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This is why you don't melee ...

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  • This is why you don't melee ...

    ... if you cannot handle your responsibilities.

    On this night (Not tonight) that the screenshot was taken, I was involved in some retardedly insane Hakutaku Marathon which culminated in a total of 9 hours of tiring effort in order to obtain Optical Hats for no less than 9 cluster holders ... only 6 managed to walk from this ordeal with the prized possessions.

    There were untold deaths, mostly on the part of our valiant tanks, who unselfishly gave it their all in trying to manage this unfortunately epic battle.

    However, there were a couple of bad apples in the alliance, and no more notorious than the RDM that was situated in my party, a part of seasoned veterans responsible for leading the battles and for providing essential communication to the other players ...

    Here is a level 75 RDM, supposedly tested in many end game activities and teeming with knowledge of his job. He had told us he would be subbing DRK for stun, to provide additional stunning on this mad-AOE-ridden beast ...

    However, he also had a penchant for throwing himself into the fray, mindlessly meleeing with his newly obtained Optical Hat, dagger in hand and just squealing in delight with one or two additional strikes he otherwise was not able to perform prior to this night ...

    What was the result of his negligent behavior? There were no refreshing and backup cures in our PT. I silently disengaged during crucial moments of every fight to gather my lost MP in order to continue along in the stun rotation ... however many stuns we had that night, there were times when the resting coincided with each other, such as it were in the moments similar to this screenshot ...

    When Haku started to cast Firaga III, I knew that something was up when Stun #1 did not throw a stun. A quick glance and I noticed that she was taking a knee for MP ... so was Stun #3 ... and Stun #4 ...

    Then I noticed that the RDM had scuttled nondescript to the rear to take a knee as well. After the WHM implored for a refresh, the RDM answered with, "Getting some MP back." Huh, if you were refreshing, this shouldn't be a problem. Oh heck, why don't you just convert ....

    You know, I love my RDMs dearly. They are the important pieces in that large gear box which allows all parts to perform their duty. However, when one all of a sudden takes his role for granted and shrugs off the importance of such a basic role, things start to fall apart.

    I conclude this post with the same lecture every RDM has already heard. But I wanted to give you undeniable proof of this ...

    ... If you can't do your job, then you shouldn't be meleeing ...

    Oh, when Firaga III landed, unmolested, 5 players got toasted and the fight was nearly lost. It was just dumbluck, that somehow, the little JP tarutaru ninja managed to tank a good 1 minute with less than 50 HP to his name ...

    Oh, and happy holidays to everyone. Good night.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Aeni; 12-26-2005, 01:26 AM.

  • #2
    Re: This is why you don't melee ...

    id have taken a poop on his foot. but thats just me. wootaru
    Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
    75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


    • #3
      Re: This is why you don't melee ...



      CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
      Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


      • #4
        Re: This is why you don't melee ...

        that's some powerful persuasion you got there, young missie!

        i must admit, when i was a red mage, there were times i gave in to the temptation and melee'd when i shouldn't have...

        ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
        Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
        I live to entertain!


        • #5
          Re: This is why you don't melee ...

          the temptation is there, but you have to ignore it.

          shame on this rdm........

          Originally posted by SevIfrit
          we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


          • #6
            Re: This is why you don't melee ...

            this rdm shoulda done his job. instead of thinking "hey im uber and 1337 now i have a class C sword that probobly isnt even capped on this NM thats highly evasive. Yeah +10 accuracy is gonna make me invincible now".


            (i bet thats what he was thinking)
            Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
            75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


            • #7
              Re: This is why you don't melee ...

              Makes me glad I'm a Tarutaru. Less reason to want to dive in and mix it up for 3 damage a hit.

              RDMs like that need to be slapped. Hard. Repeatedly. With Galka-hair brooms.



              • #8
                Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                I often find that when you get a group of high lvls together to do something, there will be at least a couple of nimrods in the bunch. "Oh hey I'm lvl 75! I am teh uber! I will show my 1337 skillz!" Heck I've died farming water (DC mobs) with 6 tanks! Just makes you want to smack people upside the head!
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #9
                  Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                  First off? Whats that on your back? Secondly, where is the rdm dark in that picture, if he's meleing You'd think you'd be able to see him.

                  Art done by Fred Perry.


                  • #10
                    Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                    Well, there's at least one person in the fight that is completely hidden by the Hakutaku. I don't see any O hats in the picture, but they might be gear swapping. *shrug*

                    At any rate, I don't read the moral of this story as "rdm shouldn't melee" so much as "recognize what your group has invited you to do, and make sure whatever else you do doesn't interfere with that task." If you can't do your job, then you shouldn't be in the party regardless of whether or not you're meleeing.

                    Btw, is the taru on the right behind the Hakutaku wearing Nashira Turban?*drool*
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #11
                      Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                      Funny. My Sword is hovering at 212, hence, anything DC or higher is gonna be a huge Whiff fest. For shame. Well, at least if he was a leet taru, like myself, and came properly equipped, he could have easily meleed, refreshed and stunned.

                      Coulda made use of the DRK abilities and access to Vorpal Blade for some extra damage, but obviously, he's a retard. If it were a seasoned RDM, it'd be possible. But honestly, even with what I know, if I had to refresh that many ppl, I'd be too busy grabbing a seat (Tarus don't take knees) for my own MP to be meleeing.

                      So there goes the argument "It's possible." I'm sorry for getting everyone's hope up.
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                        I've always had a knack for being stupid like this... -w-;; I don't do it much anymore, heck, I don't do it, now I just go crazy when I'm by myself in a field! ^w^;; I always found that a fun way to get that whole yippy feeling off! ^0^


                        There once was fish,

                        Whom made a perfect dish

                        To a giant fish.

                        The giant fish was caught,

                        By a Mithra which sought

                        To fill her hunger.

                        The Mithra was slayed,

                        By a monster whom would raid

                        The land.

                        What have we learned?


                        • #13
                          Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                          Originally posted by Hyrist
                          First off? Whats that on your back? Secondly, where is the rdm dark in that picture, if he's meleing You'd think you'd be able to see him.
                          Read the post Hyrist. It explains what the RDM was doing, so I won't bother to reiterate here once again.

                          That is a Bhuj on my back. The danger with fighting Hakutaku is that hate is about as thin skin on the tanks as a body suit on Aeon Flux. So when ever I rest, I make sure I put on some +VIT and other defensive gears. It may not be much, but trust me, it can make the difference of being one shotted or having just enough HP left after the initial mauling so that someone can save your ass - provided you have a good WHM (which we did)

                          Although you coming here with that posts smells like you just want to troll. If you're a RDM and feel slighted by my post, don't even bother reading this thread, as it's pretty obvious those kinds of RDM will feel the need to be defensive about any criticism drawn to them as well as the need to be bullheaded about their own modus operandi and ego.


                          Need to explain something about fighting Hakutaku. Whenever you have blink tanks, the real danger is not them being able to evade or dodge physical attacks from the NM, but that they are ineffective in dealing physical damage against the NM, which is part of being able to maintain hate against mages, like BLMs, that do superbly well in this fight.

                          I remember many times during the night where the NM would just suddenly turn on me and I've died several times because of this (When people talk about DRKs not making good tanks, Hakutaku really prove this in a way that you cannot argue against it) Haku once double fisted me so that the WHM mid-casting Cure III (I had about 900 HP) didn't get that to land and I instantly died (The HP bar just fades from white to nothing with a red zero popping up)

                          Even when resting, this becomes a grave danger. If one of the tanks dies, then immediately, whoever was second on the hate list will feel the NM's wrath. Normally, this is not an issue with more than one tank, but like I said, there were a couple of nubs in the alliance and one of them was another NIN, who was so cared of dying, he stood a few steps away and just voked - that's all he did. We couldn't boot him because apparently he was with a few players there (BLM, NIN and MNK) and we'd have to quit the runs altogether if they all left.

                          Incidentally, one of the players there, another RDM, was constantly harassed by the other players there, simply because he said that he was Chinese. I think there's a bit of racism in this game, probably initiated by the whole "Chinese are RMTs" and I think that, while not for this topic, players should need to knock that shit off from the game.
                          Last edited by Aeni; 12-27-2005, 11:39 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                            i can see the red mage. he's in the back.

                            edit: ...or, is that a different rdm?

                            ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                            Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                            I live to entertain!


                            • #15
                              Re: This is why you don't melee ...

                              Originally posted by aegina
                              i can see the red mage. he's in the back.

                              edit: ...or, is that a different rdm?
                              That's the one, hume RDM. He was resting to get MP back and then when the WHM asked for that refresh, he set that excuse up, but some one else sent him a /tell demanding that he give the poor WHM the refresh she needed.

