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Advice from rdms who beat maat

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  • #46
    Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

    Johnny, Nddare helped you, return the favor and join KDR, we can always use more up and coming RDMs

    Especially since I've been too busy to be coming frequently ._.

    But anyway, moving on, I'm gonna go to Boyahda and skill up while I'm in work. Or at least try to get NIN to 37.
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #47
      Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

      Originally posted by WishMaster3K
      ...But anyway, moving on, I'm gonna go to Boyahda and skill up while I'm in work. Or at least try to get NIN to 37.
      Wish I could play at work...I'd have several jobs at 75 by now...can you say Office Space?

      As for joining KDR, like most people, I have a lot of loyalty to my current LS. However, I am always up for making more friends, especially since at this point in the game, very few things can be done alone. (Odd, when I was lower level I couldn't wait to get to the higher levels so I wouldn't always need help. Now I need it more than ever...) I also really like helping people out. I've gotten a lot of help on the way, so I like to repay that favor to those who helped me (some of which are long gone) by following their lead and helping the people I can. Look me up anytime I'm on and if I am free, and able, I will help you out. that goes for anyone, not just Wish.

      This also brought up a good point that is also a bit off topic (like this whole post...sorry) but could be of a lot of help to some. If you don't have a good linkshell, look for one. It can make all the difference. I left the game for 5 months, and most of those I used to party with have long since passed me up. However, I have caught up with and even passed several of them again, simply because my LS is willing to help, where theirs does not. You can also look for help outside your LS, by making friends. RDM is a complicated job, and as anyone can see from reading these forums, there is a pretty steep learning curve. I recommend finding yourself a mentor or two (thank yous go to Rob and Dag for answering my endless and often retarded questions). While RDM is often regarded as being more capable than most jobs of doing things solo, that doesn't mean we always need to. This is a social game, so be that, social.


      • #48
        Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

        My thanks go to Jei, GMan, Seppuku, Icemage, Bono, Patchinko, Sepukku, Zempten, Discordian, DrowII, Lazner, and of course, Grendal.

        RDMs like these were and still are my role models in what it means to be a RDM, and now that I am at the lvl they were at when I was learning, I'm going back to their old posts and learning and understanding stuff I could never grasp before.

        Dreams in Vana'diel has been the best community for me ._.
        The Tao of Ren
        FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

        If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
        Originally posted by Kaeko
        As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


        • #49
          Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

          So, I went after Maat for the first time this past Sunday, I was so sure I had the edge. It was Darksday, my Enfeebling, Enhancing, Elemental, Healing, and Dark skills were all capped at 70, I'd just finished Dynamis-Jeuno with my LS, landing Sleep 2 and Sleepga everytime, and even had top shelf gear:

          Full RDM AF1
          All HQ Elemental Staves
          Phantom tathlum
          Moldavite earring
          Morion +1
          Healing, Dark, Enfeebling, Augmenting, Elemental earrings
          Healing, Dark, Enfeebling, Enhancing, Elemental torques
          Genius ring(2)
          Penitent's rope
          Aquamarine ring
          Red cape +1
          Gramary cape

          For food and meds:
          Melon pie +1
          INT potion
          Vile elixer
          Vile elixer +1
          Pro ether

          Now, a RDM in my LS who'd beaten Maat on their second attempt didn't suggest buffing up saying to conserve MP and concentrate on Sleeping, debuffning, and nuking Maat. I ignored him and buffed up, Protect and Shell 4, Phalanx, Haste, Blink, Stoneskin, Refresh and Regen, and went to town.

          "Maat resists the effects of Sleep."

          "Maat resists the effects of Sleep."

          "Maat resists the effects of Sleep."

          "Maat resists the effects of Sleep."

          The whole time, this bastard was landing Bio, Poison, and Water 3 on my ass, in addition to pummeling the shit out of me, forcing me to turn my priority to keeping myself alive. On the fifth attept, Sleep landed, allowing me to hastily try to salvage my plan, raining Dispel on Maat. In my panic, I left out blind, Paralyaze, Slow and Gravity before nuking him, and when he woke up, he continued to pummel me, stopping to stare in those final moments as the Bio and Poison I didn't bring Remedy for ate the last 30 HP I was feebly hanging on to.

          I was glad I did buff, because it allowed me to hold out a whole minute and a half longer than I would have without the buffs--which totalled to about three minutes, start to finish.

          I left the BC in shame, unable to face my fallow RDMs, and logged off for the night.

          I think there was a moral to this story, but damn if I remember it. I'll post again when I do.


          • #50
            Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

            I'm sure he had Shell on, which tipped the scales in his favor. The point of running in directly is to catch him with his pants down. I thought you would have caught on to that

            But yeah, It happens. The best RDMs fall hard and the worst ones get cakewalk fights. It's luck mixed with knowing what to do. I can bet you this tho, he wont do any more ass-raping to you again ^^

            I'll post more after class, but keep your chin up!
            The Tao of Ren
            FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

            If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
            Originally posted by Kaeko
            As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


            • #51
              Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

              Yeah, I've since gotten over the shame of getting punk'd, and am now focused again, that fucker won't surprise me this time.


              • #52
                Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                My favorite part of my first time was:

                "Sleep 1 resists"
                "Sleep 2 resists"
                Ren"Oh. . . . . fuck)
                "Bind Resists"
                "Gravity Resists"

                At this point, I had no backup plan, so I decided that I would just bend over and have an old man sodomize me.

                Double Post Edited:
                Oh, don't feel bad. I raped Maat the second time we met, he never even damaged me, but to this day, he is still a Dirty Old Man.
                Last edited by WishMaster3K; 02-07-2006, 11:05 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                The Tao of Ren
                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                Originally posted by Kaeko
                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                • #53
                  Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                  Yeah, for sure, if sleep dosen't stick, the RDM's best plan sort of falls apart.


                  I now am happy to report that I have put that old man on a liquid food diet... after our fourth dance... >.>

                  It is SO important to remain calm. I mean cool like ice. Like how cool I was when he resisted every Sleep 2 thrown on him... but got put under when I casted Sleep 1 as a backup.

                  Go figure.

                  It was important to keep the core enfeebles on him: Blind, Slow, Paralyze, Gravity, Bind(I learned to keep him as far away from me as possible on my last fight, when Bind wore and Maat hit me for two Asuran Fists... back to back). After that, intersperse buffs on yourself every now and again, which you should barely need if things are going right.

                  In the end, he only landed a couple punches and kicks on me, an few insignifigant spells(for some reason, Maat really likes Bio 3), and I never had to worry about Convert, thanks to a Vile elixer, a +1, and a Pro Ether. When his health reached about 50%, I went Chainspell on his fossil ass.


                  • #54
                    Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                    Burning, I know how you felt-- after losing to him for the first time.. I just couldn't face Vana'diel anymore. Not after all my saying for 70 levels how I would own maat the first try.. How I would beat his ass.

                    ; ;

                    But you and I both won, so it's all good xD. Good job on the win, and congratulations!

                    Corwynn's Journal

                    Red Mage for life.

                    What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                    • #55
                      Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                      why not make another thread on this and make it into a sticky?

                      the new thread could have the rundown on what to do?

                      Just a though~Khidir

                      Double Post Edited:
                      Originally posted by Alucath
                      My sword's at 209 :\ I'm having a hard time figuring out where to skill it (as well as hornetneedle), since I'm looking forwards to some Savage Bladery (Mmm and some evisceration).
                      I have an idea that im still working on go to look up the mob lvs that you can skill up on and go to ff11somepage dot com and put your lv in the weapon skill calculator and you can find out at what lv to cap your sword

                      This is not clear but ill provide my example

                      My sword is currently 121 and im 55

                      At 48 it should be capped at 150 or so

                      I head to bubu and enter that cave with the den of rancor in it (cant remember its name >.<)

                      I beat up the goblin reaper and thf mobs there and i know what lv my sword will cap at since i know that all skills you have cap at a em mob your lv,

                      Ill explain this more later im in school atm
                      Last edited by Khidir; 02-21-2006, 05:44 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                      Main Jobs- Rdm 60 Smn 31 Bst 28 Blu 27

                      The Quetzlcoatl Gimp's SS Gallery


                      • #56
                        Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                        You mean Labyrinth of Onzozo? That's not where den of rancor is but I gotcha.
                        I'll look into it and I might give it a go.

                        Corwynn's Journal

                        Red Mage for life.

                        What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                        • #57
                          Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                          No you missed it it will only work for my lv since My sword skill is 121 it will cap to 150 at a mob that is 48

                          All skills you can perform on a mob will eventually cap to a mob that is em to your lv or higher(usually a bad idea of course for anything to solo at em or higher)

                          research mobs that will cap for your lv then it will work or less heck with nin sub it will be easy work i guess

                          edit: look at it this way 150 sword skill will not rise above a mob that is 48 lv apply this rule with this link and you can calculate where your sword skill will "cap" to the mob you fight with this link happy skilling

                          Main Jobs- Rdm 60 Smn 31 Bst 28 Blu 27

                          The Quetzlcoatl Gimp's SS Gallery


                          • #58
                            Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                            Yeah I understood ya. Unfortunately I'd be fighting level 71 mobs if I wanted to cap on EM ones .

                            Corwynn's Journal

                            Red Mage for life.

                            What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

