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Advice from rdms who beat maat

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  • Advice from rdms who beat maat

    Hello rdm community! I am about 5k from 69 right now and I've already got my rdm testimony ready for use. I've done a few hours of searching across various websites for info on how to handle the old man and I was just looking for any tips I could get. Was wondering if my equips would be acceptable for the fight (Im a Hume btw)

    Austere Staff/ Aquilio's Staff
    Phantom Talth
    AF Head
    Elemental/ Spider Torque
    Cunning Earing
    Moldy (hopefuly soon enuf >_<)
    AF Body
    Marine M Gloves
    Zircon Ring X 2
    Grammary Cape
    Ocean Rope (70)
    Af Pants
    RSE feet

    I've read about many various methods and I'm pretty sure that Aero 3 will be my best friend in this fight along with Sleep and Bind (never considered this) My question is how did most of you start off this fight? Some I've read just run straight in and sleep, dispel, the buff then chainspell Aero3's, sleep pop some ethers and finish him off. How does bind work into all of this and did it for any of you? Thanks for any advice cuz right now I'm scared shitless of this guy >_<

  • #2
    Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

    I tried the run straight in method. Unfortunatly it resulted in him resisting it then killing me within seconds because I had no buffs. Its a risky stratagy.

    The best method I found was to buff up, sleep him, hope it works, then debuff what ever he has then start to Nuke.

    Don't silence him, he hits as hard as his spells do but it spells take longer. The more he casts the more you get a change to.

    Don't bother with bind. I don't think I ever got it to stick. Just try to put as much space beween the 2 of you as you can with Gravity.

    Sleep him during his chainspell if you can. If you have yours active at the time though skip it and just nuke.

    Over-prepair if you can. Take more meds that you think you'll need. I got away with just using 2 Hi-ether but it doesn't hurt to have some elixiers or pro-ether aswell, you can always sell them if you don't need them.

    Keep your health high, his Asuran Fists WILL hurt.

    Don't get too discouraged when he kills you. It happens to us all, just get another testemony and try again.


    • #3
      Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

      From what I’ve heard bind doesn’t stick. As far as sleeping right away you’ll need to at least throw a few spells at him first to get rid of his blink since the only ga spells you’ll have available are dot. Dispel works well for this since if it doesn’t get eaten by blink it’ll still help soften him up. Almost everyone I know who has lost this fight did so because they got nervous and made a mistake so just try and stay calm and you’ll be bragging about beating up on the elderly in no time ^^b.


      • #4
        Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

        when you enter the BC, don't buff yet. Run to maat right away and sleep him first. Begin with sleep 1, and before he wakes sleep 2 him again. The worst spell he can use if you give him enough time is blink. If he happen to use blink, cast a few weak spells like stone water earo and sleep him.

        You should be able to see what he is casting if you run in fast enough. In my case, he casted regen and stoneskin.
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

          I went in on Darksday + new moon
          Pop food - Crimson Jelly (elvaan myself so int is important ... =P )
          Went in, run up fronting Maat, cast blink and stoneskin
          Sleep him and dispel him, cast other spells in between (time filler)

          Now, here is the dynamic of the fight as u will see in my video (uploading again =), will add in link later):

          basically 2 strategies:

          (a) bind, nuke and sleep and repeat;
          (b) chainspell right away, bind, nuke, nuke, nuke, pop vile elixir, nuke, pop vile elixir +1, nuke, nuke, sleep sleep sleep sleep O.O);; . Then convert and cure up, rebuff, then nuke again ^^)V .

          My fight is nothing like that though =P , its always dynamic, lol

          I post up my macros at the following link for your reference:

          * bring in Remedy, he can cast paralyze O.o

          the video link is :
          Last edited by Dragonsword; 11-14-2005, 09:25 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

            Bind does stick, when you use it with the corresponding elemental staff. Probably even sticks without the staff equipped. However, I'd use bind for when Maat is awake, not while he's asleep. I'll explain why later.

            What you want to try and do is to just do a repeat of sleep and Aero 3 nukes repeatively. You have to keep an eye out for when Maat moves close to you for hand-to-hand or when he starts to cast something.

            If he's casting, sleep him and get set to nuke, then sleep again. If he doesn't cast and advances towards you, bind him. This will leave Maat useless either for A.) a few seconds, or B.) gives him an oppurtunity to cast on you. Do not silence Maat. If you do that, you're allowing him to focus more on melee attacking. This will result in him being able to get TP faster to WS on you. WS = death. Maat is deadliest for RDM when he's meleeing you.

            Another thing is, I believe the fight is based on luck and your stats. Variant in both factors. If you can successfully sleep Maat over and over without any resists, then you have a good chance of winning. If he resists Sleep AND Sleep 2 consecutively, you'll most likely lose. You can win the fight without Bind, so there's no serious need to worry whether that's going to cause you to win or lose if he resists.

            The strategy is simple, though. You play out the fight with Sleep casts and Aero 3 casts. Keep going at it until Maat is near 50-60% HP remaining. At this point, keep Maat slept and get up stoneskin, blink, and phalanx. If you have medicines like a Vile Elixer or Hi Potions, fill up and get your MP back up to at least 70-90%. Chainspell and start nuking him. Don't worry about sleep or bind here, just nuke, heal yourself, and recast any lost buffs. Stoneskin and blink are key to keeping you alive during chainspell. When you're ready to convert, sleep Maat if you can, otherwise, get a fresh stoneskin and blink up to keep you immune for a few seconds.

            For converting in mid chainspell, I use a macro. Going through the menu and selecting the abilities or spells can waste time. Every second counts.

            /ja "Convert" <me>
            /wait 1
            /ma "Cure IV" <me>

            This macro should do well if you don't run into any lag or pausing for whatever reason. (Lag breaks macros with 1 second wait.)

            From the beginning of chainspell to the end, you need to act fast in nuking, healing yourself, and rebuffing yourself as well as using convert. You should have a good 10 seconds left after convert on chainspell use. So keep nuking him and rebuffing. If you run out of mana, use a Vile Elixer or Vile Elixer +1, if you could afford it and have it for use. If you have a Pro Ether, use that should it be available at the moment. However Pro Ethers have a 15 min delay effect that prevents you from using any other medicines. So, use Pro Ethers LAST. After you refill your MP, keep nuking Maat. If chainspell wears off, go back to sleeping and casting. You should still have enough time in the arena to win. Don't forget you have other spells such as Water 3, Thunder 2, and Blizzard 2. They can be useful for when Maat is almost dead by a hair of HP. Finish him off quickly as possible without taking too much damage.
            Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


            • #7
              Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

              o.0 wow thanks everyone for all the input. The rdm in my ls used this method and won on his first try

              To regain all of his hp/mp he got to around 500 tnl and then used an exp scroll lvling up to 70 and thus having full hp/mp again. I'm pretty sure I am going to run in and try to sleep maat then proceed to dispel, buff, and then nuke/sleep. Once I run out of mp or get low on hp ill use the scroll, equip my ocean rope then proceed to chainspell away the rest of his life (sleeping him first of course)

              Will this work? Hopefully luck will be on my side (ill probably have an enfeebling torque I can borrow and will an HQ dark staff lessen the chance of my sleeps being resisted?)


              • #8
                Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                scroll is an easy way to gain full health, just make sure you don't wait too low tho in case your sleep doesn't stick.

                however he's easy enough with just fair play

                When I did it, I only use simple stuff like AF and NQ staffs, ate rolanberry pie and only 1 yagudo drink. I went there on darksday to make sure my sleep won't resist. Wind and Dark staff help a lot. (I couldn't afford HQ staff until after I hit 75 for a while )

                I ate pie before I enter. Once inside, as I said, run in and saw him finishing his stoneskin.

                Sleep 1. drink yagudo drink, dispel stoneskin, dispel regen, dispel thrid time no effect.

                Sleep 2. blink stoneskin aquaveil.

                And then from this point I activate my 2 hour and earo 3 earo 3 earo 3 earo 3

                I almost screw up this part because I was kinda panic and my macro didn't go out everytime because of bad timing ; ;

                once MP down to around 150 I sleep 2 maat. convert, cure 4 cure 4 stoneskin blink

                earo 3 earo 3 earo 3 earo 3

                not sure how many earo I casted but I won. And it was my first try.

                If anything goes wrong, you can always sleep him and sit a while.
                Last edited by Jei; 11-15-2005, 08:15 PM.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                  main reasons rdms fail with maat is although touting "that we can solo really well and we have great survivability" is in all seriousnmess the ones that have major maat probs are thee ones that were refresh/party whores for the majority of their run from 20-70 any soloing they did do was againmst TW, and EP, they have never been on thier own, hence they run into that bc and panic,

                  its sad but true,

                  mostly rdms that get stuck on ,maat have never ventured solo, they have never lost 20k+ in xp from testing their own limits,

                  honestly go solo ruby using sleep nuke, if you have been in a static from 30-70, to get your testimony, believe me it will do you good, your not their to really get your testimony, your thier to understand what real soloing is about,

                  meh, bored,


                  • #10
                    Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                    You have a good point. It's my ambition to solo Ruby for my Testimonial when I hit 70 anyways.

                    Any other places for a RDM to solo or skillup(sword) with maybe a BLM sub?


                    • #11
                      Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                      I think the best thing to do is wait till lvl 70 and you have at least capped enfeebling. Follow the strategies as suggested. No Maat fight is exactly the same, but follow the general strategy as the ppl before I posted. Here is my post, I just beat him last week.

                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                        Ultimately, you can have the best strategies in the world, but the true test is of your perserverance. He WILL kill you if he wants to, and there's nothing you can do to stop that. My second Maat used Asuran Fists twice consecutively just before I was about to beat him. If you're keeping tabs, that's pretty much impossible to live through. The whole point is that if you die, you just gotta get another test and go back after him!


                        • #13
                          Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                          well, glad to know that silence is a bad idea

                          as long as he can't Chainspell - Ancient Magic like some KS matches
                          Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                          G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                          San Doria Rank 6
                          ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                          Which FF Character Are You?

                          a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                          #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                          • #14
                            Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                            I agree with Gasgul. When I was ready to fight Maat, people told me to solo my testimony from Ruby, and it was for that exact reason -- it's a warmup fight for Maat.

                            Your gear looks good with the exception of missing a Dark Staff / Pluto's Staff. That would greatly help your ability to sleep Maat, should you choose to go that route.


                            • #15
                              Re: Advice from rdms who beat maat

                              I tried Darksday and Windsday primarily and I recommed those days. Your equip looks good.. I finally won at lvl 70, and I had a fencer's earring + moldy earring on. Other than that you appear to have the same stuff as me (hume). Camp Mysticamaker... he's not so tough. I'm 2/3 on the drop from him and two lost claims besides. Gave the second earring to a buddy as I was in an alliance camping Ose at the time. He pops 2:00 hours - 2:30 on the dot pretty much. +5% nuke damage isn't all that though, so don't think its necessary to win....

                              I went 1/4 on maat.

                              The time I won my strategy was:

                              Eat food (Crimson Jelly + Yag Drink) then enter BC
                              Run straight up and cast Sleep II
                              Dispel x# (try to get Blink and Shell down if they're up)
                              Hi-Ether (or 2)
                              Wait a few seconds for ether medication effect so you can cast again
                              Aero III
                              Aero III
                              Aero III
                              Aero III
                              Sleep II (resisted) followed by Sleep I and move away (he's probably Chainspelled)
                              Blink & Stoneskin (might have to cancel stoneskin if he hasn't knocked it out completely already, doubtful)
                              Cure 4
                              Cure 4
                              Aero III
                              Aero III
                              Aero III (might need some med to get this last one off)

                              As a precaution I had Vile Exlixir and Vile Elixir +1. You can actually do this without a Convert (and maybe without a second sleep) by using those expensive meds for the record win, but its not a cautious approach.

                              You'll probably take a beating from the tail end of his chainspell if he decides to toss nukes at you instead of self-buffs, which is why the lvl 70 fencer's earring + gramary cape is kind of nice to have.

                              Summarry: 2 sleeps, 2 Stoneskin/Blink combo's on yourself, 1 Chainspell, 1 Convert, some meds & food, 7 unresisted Aero III's, fight time about 2:40

                              Best advice: Don't Panic. Don't get discouraged if he beats you down a few times.
                              Last edited by arkaine23; 01-17-2006, 10:48 AM.
                              Madrone Hume Female Leviathan Server
                              75: RDM MNK BLM PLD BRD subs: NIN WAR DRK BLU WHM SCH DNC RNG
                              AF+1 16/25, AF2 9/25, Nashira 1/5, Crimson 3/5, Pln 2/5, Yigit 5/5, Zenith 3/5, Shura 3/5, Askar 1/5, Goliard 2/5, Homam 2/5
                              Merits 384/506, Bastok rank 10, Merc rank 10

