Ok, I just came back from a 2 month break from the game and I got all fired up about leveling again. I came back at 68 with 1k into the level, I quickly got to 69 in 3 days of good PTing. I tried to continue the push to the 70s and beyond....then one night I was PTing and the "Wow, I'm finaly playing again" wore off and I realised just how borning RDM is to level.
I have not been in a XP pt for 3 days now, and I dont really wish to. Yet, as mutch as I hate XPing with RDM I love being able to do all the stuff that most other jobs would not even dream of doing, so I dont want to give it up.
It was last night I had a idea. Maybe instead of PTing with a full 6 person pt, I could do it with 2 people, namely 2 RDM/WARs.
Let me discribe what I think would happen then you can tell me how likely it is to work.
Get 2 RDM/WARs with full Melee gear (ATT+ or STR+ depending on what your fighting); Eat some ACC+ Sushi; Buff with Blink, Stoneskin, Phalanx, Spikes(Shock for stun or Ice or Paralise), En-spell of your choice; Find a place with EM and T mobs.
The fight would start with one RDM tanking untill Blink and Stoneskin wore off, the other RDM would voke while the first one recast Stoneskin and Blink. Once the second RDMs buffs died the first one would voke and you would repeet till the mob is dead, maybe even doing a SC with 2 MBs to increase the dammage.
Now, I'm not sure how great the dammage will be so I dont know how long it would take to kill a EM or T mob. I think I can find someone on my server with a WAR sub to try this with, my only proublem is finding a place with EM and T mobs that wont do really nasty stuff. I think Tormentors in Den of Rancor would be good till 71, the only proublem would be the Fireball and Petrafitation that they do. I think Barfire would take care of the fireball dammage and I could try Barpetrify to prevent/reduice Petrification.
What do you think? Comments and sugestions are welcomed. Flames are not.
I have not been in a XP pt for 3 days now, and I dont really wish to. Yet, as mutch as I hate XPing with RDM I love being able to do all the stuff that most other jobs would not even dream of doing, so I dont want to give it up.
It was last night I had a idea. Maybe instead of PTing with a full 6 person pt, I could do it with 2 people, namely 2 RDM/WARs.
Let me discribe what I think would happen then you can tell me how likely it is to work.
Get 2 RDM/WARs with full Melee gear (ATT+ or STR+ depending on what your fighting); Eat some ACC+ Sushi; Buff with Blink, Stoneskin, Phalanx, Spikes(Shock for stun or Ice or Paralise), En-spell of your choice; Find a place with EM and T mobs.
The fight would start with one RDM tanking untill Blink and Stoneskin wore off, the other RDM would voke while the first one recast Stoneskin and Blink. Once the second RDMs buffs died the first one would voke and you would repeet till the mob is dead, maybe even doing a SC with 2 MBs to increase the dammage.
Now, I'm not sure how great the dammage will be so I dont know how long it would take to kill a EM or T mob. I think I can find someone on my server with a WAR sub to try this with, my only proublem is finding a place with EM and T mobs that wont do really nasty stuff. I think Tormentors in Den of Rancor would be good till 71, the only proublem would be the Fireball and Petrafitation that they do. I think Barfire would take care of the fireball dammage and I could try Barpetrify to prevent/reduice Petrification.
What do you think? Comments and sugestions are welcomed. Flames are not.