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Luxury Goods That We Need?

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  • #46
    Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

    Originally posted by Icemage
    Aeni, do you ever research what you post before you post it?

    Blood Saber does NOT bypass Stoneskin and does NOT bypass Phalanx. It's an AoE Drain attack (darkness) that drops shadows and bypasses Invincible and Perfect Dodge (being magical).

    P.S. Locus is right about Deodorize. It doesn't stop blood aggro as far as I can tell.


    I had a RDM friend die from Blood Saber with Stoneskin just up and converting. I'm guessing you never had this happen to you before.


    • #47
      Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

      I get hit by blood saber on the ferry all the time and I take 0 damage with stoneskin up. Maybe your friend just had really terrible enhancing skill.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #48
        Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

        Nothing goes past Stoneskin unless it does so much damage that it deactivates it, lol.

        And Icemage is never wrong ._. Now if only he'd level RDM up some more. . .

        In other news, I've realized that RDM is a fairly cheap job. I plug along, getting a bit of gil here and a bit of gil there. In terms of sets, I have all Errant except hat, all Wise except feet(not by choice, I intend to buy them eventually), and all AF.

        Crimson would be nice, I guess, but all the stats on the chest I get from Errant body, and the HP/MP+ is negligable since I can manage myself pretty well.

        The only Refresh gear I would consider would be Duelist Tabard, but only because it raises Fast Cast, so I'd macro it into Haste and Refresh. The jury is still out on whether or not I'd replace it.

        And I've hit some sort of cap, and I can actually notice the difference between my nukes. With full INT and swapping out Wise Body in favor of Errant body, I actually nuke harder ._.

        On mobs weaker than me, this is consistent (i suppose since INT would be the strength whilest MagAcc is slightly the strength but more on whether or not I'm resisted.), and on exp it varies.

        Thunder and Fire staves are pretty useless, but I bought them anyway, because they were the last things I needed and a RDM in the same pt as me consistently hit 700+ on his MBs >.<

        Even with PLD tank, I don't have enough time to cast Poison and see a beneficial effect when before the mob dies BUT-

        We have to remember that end-game RDM is much different than the lvl Aeni is at. At her level, Poison is a huge help. I'm not saying to buy the Water Stave, but keep into consideration that she'll factor in the Errant/Wise/Relic stuff when she gets to that bridge.

        For argument's sake, Enfeebling Torque is a must only if you can spring for it. On Gilgamesh, Spider and Enfeebling are so close in price that it's worth it to take a few more days(weeks) of getting money to get the Enfeebling.

        Joyeuse is free and worth the effort if you must melee.

        For pts where you'll be doing a good portion of curing, the consistent 10% goes a long way on light staff.

        BUT, Ice staff is almost always below 100k, so get that just out of principle. Then Dark since healing for MP, Sleep and drain/aspir benefit. Then Wind, since Silence and Gravity are those "secondary" enfeebles. I'd spring for Earth last, since you don't really "need" slow. NINs should be doing their own, and while PLDs benefit from it greatly, they can survive without it just fine.

        Fire and Thunder are just toys. Water, is useless because Poison 2, the only spell that actually benefits from it, can be cast effectively without it. And if Poison 2 is resisted, it's not a big deal.
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

