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Making Money at 30?

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  • Making Money at 30?

    With my rdm quickly approaching 30, i have been looking at what new equipment to get. There is a lot of very good stuff that becomes available at around 30, very good, but also expensive for my somewhat poor self. I dont want to move forward in crappy gear. I have all my RSE, but there is still earrings, necklaces, capes, rings, belts, head pieces and such.

    So with all this new stuff to buy, along with the dispel scroll, I was wondering what i can do to make money at lvl 30. Farming options seem rather limited and crafting not much better considering the money that has to be put into it.

    I also have a 33 monk and a 32 warrior. My redmage is 25 and requires only a few hours in khazam before she is 30. I have around 150k at the moment, which would purchase me about 1 of the rings i want, or the necklace. heh

    Does anyone have any suggestions about what i can do to make money at this low level? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Making Money at 30?

    Any field activity (Mining/Logging/Harvesting), BCNMing, old-fashioned farming. Do a bit of research regarding what sells well in your server's AH, track down where it comes from and go after it. There's also items that can be found on NPCs and sell for far more on AHs. You'd do well to take notice of what normal vendors sell. For example, Fish Mithkabobs sell for 1k each in Kazham and sell for 20k a stack in Midgardsormr (oh noes I ruined the market!)

    The most important thing when pursuing big money: have patience and moderation. Don't flood the market and don't undercut in excess. What I mean is, don't suddenly run up to the AH and put up 7 stacks of fish mithkabobs for, say, 18k. Put them up gradually and don't make any huge undercuts, or not only will you ruin the market for yourself, you'll ruin it for others.


    • #3
      Re: Making Money at 30?

      a good thing to farm would be yagudo necklaces ^_^ you can use them for norg fame and get the utsusemi scroll and sell it if you want... plus the necklaces themselves would sell pretty easy.. trading them to the NPC gives you 200gil each, and you get em really easy with thf subbed.
      Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
      InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


      • #4
        Re: Making Money at 30?

        I agree with Armando to some extent.

        Mining/logging/harvesting is a bit tough to make money on with low lvls since the areas where u mine/log is filled with aggro mobs that will most likely kill u at ur lvl range. Most good areas are over-camped and u need to get somewhat lucky to get those good ores. Not a really steady income, more of an gamble.

        Farming at low lvls mean u mostly have to farm silk, beehive, crystals, etc. To get the maximum income, u really should sub thf and get TH (treasure hunter). It will make ur time more productive.

        BCNM's can get u loads of gil (especially BCNM40), but u need to be experienced and know exactly what ur doing/what ur pt members are doing. Be sure u go with ppl u trust or know very well.


        • #5
          Re: Making Money at 30?

          Hehe, yeah, I'd probably be more helpful if I mentioned some areas to mine in. You can do Zeruhn quite safely for common iron drops and extremely rare darskteels. However, Yughott is generally not crowded, the 2nd-tier orcs won't bother with you at 30, and you can always get by any EPs and DCs with Invis quickly. Yughott can give you around 1 Darksteel or Gold per stack of picks when it's not a bad day. You could try Gusgen if you're feeling adventurous, since you have Sneak available...I hear good things about the darksteel rates there, but I haven't had the guts to try it ;3 Harvesting in Giddeus can be nice too. Never tried Logging. Also, Silk sells like crazy. In Midgard they're up to like 60k a stack, not to mention you can kill the nearby bees too. As for BCNMs, I found a BCNM30 that gets me around 1 million per orb (with the occasional dry run, of course) with its ups and downs, at the end of the day all 3 members generally leave with 800-1000k.


          • #6
            Re: Making Money at 30?

            Bcnm = ??


            • #7
              Re: Making Money at 30?

              Burning Circle Notorous Monster

              Y'know all those Beastman's Seals you see drop in EXP parties? SAVE EVERY ONE ONE OF THEM!! I can't stress this enough. In my days I used to chuck those if I didn't have inventory space. Now I'd chuck silk before I drop these. You trade these to a NPC in Port Jeuno and he gives you an orb. You take the Orb to a Burning Circle. (Like where you fight the Rank 3 Dragon.) Trade the orb and you have a fight. If you win, they drop items that are often hard to come by, and sell for a high rate. Erase (900k on my server last I checked) is one of those items. Here's a link for some information on them:


              I use this to make most of my gil. I actually haven't done much in the way of actual farming in a really long time. BCNMs funded 1.5mil worth of Elemental Staves. They've also helped me raise 3mil on the way to 4mil for my Enfeebling Torque. As somebody in your LS about doing one. There are some 3 man and 6 man BCNMs. They may be interested in going, and need gil as well.
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


              • #8
                Re: Making Money at 30?

                Die by the Sword. Very little info on it, though. I died at least 4 times trying to figure it out Also, you have to go all the way out to Fei'Yin.


                • #9
                  Re: Making Money at 30?

                  Thanks for all the tips guys. I suppose my lvl 10 thief does need a little love at that!

                  I have tried the bcnm30 "Petrifying Pair" a couple times, but so far have either died ;_; or had crappy drops. My friends did get Utsusemi Ni there once, (lucky bastards) but i was not there, nor have i been so lucky as of yet.

                  I think however going with my red mage rather than my monk would produce better success rates.

                  Also a question: Does Treasure Hunter affect bcnm drops?



                  • #10
                    Re: Making Money at 30?

                    Seriously doubt TH affects BCNM drops Don't be discouraged if you fail at a BCNM, however, do your homework thoroughly before picking one. Seals are priceless and rare, so you want to use them on one that's really profitable ^^


                    • #11
                      Re: Making Money at 30?

                      as for farming, try out farming in Tahrongi Canyon, take an warp scroll with you and then teleport-mea

                      bees: drops beehive chips (10k+/s) and honey (5k/s)
                      Pygmaioi: saruta cotton (15k+/s)
                      Wind Element (3-10k per kill)
                      Strolling Sapling (Herb Seeds 20k/s, Grain Seeds 7k/s)
                      crawler drops silk thread but a rare drop (60k/s)

                      /s means per stack

                      with THF sub (level 15+) it should work fine, and you can steal Saruta Cotton and i`m sure herb seeds, but those are harder to steal


