Expect the price to jump back up since I'm doubt the rate at which claws enter the the market will increase any
Well, what Discordian said sounds reasonable. The harness benefits a lot of jobs and there's always high demand on it.
how much gil do you roll in per week? Is your LS a blinged non-sky/hnm LS or...what?
As for the LS I belong to, it's neither HNM nor SKY LS. It's just a fun LS where people help leveling, missions and quests each other. Some of us belong to Dynamis LS but my backpack isn't large enough to store several LPs

This isn't really true since Genbu, Suzaku, and Serket are only 3 of 5 or 6 Venomous Claw droppers. Infact one enemy that can drop a Venomous Claw is pretty easy and can be duoed easier than Serket.
What I'd like to point out is we all have equal opportunity with this new BCNM although the place is crowded and we sometimes have to wait for an hour or so.