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Should a redmage melee

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  • Should a redmage melee

    i am lvl 34 right now on my redmage and i just half to know should i melee on my redmage while i exp. i tried it but i do like 10-20 dmg a hit. i mean is it really worth it. thats all i want to thanks.


  • #2
    if the rdm is doing enfeebs and refreshing, anything else is a bonus(and what is needed on him with current pt line up :ie cures/buffs)
    not much dmg, but it adds
    now if you are just melee'ing that sucks...which is why i'll never pt with a rdm/nin again who didnt have dispel at 47
    LS- Dark nem.-Tehshexybeats
    Lu shangs-8-31-04
    Fishing 53 Blacksmith 39.4 Leather 15.7


    • #3
      I saw a RDM melee at 55 with RDM/NIN and at 67 I have had another one that would do quick debuffs refresh and then melee. Techincally I invite RDM as healers only but some didn't do a bad job. If you don't melee though you have alot more MP to use which is a better thing. My recomendation is not to melee but if you want to; it is the way you want to play the game,


      • #4
        RDM/NIN? You wouldn't believe the wildest combo possible for a RDM is: RDM/MNK. o.O


        • #5
          I dont think you should, as you said your only doin 10-20 dmg, and the only thing thats really accomplishing is giving the mob tp. Also if you sub ninja in a xp party you are screwing your pt out of at least 100mp if you would have subbed whm/blm/smn.


          • #6
            I prefer that they don't, but I only get on their case about it if they're missing other stuff they're supposed to be doing or you're fighting something with nasty area attacks (skeletons, antica, etc.)
            SAM 74


            • #7

              It is possible to do all your enfeebles, refresh the party and dispel when needed while still getting like 1-2 hits in per fight >.>.
              I'm usually too busy to even swing at a mob, and i miss about 95% of the time when i do.

              I Melee from time to time to PWR lvl my sword without joining a Skill up Party. But i say melee in a party is really a waste of time when and if you hit, its not very much dmg so i dont bother.



              • #8
                ok thanks alot for the advice i not gonna melee.


                • #9
                  if you can get your job done and still meele go for it. I meele in my static and it works fine, I do very good damage and still get my enfeebs and everything else taken care of.


                  • #10
                    Melee depending on the situation, like I said to my RDM friend.

                    If the party is lacking healers, and RDM has to be the main heal, I would prefer RDM to stay back.. Refresh, Enfeeble, Cure spam, MB will really get you some hate... and any delay of cure should be avoid.
                    If the party is lvling on big AoE monster, such as.. Goblins, Flies, etc I would say stay back, 1 person less to heal = shorter intervals between battles.

                    Else, just melee as long as you do your tasks well.


                    • #11
                      Rdm shouldn't melee in EXP party after 30. That does not mean they shouldn't melee at all. Don't get me wrong, they are pretty good soloers. However in EXP party they do very little damage which just ends up giving the mob TP. Plus if you're fighting mobs with AoE you just cause more problems then its worth. Skill up on your own time, cause in EXP pt you wont do enough damage to make it worth the problems they create.
                      Kuno's super cool stats!
                      Server - Bahamut | Nationality - San d'Orian | Rank - 9 | Jobs - 75 BLM/74 SMN

                      Fishing 100+ - Woodworking 80 - Cooking 35
                      Lushang's: Ok!


                      • #12
                        Here is a link to a post on the RDM forums that talked about it for 100+ post. Lots of usefull info to help you decide on if you want to melay or not.

                        About the rdm/nin...there was a big post that Ruic did a while ago...but I cant seem to find it right now :/

                        If your intrested in something different..try tanking with nin sub. Here is Ruic's experment on it:

                        Personaly...I used to melay constantly, but now I only melay to get my sword skill caped and because my pt's have a hard enough time getting 2k xp per hour and I figure my nukes will help dammage it more then my melaying.

                        No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                        Rest of my sig


                        • #13
                          If you want to melee just to raise skill, go do skillups some other time.

                          If your skill is near cap, use your own judgement.

                          Leveling RDM for sub I've been shooting arrows whenever I wasn't doing anything; one thing for certain is that ranged weapons are sick in this game, so you can do 30~40 dmg per hit as long as you hit the mob; unless you have a WAR that's shieldbreaking your chance to hit is not that high, but at that level it was definitely doing more than casting a spell. Not that this will be at all useful in the higher levels, where skill differences are more pronounced...


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Discuss it in the rdm sectionplease
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