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New BCNM "Operation Desert Swarm"

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  • #16
    Expect the price to jump back up since I'm doubt the rate at which claws enter the the market will increase any
    On Gilgamesh, the claw is still 2M but the price of the harness jumped back to 4M :sweat: I guess it's still cheaper than it is on other servers but it seems to me that some crafters are manipulating the price.

    Well, what Discordian said sounds reasonable. The harness benefits a lot of jobs and there's always high demand on it.
    how much gil do you roll in per week? Is your LS a blinged non-sky/hnm LS or...what?
    If I spend all my time on farming (let's say, 3 hours a day), I think I'm able to get 1M to 1.2M in a week plus some more from BCNM ivents on weekends. I believe I'm just an average farmer.

    As for the LS I belong to, it's neither HNM nor SKY LS. It's just a fun LS where people help leveling, missions and quests each other. Some of us belong to Dynamis LS but my backpack isn't large enough to store several LPs
    This isn't really true since Genbu, Suzaku, and Serket are only 3 of 5 or 6 Venomous Claw droppers. Infact one enemy that can drop a Venomous Claw is pretty easy and can be duoed easier than Serket.
    Well, Amikiri is always camped by some infamous JP HNMLS here and we have no chance to pull it. Tyrannic Tunnok has never dropped one for us.

    What I'd like to point out is we all have equal opportunity with this new BCNM although the place is crowded and we sometimes have to wait for an hour or so.


    • #17
      So instead of camping a NM, we camp a BC instead. :spin:

      It'll be a cold day in Ifrit's Cauldron before I spam a macro to trade an orb to a BC. :p


      • #18
        So instead of camping a NM, we camp a BC instead.
        hehe, yeah but not so bad as camping a NM like Serket with many rivals around spamming /examine macro each other since we usually queue up in front of BC and wait for our turns peacefully.


        • #19
          Hey apple pie, I passed this great information you gave onto the North American High Level Forums for the HNM/Dynamis/Sky Linkshells to see. Eventually one person asked about you and why I held you in such high regards. Well...bottom line...They want to see the Maat Melee fight. If you could re-host it tomorrow or Friday after everyone has a chance to see this BCNM battle, I'd really appreciate it. (Even the non-RDMs are saying i'm full of shitaru thinking a RDM can melee maat ._. :sweat: Thanks in advance.

          Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
          RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


          • #20
            On my server word got out of the new BCNMs pretty fast and many tried to get in on the action before the update and as a result:

            0 claws on AH (6M > 5M > 4M > 3M)
            0 Scorpion Harnesses on AH (6M > 5M > 4M > 3M)
            17 Warwolf Belts (2M>1M>800k>600k>500k>300k)
            18 Heirarh Belts (1M>500k>300k>250k)

            Last few sales show claw & harness pushing back up to mid 3M ranges.

            Imagine if 6BSTs could charm these scorps? :spin: Becasue that would be amazingly easy.


            • #21
              If anyone is looking for the Song, I found it on Kazaa, if Gouryella or Walhalla searches dont produce a result, try DJ Tiesto as they came up under his name for some reason. And for one of my recommendations of music for the day "Mr Brightside" by the Killers.

              As for this BCNM, I know a 73-BST who soloed my Limit Break one Lich paper for me, Ill ask him tonight if he was able to charm them.

              Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
              RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


              • #22
                Each Scorpion has approximately 6k life but they resist about half or so damage. I did 680 something with blizzaga III to AE voke them so that the aggro was on me (I had all the nice -defense food and earth staff) so that the other blm could easily sleep them when I did this BC. I'd imagine opening up with Es'ed Thundaga III's would insta kill all teh scorpions but I haven't found enough blm's crazy enough to try lol



                • #23
                  Sepukku, Grendal mentioned that he melee Maat after he reach level 75. But he is still an exceptional RDM. I think the attempt to solo AAT is definitely much more impressive (or nuts).

                  Did you ever get to drop AAT past 40% health? The petrify is deadly :dead:


                  • #24
                    These are what I took this morning.

                    Venomous Claw (0 stock in AH)

                    Scorpion Harness (2 stocks in AH)

                    Warwolf Belt (5 stocks in AH)

                    Hierarch Belt (2 stocks in AH)

                    The claw is still cheap but the price of the harness goes up a lot. I haven't been there since the latest update but it is said that nothing was changed. I'm a little disappointed to see the price of belts going down fast but that's still O.K. We're sometimes able to get some nice materials such as ingots (adaman, damascus or
                    orichalcum) and the cloth.

                    By the way, we cannot charm those scorpions. So, 6x BST tactics doesn't work unlike BCNM40.


                    • #25
                      Seppuku, there are still a lot of people accessing this BCNM movie file according to the log and I think I have to keep it there until Friday night (JPN time). I will upload that melee Maat movie then.

                      As Habaut said, it isn't something special. I believe any RDM75 with Joyeuse can do it without difficulty. However, if RDM70 does it, that's something very impressive.

                      Finally, I still have a desperate fight with AATT. Lost to him 5 times so far. Because he has some strong auto-regen, it is impossible to kill him only with nuking. We have to melee. However, in order to avoid Amon Drive, we have to sub NIN. It still takes 2 - 3 shadows at a time and I always have to watch how many shadows left.

                      Sekaran, any good news? :sweat:


                      • #26
                        Yeah friday night JP Time isnt a problem, whatever is most convenient for you. No need to rush anything. Good luck on that Taru Ark Angel...I never even fought them yet as a PT or Alliance battle, so I dont know whats the deal with that.

                        Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                        RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                        • #27
                          6 BLMs rule this

                          5 BLMs nuke thundaga3 1 sleepga2's then all nuke blizzaga3 2mins or less win... record on odin got to 1:38 sorry i have no pic yet..

                          tried it all ES and all 6 thundaga3 but then had a hair of HP left... and i died... so ... yeah...

                          kyubigokou - odin R10
                          75BLM 37WHM 40SMN 23NIN


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Discordian
                            This isn't really true since Genbu, Suzaku, and Serket are only 3 of 5 or 6 Venomous Claw droppers. Infact one enemy that can drop a Venomous Claw is pretty easy and can be duoed easier than Serket.
                            Who and where are these other claw droppers? ^^


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Kirk
                              Who and where are these other claw droppers? ^^
                              Apple Pie already mentioned them in his post above. The other two that can drop it are Amikiri (lottery pop scorp in gustav) and Tyrannic Tunnok (pops in ifrits, don't remember conditions). We've killed them both probably 5 or more times each, have never seen claw drop from either one so I guess it's kinda rare.



                              • #30
                                Have you tried Copycat? Same location as Operation Desert Swarm, but uses a Clotho Orb. You fight an Ahriman type mob who is a BLM/BST.. Charms a new player every 30 seconds. Really fun^^

                                Some nice drops we got were Fuma Suna-ate, Durandal [the new +7VIT PLD sword], Sorrow Harp, adaman ingots. ^^
                                Zilart Finished | Windurst Rank10 | CoP M8-3
                                Red Mage | Ranger | Black Mage

