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Was I completely wrong?

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  • Was I completely wrong?

    I was in a party on my Red Mage last night with a friend, and we were getting around 3k/hour XP in Bibiki Bay. It was a little lower than normal, but my friend is a SAM who doesn't get a lot of playime so it was XP. I'm invited into this group, and we're not even in a great camp for level 67ish. We're taking Toreadors every few pulls (which are RDM type gobs, and pretty hard to deal with. I especially have a lot of duties with dispelling and silencing). Anyway, over the course of a few fights, I realize the WHM isn't really healing our Paladin tank at all. I'm sitting here using all of my MP Hasting, Refreshing and Healing the main tank. The Black Mage and I end up at around 40 MP each after 2 or 3 kills and the WHM is sitting at 400/600 ish. Something about that just irks me, so I figure the simple solution is to stop refreshing the White Mage.

    It's not mandatory that the Red Mage refresh the White Mage. Especially if the White Mage is leeching your 40 MP and not healing the main tank (oh, and only casting barfira like once every 10 minutes, so it's almost always off and we're only taking gobs). At least that's my belief. Anyway, about 4 fights later, the WHM goes {Refresh} {Refresh} {Refresh} and then /slaps me. So I /slap back. I should mention that this WHM was JP, and I couldn't exactly communicate why I wasn't refreshing. The rest of the party has a laugh when I /slap back. Then the WHM continues to spam {Refresh} not even a single {Can I have it?} or a {Please}, nothin'. So I say {Refresh}? {No thanks.} {Incredibly Tough}. I realize this was a little rude, but this WHM was really annoying me. I could probably main heal on top of my other duties (including magic bursting) and do a comparitive job to this WHM, it was ridiculous. Anyway, the WHM then proceeds to warp at the end of a chain and seek for a party.

    This left me feeling extremely guilty because not only did the party break up right after, but I ruined the XP my friend was getting. Was it my fault? Or was this guy just a prick? I think if I continued to refresh him, it would've gotten the party killed and I used my best judgement, but I'm not so sure of myself.

    Corwynn's Journal

    Red Mage for life.

    What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

  • #2
    Re: Was I completely wrong?

    the guy was a prick. if he is not doing his job, what the heck does he need refresh for?

    though you probably should have fired back with "{White Mage} No {Cure} {Party} = No {Refresh}" first.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Was I completely wrong?

      I've run into this also. It's extremely frustrating. As soon as a lazy whm realizes that there is a competent rdm in the pt, they slack off. Rather funny too because the last time it happened to me I was in Bibiki Bay myself. I think I would have kept refreshing but stopped healing. Of course, keep your friend alive but thats it. If someone dies and says something, then you have the perfect time to point out that the whm is an a-hole and that your busy enough without having to do his job also. It's unfortunate that there was not another rdm or whm seeking though.

      I don't see anything wrong with what you did. I totally understand your frustration.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #4
        Re: Was I completely wrong?

        I have encountered this as well... so sad becuase a good rdm+whm can make the exp fly if in unison. I have actually sent /tells to the whm asking why he isnt doing his job....
        I havent had this in some time tho, as most of my post 75 exp partys end up rdm + brd and nin as a base.
        <<<purrrrr ALi-cat


        • #5
          Re: Was I completely wrong?

          Yeah Cor, that PT was nuts. We would have gone a lto faster had that WHM healed the PLD, we had all the right skills and all of us were doing out jobs very well..... except for that prick of a WHM.

          Oh well, sometimes you get good PTs, some times you don't. ; ;


          • #6
            Re: Was I completely wrong?

            i cant stand the whms that do Curaga 2 before a SC, or when i have good mp (before a SC) and like 500 HP and i start casting cure 4, they cure 5 me and i loose a big chunk of hate that i needed to hold hate to the sc -.-;; and not to mention my cure 4 only curing like 200 hp ._.
            In the moonlight, your face it glows.. like a thousand diamonds, I suppose.
            And your hair flows like.. The ocean breeze...
            Not a million fights could make me hate you, you’re invincible.
            Yeah, It’s true.
            It’s in your eyes, where I find peace.

            [I love you, Rebecca :D!]


            • #7
              Re: Was I completely wrong?

              I dont believe you were wrong. If a WHM is in the group they should always main heal the tank. That is not your job if a WHM is there. I wouldv'e done the same thing or supported you and not broke up the party.
              You kill one man, your a murderer
              Kill many and your a conquerer
              Kill them all... your a God.


              • #8
                Re: Was I completely wrong?

                The game is designed in such a way that every member in a party has its role and duty. Failure to do so would render a party less (or much less) effective. The whm u mentioned was not doing a good job at maximizing the mp pool of the PARTY and hence affect the chains. What I would suggest is to send "/tell" to the whm, for example, "/tell <whm> may I suggest I cure so and so DDs and you concentrate on curing the Tank (PLD) (^^)b ".

                If in case the whm did not response accordingly, I wouldnt mind the whm leaving. Anyway, since ur friend Sam is around and xp is precious, the other option is to maximize the benefits of current playing styles and keep refreshing everybody in need. The chain in such cases, maybe 3 max =( .

                Furthermore, if I were the leader of the party, I would search for whm replacement, and kick the whm when replacement arrives =D .


                • #9
                  Re: Was I completely wrong?

                  Oftentimes I am in a pt with a WHM and the WHM ends with far more MP then me, even if I don't cure much at all, if at all. So generally I just assume the WHM is curing since I have almost everything filterd in pts so that I can watch for when things wear off.

                  In terms of this. The WHM was a prick, and sadly, Japanese players do seem to be like this at times. Before you judge me though I want you to know I have met wonderful japanese players who do their jobs well and who have even invited me into partys again. But this does not mean there are not some select japanese who are not exactly kind. I mean on Quezzy if your farming where their leveling or farming they send you the message {Leave} then procced to say a bunch of random symbols and 2 letters, GM. I don't mind leaving but they can at least say {please}. Anyway this was just an example since I have yet to run into any Japanese who give me trouble in partys.

                  Oh the flip side I realize English players can be the same way to other english players. Hell Ive had equal problems with both, but on my server Japanese players seem to do it more then English(could just be because of who I hang out with though).


                  • #10
                    Re: Was I completely wrong?

                    I also notice that I'm usually the one lowest on MP. I normally don't have the time or equipment to rest much of it back, so I'm very dependent on the main healer to do their job. On nin, mages all get to slack to a degree, but on a pld tank there is no room to slack. If a whm isn't doing their job, then I will first ask them to cure more, something to the effect of:

                    {White Mage} {Cure} {Paladin} {Please.}... {Red Mage} {I'm out of MP!}

                    I think the OP was a little too blunt in just stoping refresh for no reason. I've never had that not work, but if they still don't, always have near full MP right after battle, and I'm always out;

                    {White Mage} {Cure} = X, {Refresh} = X

                    I would also look for a replacement before I said that, and send a /tell to the PT leader if possible.

                    Whm not casting barfire (or any bar-spell) I can manage, especially since I usually have a higher enhancing skill and it just a small addition to my enfeeb run, but it still irks me. But somtime I like doing it just to feel that much more important. A whm (or main healer) not casting status cure on time really bothers me though. If resting after a refresh/enfeeb macro run, and then have to keep poping up to status cure, I won't get enough mp back to chain for long.


                    • #11
                      Re: Was I completely wrong?

                      The unfortunate part is, this isn't about the communication problem anymore. Both sides have their own dick-heads (so to speak). Sorry for what you had to go through Alu, but you had to do what you had to do. Funny thing is, I don't understand why he's asking for re-fresh when he didn't even do anything.


                      P.S. What would be the most politest way of telling them to get their ass up and help?? [Cure] [Knight] [Please]!

                      brave; integritous; commanding
                      New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                      75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                      ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


                      • #12
                        Re: Was I completely wrong?

                        Just wondering..were you healing the PLD as well..? o_o i am kinda wondering how the PLD lived...maybe you and the BLM helped heal i ono a

                        Although the WHM sucked i would have to agree that you didnt really tell him what he is doing wrong. Sure he should have known by that level but i feel you were a little too blunt and should have told him what he/she was doing wrong before doing so. But i think we can all agree that the WHM wasnt doing a good job, i would sometimes take over my brother's RDM when he has to do something and i would be PTed with a WHM that would not do a good job and making me expend more MP than i would like/need to... =/ Blah.


                        • #13
                          Re: Was I completely wrong?

                          If a party isnt working because of a lack of communication, politely find a way to explain that and leave. Quite frankly, no matter how bad someone wants exp in one night- if they only get 2k after a really bad evening, they have wasted time, money(food/ammo/transportation/etc) and effort. That's why I dont think it's a big deal to leave. BUT, I try my best, and I seem to only party with people who know/remember me.

                          I've come to dislike many japanese players, not because of certain things they do that irk me- but because of the language barrier and their adamant attitudes about not trying to communicate. I mean, damn, just pop off a sentence of bad english, we'll give you points for trying.

                          There will be more parties, and for Red Mages, there always are. You could at least explain to your pt. They always sympathize with the RDM. If it came down to it, they could have invited another BRD / SMN or WHM and been perfectly fine. So dont beat yourself over the head cause of it.
                          The Tao of Ren
                          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                          Originally posted by Kaeko
                          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                          • #14
                            Re: Was I completely wrong?

                            Well, if you aren't sure if you did the right thing, then looks for things to do next time. You may want to practice the auto-translate more, whether or not there is a language barrier in your upcoming parties. If the WHM isn't doing his job, it's not your fault. But you still want to let him know.

                            Apart from the suggestions above you might also try {WHM} XXX/YYY {RDM} XXX/YYY {BLM} XXX/YYY. Show how much MP the WHM has in comparison to the other mages in the party then translate the low chains or ask the {WHM} to {Cure} the {PLD}. {I want experience points!}

                            Another thing you might try is setting an arbitrary number for MP and only refresh when the mage hits that point. That way they aren't entirely without Refresh. Then when they bring it up: XXX/YYY = {Refresh} -> {Cure} {PLD} = {Can I have it?} {Please}?
                            4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                            • #15
                              Re: Was I completely wrong?

                              You were justified in not refreshing him. I don't care what job you are or how well/bad you preform at it. I might complain to my LS and ask you to alter some stuff, but as long as you do your job, I don't care. If your a damage dealer, you sit and deal damage...not count the fungus between your toes. 400/600ish after every fight is just nuts and they weren't healing the main tank? Pfft...I woulda kicked them instead of /slaping.

                              Edit: A good way to break out a lazy healer is to not heal. As a RDM, it's your job to Refresh, Haste, and minor healing duties. Refresh and Haste take priority. If the tank dies, everyone's not gonna glare at you...they're gonna glare at the WHM with a lot of MP. This is unfortunalty not good for the tank, but if you explain it, I'm sure most will see your side of the story.
                              All spells obtained!
                              Homam Gear: 2/5

