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Luxury Goods That We Need?

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  • Luxury Goods That We Need?

    Just trying to gauge community opinions about luxury goods that seem to be important for players in every job class.

    For example, Life Belt would be considered important for many melee job classes and they are not too expensive. But it's been argued that some luxury items, like a Haubergeon for a DRK, is important or at least shows serious dedication to that job class.

    I'm wondering if there's anything similar for RDMs? The only reason why I ask is that it seems that almost every RDM at some point in their 60s and 70s are sporting VCs. Even those that are not in "end game" LS.

    Another of these kinds of items is the joyeaux sword. Considered one of the best melee weapons for a RDM, although it has a rare/ex value attached to it.

    Would the community consider these things as important? Or how significant would the depreciation of the job be without these and other similar items? Here are other items I can list that are considered luxury (But by no means is this an exhaustive list)

    Enfeebling Torque
    Vermillion Cloak
    Enhancing Sword
    Joyeaux Sword

    I'm sure there's a lot of others, but I'm coming from a melee background (mostly) so, many high level mage stuff didn't interest me before or I have no prior knowledge of.

    Anyway, the point to all this is me making some decision in which I might have to sell many stuff on one character just to equip my other character. Well, that is the price to pay for having two characters, but I think the problem would still be the same even on one character with multiple jobs.

  • #2
    Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

    in your list i would say enfeeble torque is the most important. definitely get it.

    second would be V cloak. While it's not absolute neccesary, it definitely helps.
    Eventually you can replace the V cloak with AF2 hat. And if you somehow get a hand on zinette's body, you can get a total of 2 free mp per tick, which makes it 5 per tick with refresh. sounds cool isn't it xD
    It also helps a lot when soloing easy mobs. I just keep V cloak on for easy MP when i farm for coffer keys or the like.

    I have joyeuse and I love it. It's fun, it's fast, and the proc rate is amazing. It is not important for PT play however so no need to rush to get this thing. for PT you'll be using elemental staffs. Wind, earth, ice, dark and light staffs will used more often that the rest.

    Fast cast gears are great. For example refresh, macro your AF1 hat on everytime you cast refresh and it will reduce recast time from 16 to 15 seconds. Adds AF2 body and it will reduce 1 more second. Make refresh cycle a lot faster and easier to do without having to haste yourself.

    Moldavite earring is a popular one. Check it out

    Phantom Tathlum seems to be another popular throwing item for mages. but there's other things too.

    Some other things are MND and INT. Our primary debuff spells are based on MND. INT can also be very important when you're kiting stuff with gravity.
    Apart from rings, the errant set is great for mnd+int.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

      Enfeebling Torque is a must. I just don't think you can get past having one of those.

      I have a Verm's but used it rarely at those lvls. In exp pts, I was too busy casting to keep it on. Other body pieces were more important and were macro'd into my spells. IF I did get a chance to rest, then yes it was immediately equipped. Now when I go meriting in nin burns, melee burns, or mana burns, I do wear it nearly all the time because my enfeebles stick without swapping equips.

      Swords are only for the very rich or lucky. I do not melee and I do not advocate meleeing, so a high end sword for exping is worthless to me. My spells have staves macro'd in so it would only be for looks. Besides, I prefer a dagger. (But Joyeuse is sweet!)

      Genbu's Shield is free and sweet. Once you start killing Gods, make sure your in line to get one. Sexay little shield to use when solo'ing!

      Moldavite Earring, as Jei said, is a very sweet piece of equip and free! I highly recommend getting ahold of one.

      As far as a phantom thalum, I won't waste my money for 5 more mp. I use a morion thalum and I'm quite content. The same int and thats what I'm wearing it for anyways. I mean 5 mp is not going to save your pt if you need mp. LOL

      Serket Ring is very very nice but again not totally necessary. If one day you get awarded one it will be sweet but I don't think I would go running out to buy one.

      I'm a fan of the Penitant's Rope and I don't know about your server but on mine, the price went through the roof! But this can be obtained in a bcnm battle so if you had some generous friends/lsmates, I would recommend getting it.

      I have crimson and zenith gear but I'm woefully missing Duelist's and Wise gear. I guess because I'm asked to come whm more than rdm even though I love rdm the most. I would rather have Sorcerer's gear than Cleric's but I have a feeling thats not going to happen either. /sigh
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #4
        Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

        Enfeebling torque - it's nice, but you don't *need* it; spider torque is perfectly adequate and depending on your server, possibly much cheaper (or you can camp Dune Widow yourself). BCNM60 loot, so you might be able to get it yourself instead of buying it, as well.

        Vermilion cloak - a poor choice for RDM in party play, IMO. When casting you will get much more out of AF/AF2 head and body, when resting, errant houppelande (or af+1 body if you have it). I suppose it would be slightly useful at the levels where you can't wear errant yet, but really, the effect of 1/tick refresh is not that great even if you have it all the time; if you have it only a small fraction of the time it's even less. If it was cheap, I'd probably recommend getting it until you can replace it with errant, but at the price tag it actually has... it's not really a priority.

        Solo may be another matter - I noticed a lot of soloing became a lot easier when I got Duelist's Chapeau - but I'd hardly recommend buying something so expensive just to solo. Anyway, you may get more benefit from the ogre set or Cardinal/Narasimha's vest as solo gear, depending on your solo style.

        Enhancing sword - never had one, never felt I needed one. Swords are mainly solo gear for a RDM, there are only a few party situations where you may want one (e.g. farming Aura Pots for Ro'Maeve water). Therefore they are basically all luxury items - and luxury, by definition, means unnecessary.

        Joyeuse - it's very nice for solo; the double attack increases your overall damage, tp gain, and does double en-spell damage too. You will probably use it only rarely for exp/Dynamis/HNM, though, even if you have it (e.g. one precharged Spirits Within and then switch to staffs).

        Moldavite earring is nice, it's rare/ex from an nm goblin in Onzozo. You can kill it with a 50ish party if they're well organized, or a couple of 60s, or a 70+ can solo.

        Master caster's bracelets are a rare/ex Windurstian conquest item, but I think they can also be gotten by people of other nations under the right conditions (your nation in 1st, Windurst in 2nd, I think). You will need to be rank 7 or 8 though. In areas outside your own nation's control they have +7 elemental and enfeebling magic - very useful. Many people don't use their conquest points much so it is like getting them for free.

        Penitent's rope is not bad, but I wouldn't call it necessary (well, I guess that's obvious since many RDMs got to 75 before it even existed). I did get it when it dropped to 2M on Carby though - the -enmity is handy in Dynamis, although you'll probably never need it in exp. The extra int and mnd doesn't seem to make much difference from Royal Knight's belt or RSE belts, or even Hierarch (which you should probably get to swap in for resting, but it can scarcely be considered a luxury item at such a low price).

        HQ staves - I don't have any of these yet, so I can't really comment on their effectiveness. They certainly aren't *necessary*, but they might be the best place for a RDM to spend extra money if they have it.

        Ultimately, most of the really great RDM gear is rare/ex - AF, AF2, Crimson (some pieces), Nashira, etc. This can mean that you spend a long time at 75 feeling frustrated because you can't get the great gear some other RDMs have, but at least it spares your virtual wallet.
        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


        • #5
          Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

          I disagree on the enfeebling torque. I had a spiders torque for quite a while and I noticed a significant difference between the two.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

            Thanks for the replies. TGM, it's good and dandy at 70+ and once you're in an end-game shell, but I only have a small social shell with 3 good friends: 1 RDM 75, 1 WHM 70 and 1 PLD 73. It's not nearly enough to obtain all the stuff you own Hence, me being forced into a buying situation, which is fine by me, but just takes time (Crafting and Fishing are my two best money makers with the occassional farming runs for obscure and expensive items)

            Karinya, that's pretty hawt stuff there! It's a load off my shoulders, because I've been trying to figure out a way to come up with 50+ million gils for everything -- before the prices shoot up again =_=;;


            • #7
              Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

              Master Caster's Bracelets *drool* Thanks for pointing those out. Those were totally off my radar.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                Aeni, you can get it from bcnm. Just get your friends together and let them know you need it. See if they will agree for you to be able to get the torque but not get a cut on anything else. If not, then just do a few bcnm's and you should be able to have the gil soon to buy it. Same for Penitants Rope, it just takes some time and planning is all. I recommend getting both before endgame because your so busy with events and helping the ls in endgame that its harder to have the time to do the bcnms for the gil/items. Good luck!
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #9
                  Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                  Dalmatica(+1) and Chasuble(+1) are on my personal wish list, as well as a Rainbow(Prism) Cape. I wanna get a Wise Braconi(+1), and with that gear alone, I can free up some space in my inventory, seeing as how the M.Acc bonuses can replace some of the accessories I carry.

                  While not really useful in party settings, I have a love jones for the Enhancing sword. Joyeuse is nice and all, but Enhancing sword just compliments our skills.


                  • #10
                    Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                    of course other gears are better for actually casting spells. But after those spells it never hurt to macro V cloak back on. And in my point of view, there are pells that don't benefit enough from gear for me to want to take VC off, like cure, haste, blink (the -enmity from errant is nice for cure. But unless I'm up against gods, I rarely ever pull hate by curing at all)
                    Before I got myself the V cloak there are often times when I run out of MP sooner than convert recast time. especially with 4 or more ppl to refresh, VC gives that little buffer MP enough to keep me going until convert is ready.
                    Of course VC will be obsolete with hat AF2 but getting that hat will take some time I've been to Xaca dynamis since last year and still haven't got one...

                    Just by nature of this game, we'll be busy, yes, but not every seconds of the battle. There are always short moments here and there during battle that we get to relax a little bit. Not long enough to rest for MP but long enough to get a few tick from VC. Combine these fraction of times together through out the battle and it's not bad at all.

                    For some other long events like dynamis sometimes I don't get to cast anything much especially if I'm not in the main alliance. I can keep going on for hours without my mp running low at all with V cloak.

                    For HQ staffs, I would go for wind first. And then ice, and then earth. I personally value silence and gravity more than other debuffs.
                    Last edited by Jei; 03-12-2006, 04:17 PM.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #11
                      Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                      Enfeebling Torque > I think this is a must. I had this and the Spider Torque. Spider Torque cost me 2mil, Enfeebling Torque cost me 3.3mil. (Spider has since dropped to 1.4mil on Lakshmi I believe.) I noticed a difference as well. From having a helluva time getting Silence to stick at Lv.63, having a better time, but having to try 2 times to get it to stick at Lv.64, to almost 90% success at Lv.65. Those Gobbys in the Bay must have nightmares about Odude. lol

                      Enhancing Sword > I think this is a completely luxury. I don't know anybody that has one, and has toyed with it. However I've done almost all of my Sword and Dagger Skill Ups solo. The Buzzard Tuck has done me well. Helped me learn Vorpal Blade. (Which I'm in love with by the way. Lots of farming as RDM/DRK now.)

                      Joyeuse > I want! I want! I want! It's not required, since I haven't meleed since Lv.30, and I'm not about to start. However... having said that, there are missions, there are Coffer camping, there's just fun smacking something with a Sword. The Joytoy will fill those sessions quite nicely.

                      Vermillion Cloak > I used to want this. Even though I hear TGM and Jei talk about it, AF1 Body would always be on. So I can't see spending the 15mil I think it costs on my server. If I ever seriously level SMN, I'll get one. And unless the items required to make it just happen to fall into my lap, I won't pick one of these up. (Of course something may change, and this may become more attractive to me. But at this point I'd say no.)

                      Moldavite Earring > Profblix is getting on my damn nerves. I've been camping this thing like crazy the past 3 weeks. I want this before I go zap that Old Fart's curls out. That Magic Attack Bonus will come in hand BIG time!

                      HQ Staves > Some say that a RDM doesn't even need ALL of the Staves. I have all the NQ staves, and I want all of the HQ staves. It's just an issue of raising the gil. As usual, Jei said it best:

                      Originally posted by Jei
                      For HQ staffs, I would go for wind first. And then ice, and then earth. I personally value silence and gravity more than other debuffs.
                      I don't really see a point in the HQ Light staff for RDM, other than to just complete the set. lol If it had Cure +15% on the HQ that would help big time, but as it is I don't see it's usefulness for RDM.

                      Suggestion: Every RDM should get a Hornetneedle and a level it. I have one, and I love it. I've only stopped using it as of late because I'm having so much fun using Souleater + Vorpal Blade. (870dmg as my record.) But Haste + Hornetneedle + Enthunder is an amazing thing. In a Skill Up, I actually had Haste + Double March, and I was attacking so fast it looked like a RDM 100 Fisted with a Dagger, I just never stopped attacking. Damage isn't bad either, about 20dmg from Dagger, and then 15~19dmg Enthunder on EP Crabs. ~40dmg a volley, and I can attack about 2.6 times per Sword swing.
                      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                      • #12
                        Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                        Your home naton has to be Windurst for you to get the master caster's bracelet. Despite this item will appear for Windurst citizen when Windy is 2nd place or up in conquest. The bracelet is not offered for sale to foreigners (i.e. from Sandy or Bastok) instead the master caster's mitts is offered.


                        • #13
                          Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                          TGM, There's only 3 other people who I'd trust in a 6-man BC besides myself =/ I'm sorry, but Hades is swimming with crooks left and right, one of the many reasons these players emigrated from their servers the past two world shifts.

                          TDH, excellent guide Even if I'm not there yet, I like to plan things ahead of time, since it allows me to work out a path where I will always have proper funding for the spells and equipment I need as I level into them. I've prided in being self-sufficient and part of the reason I look up to this RDM friend of mine (Who has a suite of high end gear and stuff accumulated over the years thanks to her insanely high clothcrafting and knack for getting gil contracts (e.g., work for hire like escort or missions)


                          • #14
                            Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                            Aeni, what race are you? At higher levels, I'd suggest putting perhaps Astral or Ether rings in your inventory on a more permanent basis. The reason I ask your race was because I find that the level 65+ spells you acquire can start to become rather draining(for me, as a hume, anyway), but I figure that if you perhaps Tarutaru, this might not be as big a problem.


                            • #15
                              Re: Luxury Goods That We Need?

                              Originally posted by BurningPanther
                              Aeni, what race are you? At higher levels, I'd suggest putting perhaps Astral or Ether rings in your inventory on a more permanent basis. The reason I ask your race was because I find that the level 65+ spells you acquire can start to become rather draining(for me, as a hume, anyway), but I figure that if you perhaps Tarutaru, this might not be as big a problem.
                              Mithra. I have a taru BLM. But that's on Middie. =.=

                              I chose mithra, because I actually wanted to be a NIN. Instead, I ended up deciding on RDM. Sigh.

