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Refresh whores

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  • #16
    Re: Refresh whores

    I always, always, keep mages in Refresh order. People make different decisions if they don't have Refresh running; BLMs won't nuke as much, WHMs won't be as willing to Cure, etc. It's never a good idea to take a full time mage off the Refresh list, even if they're at full MP (and yes, even if you have 5 or even 6 people to Refresh.. I do it all the time when I run manaburn parties).



    • #17
      Re: Refresh whores

      You have to think about who uses the most the fastest and base the order on that. On top of that people wont think differently without refresh if they can rely on you to deliver it as expected. With that being said my opinion on the refresh order goes as follows.

      1) Red Mage(you), to keep the flow of Refreshes alive.

      2) Paladin, because a paladin requires MP to keep hate AND keep themselves alive. The bit of healing they do themselves will allow you to Refresh the White Mage third or fourth in the line. I find parties most often suffer from an over expenditure of MP, which stems from a tank taking too much damage or an over distribution of damage beween party members. If the tank can keep hate the damage distribution will stay low, and because it centered on the tank the damage will be low in general. If he can be semi-self sufficient the stress wont be completely on the White Mage.

      3) White Mage, because they generally have less MP to blow than Black Mages.

      4) Black Mages, because they generally have a lot of MP to blow and the good ones don't get into the heavy casts right away giving you time to get everybody else.

      5) Summoners, because most of the time their job is to cast buffgas which do require a good amount of MP, but can't be done so often so they can rest if they like in between.

      6) Dark Knights, they don't NEED MP, so it's ok if they're neglected a bit.


      • #18
        Re: Refresh whores

        Heres how I do it..

        Refresh (RDM) -> Haste Tank -> Enfeeble (Usually Para or gravity) -> Refresh PLD or WHM with a NIN tank -> Haste a Melee -> Enfeeble ->Refresh a mage (WHM with PLD tank) -etc

        After a while, the order doesn't really matter because you should haven't have long gaps between Hastes/Refreshes etc with this method. Oh, and DRKs get the occasional Refresh from me, they don't need it on them constantly unless you have one of those nuke happy DRKs.

        Works for me.
        RDM75| DRG75


        • #19
          Re: Refresh whores

          Just look at it this way! Get RDM to 75 ASAP and you'll have less refreshing to worry about! You may need to refresh other level 75s, but not as often as before with lower leveled parties. Free yourself!
          Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


          • #20
            Re: Refresh whores

            Refresh self, Enfeeble Paralyze and Slow, Refresh Tank, Haste Tank, Blind, Refresh Healer, Gravity + Poison mob, Refresh BLM/SMN/DRK in that order and if present. Might also Haste the DRK/MNK/DRG/SAM if SMN is main healing or WHM just doesn't.
            All spells obtained!
            Homam Gear: 2/5


            • #21
              Re: Refresh whores

              Like other ppl said, if you are just casting refresh you definitely doing something wrong. Compared to the other RDMs that posted. I am just a noob in RDM but I have time to keep refresh up for the pt, plus haste and enfeebles, and contribute to a burst to boot.
              I am your resident noob. Fear my stupidity!


              • #22
                Re: Refresh whores

                I usually keep busy in parties, but not for simply casting Refresh. Refresh is usually my first priority, next being enfeebling/debuff, then sharing Haste/buffing with the whm, last being nuking/MB.


                • #23
                  Re: Refresh whores

                  lol i think i have gotten this down grea i made macros to enchane my time usage and help make the party move quick here some macros i use
                  (lol sub blm ^^)
                  for melee
                  -ma "Gravity"
                  -ma "Frost"

                  also for refresh i go pld,whm,blm <if smn there icast on smn>
                  also i haste nin's or war's that dual wield (might cast haste on mnk's but it dpends if whm isn't casting much magic to cure often

                  then i hit it with a dia and wait for the refreshes to wear before i get busy again

                  some partys let me melee if they know me cuase they know how i work and i do it effectivly
                  aslo dispel is key for all melee characters (god i hate crabs lmao)
                  well i hope you have fun as rdm and yes it is possible to cast other things in between refresh


                  lol on caitsith all the time call me some time
                  party~~> drg yes, please! ^^ lol

                  wanna party? sure
                  wanna do a bcnm? great
                  leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


                  • #24
                    Re: Refresh whores

                    I usually throw my first spell at the enemy, (enfeeble) dia,bio,banish,paralize, or somthing simple like that. then I'll cast "heeling" spells on the other party members, in the order that they need it, and in between (if time allows) I cast enfeebling spells on enemy.
                    If I get a chance I may use fire or stone, as well.

                    Double Post Edited:
                    Originally posted by Cyborg
                    (god i hate crabs lmao)
                    practice safe sex an' you won't get them!
                    Last edited by nothed; 12-24-2005, 05:00 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                    "Money can't buy you happiness... Just a more pleasant form of misery"



                    • #25
                      Re: Refresh whores

                      For me it depends on the Tanak what my main priority is.
                      if i have a NIN tank enfeebling/haste is my main concern.
                      i slow paralyze blind dia and gravity mob then i care about refresh.
                      if i have a pld tank i go for refresh first because mages pend more MP on PLD.

                      CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                      Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                      • #26
                        Re: Refresh whores

                        Order doesn't really matter. The rule is: everyone who needs refresh gets refresh. This means everyone with mp except drks(and when they're low on mp give them refresh). So there's not really any point of talking about a priority scheme, at least imo. Just refresh yourself, cast 2 spells, refresh 2nd person on list with mp, cast 2 spells, etc. When your refresh is up, repeat, everyone will have refresh all the time and you won't have to worry about anything :D


                        • #27
                          Re: Refresh whores

                          Originally posted by chaosknight
                          This means everyone with mp except drks(and when they're low on mp give them refresh).
                          DRKs require mp at least above 1/3 their total (This may be higher for Galkans and lower for Tarutarus). Failure of a RDM to keep refresh up at these levels can endanger the party, depending on the monsters being fought (Having enough for stun, for example). If performing Darkness chain, a good DRK will MB Drain on this. Also Absorb spells aren't cheap at 33 mp a cast. I know some DRKs are perfectionists and would Absorb INT, STR on something like Spinning Slash (It benefits from those two modifiers) That DRK is already out 66 mp, not including additional mp on any other casting, which may include Bio II, Stun and Drain. Aspir is situational, is highly resisted and I would rather not cast that in place of Drain on an MB, since it does not help lessen the duration of a battle. So don't go expecting DRKs to pop aspir at all times and magically refresh their mp pool.

                          Just so you know, on a mithra/hume DRK, considered to be similar with hp/mp totals, at 70+ the mp pool sits at around 300. You'll be amazed at how quickly a RDM can be complacent with refresh for a DRK and sometimes I've had refresh casted on me because I was resting for mp (and thus losing valuable TP) Since mages can and should rest for their mp, they shouldn't exactly be high on priority, especially if you have a blink tank. If mages are wasting mp, make them suffer and withhold the refresh. Refresh is to supplement mp regen and mages should still be taking a knee during pulls and during the early part of an exp chain. If I see mages standing around, then something is wrong ...


                          • #28
                            Re: Refresh whores

                            Originally posted by Aeni
                            You'll be amazed at how quickly a RDM can be complacent with refresh for a DRK and sometimes I've had refresh casted on me because I was resting for mp (and thus losing valuable TP)
                            Amen! When I played my mithra drk, I would get refresh in about 10% of my pt's. If I asked for it, rdms told me to heal. Then the next fight my TP partner would ask "Do you have TP?" and I would not have enough to renkei. I would usually get some lame ass comment like "OMG you drks suck" blah blah blah. Frustrating isn't the word for it when you play drk with a rdm in your pt that doesn't think you need refresh. They want you to do your job right but they throw a frickin brick wall in your face every time.

                            When I play my rdm, I've very attentive to drks. 90% of the time the drk will msg me and thank me for him not having to ask/beg for refresh. As a rule of thumb, do not let a drks mp fall below ONE HALF of what he has. You can afford a refresh every 2 to 3 fights, well that is if your a good rdm. LOL
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • #29
                              Re: Refresh whores

                              Refresh itself is an art.


                              • #30
                                Re: Refresh whores

                                For me it depends on how the drk is using his mp. If he's spamming non-burst nukes that don't even match the enemy's weakness - my 40 mp are going to do the party more good than his 150. But if it's mostly used on absorbs, drain and stun, then sure, I'll toss an extra refresh when he gets below half.

                                I wouldn't say it's my first priority though. My first priority is Sleep when necessary. Hopefully it won't be necessary very often, but when it is, you need it ASAP. After that is Silence when applicable. In many fights, Silence is the most important spell you have - perhaps the most important spell anyone in the party has. (In others, of course, it does nothing whatsoever. Know which is which!) RDM have the skill, the gear and the Fast Cast to silence quicker and better than anyone else. Use it.

                                Refresh, Haste, Dispel and normal enfeebles (para, slow, blind, grav, bio/dia) come next, the exact order within that category depending on party composition and the type of mob - except that those spells can be delayed a few seconds without killing them, emergency healing and MB have to go at the right time or not at all. So simply saying "spell X is higher priority than spell Y" is foolish - I'll delay a refresh a few seconds to MB, not because the MB is overall more important than the refresh, but because the refresh loses very little effectiveness from being delayed a few seconds, while the MB loses a lot.
                                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae

