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question about fast cast ability

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  • question about fast cast ability

    I just got a chance to see apple pie's vdo thanks to Dragonsword. And after I saw it I notice apple pie kept his AF hat on most of the time. Is the enhance fast cast the reason he did so? Does the ability not only shorten the cast time but the recast time as well?
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso

  • #2
    Yes, it shortens Recast. It's very noticable if you watch the recast timer. Heh, noticable even if you dont. I wear my JSE Hat most the time (because I like its look!), and its incredibly noticable.

    CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


    • #3
      Yea, I got used so much to it and when I changed to JSE hat(the look just beat all) I thought S-E nerfed RDM or something, I totally forgot how this fast cast is uber ^^:
      ~~ Tarutaru~~


      • #4
        How can you wear anything apart from AF for the look?>

        Wanna be WHMs :p


        • #5
          Specifically, Fast Cast trait does 2 things:

          (1) Reduces the time required to complete a spell by 5% on the spellcasting bar. Normally, spells complete at the 80% mark, but a RDM with all 3 Fast Cast traits + the appropriate AF1 and AF2 pieces will complete a spell 25% faster, or at 55% on the bar.

          (2) Reduces the recast time on any spell cast by 5%. I believe Apple Pie mentioned that there is a hard cap of 41-42% on this, so Haste + Fast Cast III + AF1 + AF2 will hit that cap.



          • #6
            So, why is it, on a short casting spell, I have to wait for the spell casting animation to end before I can cast another spell, even though the progress bar hit 100% and disappeared a few seconds ago?


            • #7
              I don't think so, I think alot of time I started casting at the time when bar hit @100%

              How can you wear anything apart from AF for the look?>
              Normally I just wear AF when in towns etc., In PT I'm mostly in JSE because I put it enfeebling macros to power them up, and I wear it every time we (if I don't forget) when we do sky/HNM etc. because we come with new jokes about it everytime :spin:
              ~~ Tarutaru~~


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pitlourde
                So, why is it, on a short casting spell, I have to wait for the spell casting animation to end before I can cast another spell, even though the progress bar hit 100% and disappeared a few seconds ago?
                You always have to wait for the spellcasting animation to complete, regardless of what goes on with the spell timers. This is why you can't quite machine-gun spells when you activate Chainspell. Each spellcast takes only as much time as the animation takes up, even though the spell basically activates at 0%, and has 0:00 recast.



                • #9
                  Very interesting thanks everyone. looks like AF hat is a perfect match for /nin utsusemi soloing :D

                  I like how Rdm AF hat looks too. It matches our full AF but not really matching other sets i think
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jei
                    Very interesting thanks everyone. looks like AF hat is a perfect match for /nin utsusemi soloing :D

                    I like how Rdm AF hat looks too. It matches our full AF but not really matching other sets i think
                    I just got my optical hat, so I'm gonna try some steelshells and see how that works. I wont be able to cast Utsusemi as quick or recast as quickly, but I'm hoping all of my evasion gear will make it so I wont have to ^^

                    2x Dodge = +6
                    Narasimha's = +4
                    Optical Hat = +10
                    Genbu Shield = +10
                    Dance Shoes = +6

                    For +36 evasion bonus. I will lose fast cast, but gain +10 accuracy and +10 evasion, so it might make a difference.
                    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                    FFXI: Shiva Server


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kafeen
                      How can you wear anything apart from AF for the look?>

                      Wanna be WHMs :p
                      I wore my AF Hat for over a year and a half... so .. A new look is good. Not to mention the new RDM JSE is my favorite looking armour in the game.

                      heh, I prefer playing the job of a WHM. Since I can do everything a WHM can do in XP groups and more, minus Stona, Regen 2/3, and Reraise 2/3, Raise 2/3... all of which arn't needed in XP groups.

                      CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


                      • #12
                        Stona isn't needed at 75, no, but there are times when it's desirable getting there >_> Like if you XP on Cockatrice (Kuftal, Cape Terrigan) or Lizards (Den of Rancor, or even CN 40+).

                        FFXI Blog


                        • #13
                          I thought as a RDM we get 25% Fast Cast from Job Traits and the hat. Could someone explain what Icemage said please? I'm a little slow..... ; ;


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jei
                            Very interesting thanks everyone. looks like AF hat is a perfect match for /nin utsusemi soloing :D
                            The body isn't too terrible to have for this purpose too. Since it lowers spell interruption rate, if you're in a pickle and all your buffs are down, swapping to it until you can at least get stoneskin and utsusemi back up can really help out.
                            召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
                            San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


                            • #15
                              And the -10% interruption belt too :3
                              ~~ Tarutaru~~

