Re: Favorite things to mess around doing?
I've never heard of any BCNM that's soloable at level 60 but it would be really fun to find one. I'm sort of thinking about the BC60 fight for the Philomah Stole but as I haven't even tried this in a party yet I'm not sure if it's doable. It's a fight against a Sea Monk but apparently it's sleepable so that's a plus. Time seems like the thing that would ruin this fight as apparently you only have 15 minutes to defeat the NM. Then again, it's a fight intended for 3 people so it could be that if you used a lot of Medicines instead of resting to regain MP you'd be ok. The bad thing is that it's going to cost a lot of seals so you better be leveling Bst if you want to experiment with this
For fun things around level 60 there's always ballista (if you like that), lots of questing to do (maps and so on). For soloing, regardless of your level there's always tons of monsters to fight. I seem to remember fighting Knight Crawlers in CN around level 60 to cap sword and dagger and even though it's just a normal monster they were pretty fun fights. If you haven't got the Moldavite Earring yet, Mysticmaker should be a pretty fun fight too. It's soso dangerous to camp due to all the aggroing monsters but they're all sight aggro.
I've never heard of any BCNM that's soloable at level 60 but it would be really fun to find one. I'm sort of thinking about the BC60 fight for the Philomah Stole but as I haven't even tried this in a party yet I'm not sure if it's doable. It's a fight against a Sea Monk but apparently it's sleepable so that's a plus. Time seems like the thing that would ruin this fight as apparently you only have 15 minutes to defeat the NM. Then again, it's a fight intended for 3 people so it could be that if you used a lot of Medicines instead of resting to regain MP you'd be ok. The bad thing is that it's going to cost a lot of seals so you better be leveling Bst if you want to experiment with this

For fun things around level 60 there's always ballista (if you like that), lots of questing to do (maps and so on). For soloing, regardless of your level there's always tons of monsters to fight. I seem to remember fighting Knight Crawlers in CN around level 60 to cap sword and dagger and even though it's just a normal monster they were pretty fun fights. If you haven't got the Moldavite Earring yet, Mysticmaker should be a pretty fun fight too. It's soso dangerous to camp due to all the aggroing monsters but they're all sight aggro.