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made my first edit on the wiki

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  • made my first edit on the wiki

    Changed the description of the Red Mage job. pffft! Fighter-mage my butt! :tongue:

    Thanks Yyg!

  • #2
    Re: made my first edit on the wiki

    What's a "wiki"? o_o
    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

    Which FF Character Are You?
    Originally posted by Balfree
    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


    • #3
      Re: made my first edit on the wiki

      see the new link on the top of the screen next to Forum? (Home Forums Wiki Pages)

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: made my first edit on the wiki

        doh >< *is blind*
        My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

        Which FF Character Are You?
        Originally posted by Balfree
        Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


        • #5
          Re: made my first edit on the wiki

          I've been doing some things around the wiki pages. I know jack about HTML or any other markup languages, so I am forced with wiki's version of text formatting and that is all , basically. Anyone who is fluent, however...please do make adjustments where you see fit


          • #6
            Re: made my first edit on the wiki

            But RDMs are another fighter class! Simply being a spell caster would make individuals select White Mage or Black Mage. Red Mage provides something TOTALLY different from being just a mere spellcaster.

            If Red Mage weren't a Fighter & Mage combination class. Then SE should throw away those En- spells, the damage reduction abilities, the fast cast trait, and add in more higher tier level spells. Like Blizzard 4.
            Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


            • #7
              Re: made my first edit on the wiki

              Originally posted by Altae
              But RDMs are another fighter class! Simply being a spell caster would make individuals select White Mage or Black Mage. Red Mage provides something TOTALLY different from being just a mere spellcaster.

              If Red Mage weren't a Fighter & Mage combination class. Then SE should throw away those En- spells, the damage reduction abilities, the fast cast trait, and add in more higher tier level spells. Like Blizzard 4.
              Um, maybe it's just me, but I believe our meeleing was designed as a luxury for soloing.

              We cure, We MB, We enfeeble, and We support (Haste and Refresh)

              What damage reduction abilities? Only Job Ability a RDM has is Convert. You mean our enfeebling?

              Higher tier level spells like Blizzard 4 would turn us into a mini-BLM. We're a mix between WHM and BLM, we don't excel at either but rather we are in between with our only little spice.

              Double Post Edited:
              Hm. . . I'm thinking I missed the sarcasm . . .
              Last edited by Zempten; 08-16-2005, 04:56 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #8
                Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                this debate should be on the wiki
                63/63 maps obtained


                • #9
                  Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                  Originally posted by Zempten
                  Um, maybe it's just me, but I believe our meeleing was designed as a luxury for soloing.

                  We cure, We MB, We enfeeble, and We support (Haste and Refresh)

                  What damage reduction abilities? Only Job Ability a RDM has is Convert. You mean our enfeebling?

                  Higher tier level spells like Blizzard 4 would turn us into a mini-BLM. We're a mix between WHM and BLM, we don't excel at either but rather we are in between with our only little spice.

                  Double Post Edited:
                  Hm. . . I'm thinking I missed the sarcasm . . .
                  Hehe, I meant damage reducing spells. Like Phalanx. Though, I am not saying RDMs have Phalanx, as a unique spell to their class, so they can tank. Whats the point of having them, if RDM class is just another spellcasting class.

                  Well, I was doing some thinking. Technically RDM cannot be considered as a major melee class. Nor as a major spell casting class. Basically, you can almost put a RDM anywhere in a party. As a spell caster, or as a melee-er for skillchains and such. And I don't agree with the fact that meleeing is a luxury for RDMs. Thats like saying warriors can use all sorts of weapons, and most of them to their full potential, is a luxury. Or summoners having superb mp being a luxury. I think you're considering it as a luxury because of the damage concern with RDMs. As Red Mages apparently don't deal as much as a warrior or paladin. Well, have you tried beefing up your character with +STR, +DEX, +Accuracy, and +Attack equipment? Like most melee jobs do? No, you're stuck with pieces of equipment that boost the RDM's magic capabilities. Even look at a RDMs AF equipment. You've got aspects of melee enhancements in there. And food-wise as well. Melees are almost always consuming attack enhancing food.

                  So, to assure the fact that RDM class is just another spellcasting job would be completely incorrect. Because, we could say a warrior is just another melee class. Who cares about a warrior's capability to tank.

                  Ordinarily, we will continue to use classes to an ideal degree of usage so exp parties can continue on and on without much trouble. RDMs casting away, WHMs healing, SMNs main healing where they can, Warriors using their favorite weapons, etc. But facts are facts, and they simply cannot just be ignored because of one person's ideal view of the job/class' role in this game.
                  Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


                  • #10
                    Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                    I think you're considering it as a luxury because of the damage concern with RDMs. As Red Mages apparently don't deal as much as a warrior or paladin. Well, have you tried beefing up your character with +STR, +DEX, +Accuracy, and +Attack equipment? Like most melee jobs do? No, you're stuck with pieces of equipment that boost the RDM's magic capabilities. Even look at a RDMs AF equipment. You've got aspects of melee enhancements in there. And food-wise as well. Melees are almost always consuming attack enhancing food.
                    And what? completely neglect your duties to support? so no MP/hMP food? no staves (so you can have your precious TP)? and twice the equipment you would normally carry? just so you can almost melee as well as a PLD? {No thanks}

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                      Originally posted by Altae
                      Ordinarily, we will continue to use classes to an ideal degree of usage so exp parties can continue on and on without much trouble.
                      I didn't mean for someone to actually join a PT trying to be a main melee DDer..... I mentioned that bit because RDM damage is always belittled on since they're not using the same foods and equipment as other Melee DDers are. Make the RDM same as a PLD or WAR in equipment and wha-la. The RDM may even attack more often or better, who knows.

                      And, nor did I even say that a RDM would neglect their supposed duties in a party just to DD.

                      But in any case, no matter what style of play you go with as a RDM, fighting one in Ballista still won't be easy. ^^ Even without a nin sub.
                      Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


                      • #12
                        Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                        I think you are all mistaking your stances. Red Mage is indeed a fighter mage clase. That is also because it is a Dualist Class. Its built to be extreemly durable duirng meleeing based soloing, and is completly cappible of dealing enough damage through meleeing with all of its damage migation and transfer abilities, to collect enough bits of small damage to win against even VT's alone, provided a good stragity.

                        Art done by Fred Perry.


                        • #13
                          Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                          and here we go again...

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #14
                            Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                            Originally posted by grunion
                            this debate should be on the wiki
                            this debate should be on the wiki
                            63/63 maps obtained


                            • #15
                              Re: made my first edit on the wiki

                              I'm a little lost there, looks like it was talking about the wiki boards. Then suddenly goes into talking about RDMs???

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

