the MP effect, orange kuchen and some pumpkin pies and melon pies i had laying around.

      im guessing a 3 hour mpH+ food would be better though, in most situations

      i dont sit much as rdm.. maybe cos i just cant be still for too long? i did get a praise for leaving de-buffs on mob at all times lol, but thats totally not necessary, not when mob has 10% mp^^
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #4
        Re: Food???

        Food you use can depend on your playstyle and race.

        For RDMs, usually the biggest concern is making sure you HP and MP are as close as possible so that you have efficient Converts.

        Tarutaru RDMs at 50+ for instance, tend to be able to get more MP than HP with good gear, so +MP foods aren't as useful as other +stat foods for Taru mages (though if you don't have optimal gear, stuff like pies is still a viable option).

        For non-Taru mages without amazing gear, pies and other +MP foods like Orange Kuchen or Marron Glace are very useful for bumping you up closer to that 1:1 ratio.

        P.S. Jei, goblin chocolate doesn't give +5HMP anymore That property now belongs to ginger cookies(3 minutes) and chocomilk(3 hours).



        • #5
          Re: Food???

          LOL Food is such a tricky thing for a rdm. Like Jei and Balfree said, your so busy as a rdm that mph food is kind of a waste....unless your doing your job wrong. I find it situational. I use mph food or mnd food to merit because its usually at roaming sky parties and I need to sub whm and be main healer. I get more of a chance to rest here because the mobs die so fast and I have to conserve mp a bit more.

          But at lvl 50, I would either use Melon Pies +1 if I was the nuker or Roast Mushroom or for more of a healer role, both give you +2 mph I believe. Pie for int and int for nuking. Mushroom for mnd and mnd for healing is a good rule of thumb to follow. Melon Pie +1 is rather expensive though so substitute Apple Pie +1 or Sweet Rice Cakes. A plain cheap int food is Kahzam Pineapple. Obviously you know where you can get them! All around food though at that lvl would be Sweet Rice Cakes definately.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: Food???

            I actually have to disagree with many of the above posters, in regards to +hmp foods. Wizard cookies are the only food i use. (for both rdm74 and smn67). Here is my reason why:

            I totally agree that time to rest is a precious gift we dont get that often. Therefore, why not make the best of it? +5 (or in my case, +7) HMP is very nice for short rests to get MP back. The ~25 mp you get from pies is almost wasted. I mean, look at how often you get to rest for full mp? And the minimal mp isn't going to make or break your convert ratio.

            Sure, the +int is nice to have, or the +mnd from sweet rice cakes. The short duration on cookies add to the benefit, rather than subtract if used right. Eat a cookie and rest. Ginger cookies last for 3 mins, so it really shouldn't be wearing when your just about to rest. If that were the case, then we can all be sure you're lying about your ability to rest often! ~.^

            For burn/spam/merit pts, a 3hr stat food is almost wasted, beacuse things die so fast, and you dont really "enfeeble" the mobs, so much as just keep the pt rolling along, killing things.

            Back to the OP...

            From 50's all the way up to 70 (just about), you can easily get by with Sweet rice cakes, or goblin michpot for normal exp pts. Both have nice stats, and are perfectly acceptable for long pts.
            Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
            >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
            Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
            >> Alauna : yeah...


            • #7
              Re: Food???

              I've been using Snoll Gelato/Seraph's Kiss for +15 hp & +85 mp. It also gives a small hMP boost, but as others have said you're lucky to get a tick to sit. The extra kick you get our of your convert cycle with mp food probably nets you about the same amount as cookies would. I can't speak to cost effectiveness vs Orange Kuchen or Marron Glace, but you might want to check the 3 out.

              Depending on the skill of the party's ninja and how resistant the target mobs are to Slow and Paralyze, I sometimes use Mushroom Stew or Witchkabobs for the +mnd and -enmity effect, as well as a small mp boost.

              My gear is focused more on stats at the moment than mp, so I need the food to get my 1:1 ratio, but as I start collecting more AF and getting free mp bonuses, I'll probably switch to Brain Stew. It's expensive, but can't be beat on stat bonuses. +5 to dex, mnd, and int, +3 hHP and hMP for three hours.

              This is all assuming you've got some money to spend, of course. If you want cost-effective solutions, the answers are:
              Melon Pie for int (AH only)
              Roast Mushroom for mnd (sold at a vendor in Kazham for ~4k a stack)
              Ginger Cookie for hMP if you get to sit often (sold from Valeriano in the 1st place nation for ~1k a stack)

              Double Post Edited:
              If you wanted to go the snack food route, you might bring a couple stacks of pineapples with you and alternate them. They only last 5 minutes, so you might be able to eat a cookie when you sit for hMP, then a pineapple when you stand for INT. Never tried it myself, but it wouldn't be expensive to experiment with.
              Last edited by Taskmage; 03-28-2006, 08:27 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: Food???

                Originally posted by Alauna
                I actually have to disagree with many of the above posters, in regards to +hmp foods. Wizard cookies are the only food i use. (for both rdm74 and smn67). Here is my reason why:

                I totally agree that time to rest is a precious gift we dont get that often. Therefore, why not make the best of it? +5 (or in my case, +7) HMP is very nice for short rests to get MP back. The ~25 mp you get from pies is almost wasted. I mean, look at how often you get to rest for full mp? And the minimal mp isn't going to make or break your convert ratio.

                Sure, the +int is nice to have, or the +mnd from sweet rice cakes. The short duration on cookies add to the benefit, rather than subtract if used right. Eat a cookie and rest. Ginger cookies last for 3 mins, so it really shouldn't be wearing when your just about to rest. If that were the case, then we can all be sure you're lying about your ability to rest often! ~.^

                For burn/spam/merit pts, a 3hr stat food is almost wasted, beacuse things die so fast, and you dont really "enfeeble" the mobs, so much as just keep the pt rolling along, killing things.

                Back to the OP...

                From 50's all the way up to 70 (just about), you can easily get by with Sweet rice cakes, or goblin michpot for normal exp pts. Both have nice stats, and are perfectly acceptable for long pts.
                Actually in my post, I stated food that gave both +int or +mnd or both AND +mph. I personally think mph is a benefit for the rare instances you do get to rest but solely +mph at the OP's lvl is a waste. We are talking about the OP and not our individual characters lvls here. There are well rounded foods out there that give many benefits including +mph.
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #9
                  Re: Food???

                  Going to have to disagree with Alauna about the +7hMP on Wizard cookies being superior to +75 to +85MP from Orange Kuchen or Marron Glace for a 50+ RDM.

                  Consider that, post-Refresh (41), you only get to rest for maybe one tick per chain, if that, which ends up being anywhere from 1-2 ticks per 10 minutes (1 Convert Cycle). With an efficient convert, you will get an extra 75-85MP from +MP food per 10 minutes, versus only 7-14MP from Wizard Cookies (not to mention the annoyance of having to eat before resting).

                  For mage jobs that do a lot of resting (SMN, BLM, WHM), Wizard Cookies make perfect sense. For red mages, though, I think they're overrated and far inferior to foods that will improve the potency of Convert.



                  • #10
                    Re: Food???

                    Originally posted by Jei
                    goblin chocolate adds 5 MP regen same as ginger cookie. But it lasts 3 hours. can buy from goblin shop.
                    I just went in game and checked it ands it's actually what somepage says... which is weird. I guess they changed it.

                    Originally posted by
                    * HP Regeneration While Healing +5
                    * Lizard Killer
                    I didn't test the Lizard Killer, but I did test the HP regeneration. This chocolate doesn't affect MP/tick anymore.
                    Last edited by tomfin10; 03-28-2006, 12:44 PM.
                    "From the void all things are born.
                    To the void all things return."

                    -philosophy of the Walahra


                    • #11
                      Re: Food???

                      well i think i'm going to stick with anything +int or even nothing haha. besides refresh, enfeb, heal i i spend time nuking. and usually i have no problems with mp and if i do i just convert. its usually within 20minutes period. i dont know if int will benifit me in long run. but i'll just stick with int.

                      another thing, i know its not related but it is for rdm. the maat fight, i herad its pretty difficult for rdms, any advise on how to defeat? i thought about subbing ninja.


                      • #12
                        Re: Food???

                        another thing, i know its not related but it is for rdm. the maat fight, i herad its pretty difficult for rdms, any advise on how to defeat? i thought about subbing ninja.
                        There are various other threads and stickies that deal with the Maat fight. And you dont get access to any subjobs, so its pure RDM, and only RDM.
                        Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                        >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                        Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                        >> Alauna : yeah...


                        • #13
                          Re: Food???

                          any advise =(


                          • #14
                            Re: Food???

                            There's probably 10+ threads about Maat fights in the RDM forum here. Do a SEARCH for maat and you'll find them.



                            • #15
                              Re: Food???

                              If your looking for INT food then Melon Pie +1 or just normal melon pie is the best as others have said. For MP...well I always use Marron Glance myself....

