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New BCNM "Operation Desert Swarm"

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  • New BCNM "Operation Desert Swarm"

    You may have noticed the price of Venomous Claw is going down recently. It went from 4M to 2M on Gilgamesh. The price of Scorpion Harness also dropped to 3M. There are some possible reasons of these price drops. One should be because of the change of tax system. The other is, I think, because of this BCNM, Operation Desert Swarm" where we can obtain the claw. In fact, we expected we would be able to get it after we read the release note of the update and knew about this scorpion BCNM. Waughroon Shrine is, as a result, always crowded - 80+ people last time...

    This BCNM isn't hard if we have good PT setup and know the trick. We basically fight with 6 scorpions. They are regular scorpions - No 2H. In addition, they don't use Death Scissors but Earth Powder (100 - 150 damage) and Wild Rage (200 - 270 damage). Our basic tactics is similar to most BCNMs, fighting with them one after another while making rest of them sleep.

    However, there's a trick here. Wild Rage awakes them if the one using it stays nearby others. Therefore, we have to take each one of them away. So, here's how we did it. (WMV9, 901kbps)

    We, RDMs, play the most important role. We cooperate with BRD and have to keep rest of them sleeping until attackers finish killing 5th one. It seems to be easy since we don't need elemental seal. Well, no. It's a little hard because they start to have resist against Lullaby and Sleep. The duration is going to be shorter as time elapses. You'll notice the first Sleepga with Elemental Seal only lasted 30 seconds (1/2 duration) in the movie.

    It is nice of us to have some def+ food because their each hit does 80 - 100 damage without it. Always keep Aquaveil, Blink, Phalanx and Stoneskin up. We may not have enough time to refresh other casters since the duration of sleep spells really varies. We cannot expect when they wake up.

    Finally, as for PT setup, it's not necessary but nice to have one BRD since songs aren't interrupted (except for Wild Rage knocking us back). For our safety, we need two people to make them sleep, BLM + BRD or RDM + BRD. One more caster takes care of healing. Both PLD, NIN, and WAR74/NIN37+ can tank them well but I recommend NIN/WAR or WAR74/NIN37+ since having more firepower is preferred to save our life

    Woops, one more thing to add. Drops aren't bad even though we aren't able to get the claw. For instance:

    - Warwolf Belt (600K in AH): AR6, STR+5, VIT+5, DEX+5, Enmity+3
    - Hierarch Belt (500K in AH): AR3, MP+48, hHP+2, hMP+2

    We sometimes get Damascus Ingot or Damascene Cloth, too.

  • #2
    I hear 6 BLM can beat this simply by all opening with Thundaga IV. And even then, that is overkill, and you only really need 4. Or you have have 6 RNG and each Barrage > Sidewinder one to start and they all die.


    • #3
      You mean to say Thundaga III.
      75 White Mage
      75 Ninja


      • #4
        I got all excited when I heard the claw droped in a BCNM. Then I got even more excited when I foolishly believed another of my friend's crazy bits of information about things he doesn't totally no about, no offense. ^^ He said it droped in a BCNM 30 that was suposably very easy. Then I started hearing it was a 30 kindred seal BCNM which I then assumed was uncapped, which makes a lot more sense. It also means no way I'm going to be able to do it any time soon.

        Well hopefully I will at least be able to do the BCNM60 for the belt I want so bad. I asked this in blm forums already but can't hurt to post it here. If anyone has any information about BCNM60 "shots in the dark" or "Wild Wild Whiskers" I would love to find out.

        And of course, another great, informative video from Grendal. Good job.


        • #5
          According to the report I read here, 6x black mages can easily beat them in two minutes or less but 4x Thundaga III doesn't seem to be enough to kill them at once. He said his PT started with 5x Thundaga III and one of them got ready for Sleepga. After Sleepga landed, 2x Blizzaga III wiped them all out.

          I haven't heard of all ranger PT yet but I saw the report of the PT consisting of 3x RNG, BRD, RDM and WHM that finished them in 4 minutes.

          Anyway, I think Scorpion Harness was overrated. S-E did a good job this time.


          • #6
            Cool video, Apple Pie, as usual ^^

            Will you share the band name and song title of the music you had playing? I liked it ^^
            Ashn - Tarutaru - Midgard
            Windurst Rank 10. Sandy Rank 5.
            ZM14, PM2-5.


            • #7
              The price on claw will go back up, I'm guessing S-E will be nerfing the drop rate even more with the patch today + people are running out of seals, and only a few classes really have the option to "farm" them. I am personally 0/6 for V-Claw, did get 2 of the new belts and a cloth or two. Certainly better than the easy as hell pots, spiders, etc.

              Now if only abjurations could drop...


              • #8
                Will you share the band name and song title of the music you had playing? I liked it ^^
                I'm glad you like it. The song title is "Walhalla" performed by Gouryella.


                • #9
                  I went on 3 runs with my LS last night and we didn't get a claw to drop. It's not a very common drop at all. We were able to get 1 of each of the new belts though.


                  • #10
                    No, it's not. Only one out of 12 runs so far. However, before we had this new BCNM, those who didn't belong to HNMLS/SKYLS had no chance to get it.

                    Gathering 30 kindred seals a week isn't hard for us and this BCNM looks better than previous ones. It's always nice to know the way we make money easily.


                    • #11
                      This is why I love these forums.
                      Quiet and respectable people putting up intelligent informations based on hard evidence.


                      • #12
                        Claw lost about 45% of it's pre-update value, but there are none in-stock on my server before the maintence and zero scorpion harnesses on the AH either. Expect the price to jump back up since I'm doubt the rate at which claws enter the the market will increase any


                        • #13
                          Apple Pie, if your smarts werent enough, you always have music as cool as your battles. Great taste in music. Finding techno music in America aint so easy on peer-to-peer networks, at least in my experience. But Ill do my best to find this song. Good fight too.

                          Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
                          RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sepukku
                            Finding techno music in America aint so easy on peer-to-peer networks, at least in my experience.
                            Not to mention trance and other electornica genres. I've been trying to get some Cynic Project and trance[]control tracks for what seems like months, but is probably even more. I had a great CD with them burned, and..lost the file names ; ; ; ; ; ;

                            I'm just wondering Apple Pie, how much gil do you roll in per week? Is your LS a blinged non-sky/hnm LS or...what? I can't say I've ever been in a 'great' or 'active' LS.. ; ;
                            There is no knowledge without experience.
                            San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
                            Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Apple Pie
                              No, it's not. Only one out of 12 runs so far. However, before we had this new BCNM, those who didn't belong to HNMLS/SKYLS had no chance to get it.

                              Gathering 30 kindred seals a week isn't hard for us and this BCNM looks better than previous ones. It's always nice to know the way we make money easily.
                              This isn't really true since Genbu, Suzaku, and Serket are only 3 of 5 or 6 Venomous Claw droppers. Infact one enemy that can drop a Venomous Claw is pretty easy and can be duoed easier than Serket.

                              The price crash on Venomous Claws is all about panic, I expect it to lose about 1 million in value on our server but there are many many jobs that can wear the harness so there will always be a very decent demand.
                              Relic Stage 5: Excalibur Completed.
                              RDM75 / PLD73

