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noob red mage help me!!

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  • noob red mage help me!!

    hello i m a lvl7 redmage and am have alot of trouble with it. I die a good a mount of times every 2 or 3 lvls but i stiil want to keep wit it and not swich back to my lvl 15 war i have bought alot of stuff for it and they a re as follows:

    Head: copper hair pin

    neck: wing pendant

    body: lvl1 robe
    lvl8 tunic
    lvl11 doublet/ scale mail

    waist: blood stone

    legs: lvl1 slops
    lvl8 slacks

    feet: ash clogs

    so far spells: dia (sucks @$$)
    frgt my others but have many more

    weapon: xiphos

    ranged: self bow /stone arrows

    need alot of help on equipment and spells plz post help :sweat:

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm back
    i m finally playing ffxi again after a few month break

    of Ragnarok
    -lord of theives-

  • #2
    Go for easy prey and decent challenge mobs, not even match

    Cast Paralyze, Slow, Blind as necessary on target

    Buy the level 7 leather armor set

    You don't need a ranged weapon
    Pounce (RETIRED) Mithra Bastok R.7 Titan server
    DRG 62 | RDM 65 | WAR 34 | SAM 30 | WHM 33 | BLM 33 | THF 15

    (guess my name =P) Mithra Bastok R.1 Titan server
    MNK 18 | WAR 3
    Future NIN -_-


    • #3
      Yes deaths suck, but dont try to count them, I died 3 times while on level 51... PLDs using Circle Blade in Boyahda Tree and stuff like that...not good....Deaths suck but every job has them at every level. Try to keep armor updated and never try to take an even match enemy after level 2.

      Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
      RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


      • #4
        Heres the gear I would have at level 7 for RDM. (all fairly cheap)

        Weapon: Xiphos sounds good, Spatha at 9, Bee Spatha at 11
        Shield: Luhan Shield, upgrade to maple at lvl 8
        Bow/Arrow: youre fine here
        Head: Travelers Hat, at level 10 get Brass Hairpin or Royal Footmans headband
        Neck: Justice other choice here really, Justice badge is the best mage neck gear pre level 20
        Earrings: not really needed right now.. maybe pick up some elemental resist earrings at level 10 if the price is low, like 200 gil each
        Rings: Since youre elvaan, you should go with 2x Eremite rings at level 10, at lvl 7 theres nothing worth having
        Gloves: Leather Gloves
        Boots: Leather Boots
        Body: Leather Body
        Legs: Leather Trousers
        Back: Cape
        Waist: Blood Stone for now, upgrade to Friars Rope at 14

        All of the leather armor can be upgraded to "Doublet set" at level 11. I would just replace it all then. You can go with scale at level 10 as well, but I like the look of the Doublet better. Just my opinion.

        EDIT: Made changes to head gear (forgot travellers hat) and took out Sapara (not equippable by RDM)
        FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
        FFXI: Shiva Server


        • #5
          For head, there is a hat that has 3 Defense and 1 MND, Traveler's Hat maybe? I got mine for like 600gil.. RDM want a lot of MND for white magic spells, and a lot of INT for black magic spells.

          Ranged weapons are money eaters, and will most likely not help your RDM...
          There is no knowledge without experience.
          San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
          Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


          • #6
            your elvaan right? if so, then you might want to get a hairpin for headgear instead of the travelers hat. hairpins boost your mp, and at your level the brass hairpin is the choice hp-4 mp+10. i asked the same question about equipments and they have said for elvaans hairpins are the way to go.
            "A single lie unleashes a tide of disbelief."


            • #7
              Other options

              Hairpins are nice but a good alternative, that I use, is the Erudite's Headband which gives 3 DEF, +3 Evasion, and +1 INT. But it's around 8k:sweat: While a hairpin at your lvl is much less expensive

              Both are good, but it's just preference.


              • #8
                I know it's "early," and a lot of people say that at the early levels you shouldn't bother with food, but being Elvaan, pick up some pies. Get some more MP, you won't be sad for doing so. Though, depending on how you're playing, you may want more attack, then MP. Make a judgement and get some pies or mithkabobs.

                When I 1st started out, I wish I had leveled Cooking as I leveled RDM. Having all that juice I made for cooking while leveling low levels would have been very useful. But you can grab some juice and use that as you level.

                It sounds like you just hit the hump a lot of his hit on our solo trek to Lv.10. A lot of people hit them at Lv.7, others hit them at Lv.8. You really just have to be patient with it.

                Make sure you have Lv.7 Leather stuff, and up to date weapon, and Protect yourself, you'll need the DEF. From there it depends on how you play. I usually cast Bind, then Enfeebled. Blind, Slow, Paralyze, Dia, and Poison, then I melee'd. Nuking depending on MP, and how the fight was going.

                But just stick it out. You're going to find yourself laying in the dirt a lot at the lower levels. As you become more experienced, you'll die far less, and gain more EXP faster. Just stick with it. It gets better.
                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                • #9
                  Lv 7 Justice Badge - Def:1 MND +3 (useful for a lot of your spells)
                  Lv 9 Willow Wand - INT+2 MND+2 (should be less than 500 gil on the AH, or if you can find the shop I believe it's ~100gil)
                  Lv 10 Saintly Ring - MND+2 (These will help you cap out your cures earlier as well as help you land your enfeeble spells)
                  Lv 14 Friar's Rope - MND+1 MP+5 (Relatively cheap belt if you quest for it in sandoria)

                  The above equipment are the cheapest and what I would consider essentials for a RDM in a PT around those levels. High defense equipment is best for soloing but the above listed are still useful.

                  Spells to get:
                  Lv 6 Paralyze
                  Lv 8 Blind (it has it's uses, and is cheap to buy/cast)
                  Lv 10 Bio
                  Lv 11 Bind
                  Lv 13 Slow
                  Lv 14 Cure II & Aero
                  Lv 16 Enthunder
                  Lv 17 Shell (can wait if you're really low on funds)
                  Lv 18 Silence
                  Lv 19 Fire
                  Lv 20 Sneak

                  Take note that in this list I skipped some spells. Those spells are stuff you can go back to pick up when you have extra funds. They almost all have a purpose to them but these are the ones that will be most useful for the level that you get them. Barspells are highly debatable about whether or not you need them. One offensive spell I skipped listing is Water since 10-20 you'll probably be fighting monsters strong against Water so you'll end up doing reduced damage on average.

                  Dia isn't a bad spell but you just won't notice it's damage as much since it won't tell you what it's doing.

                  Food to eat:
                  Lv 1-10 Meat Mithkabobs. If you solo, you'll kill things relatively fast and the crystal drops should cover the cost of the meat mithkabobs that you eat, unless you die horribly that is. Also try to stick with EM 1-3, DC 4-5, EP 6-10(at this point it's worth killing DCs only if you have 100% TP and you have an available WS that can do decent damage)
                  Lv 10+ sort of depends on your PT and what you can afford. If your PT works well together and you don't need to use up all your MP for one fight, then I would advise you to find some +MP Regen food.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kaply
                    Lv 10 Saintly Ring - MND+2

                    Dia isn't a bad spell but you just won't notice it's damage as much since it won't tell you what it's doing.
                    Everyone else has covered pretty much everything, but I wanted to comment on this. Since you're elvaan, you can skip saintly ring and go for eremites instead. You need to boost int, your mind is naturally pretty good. I didn't have any trouble landing mind-based enfeebs or capping my cures. The mind from a wand, and a justice badge is plenty.

                    Dia -- cast it, love it. Dia lowers defense as well as doing DOT (damage over time). You may not notice it, but your melees will. This is a necessity on mobs like crabs, which you fight a lot of in dunes and qufim. Don't skip this spell. Dia is for high def mobs, bio (lowers attack and does DOT) is for high att mobs. They don't stack, so don't use both.
                    74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


                    • #11
                      Even taking into account the higher MND that an elvaan has, I would still recommend +MND gear over +INT gear. +INT is roughly 1 extra potential damage to your offensives if they are not resisted. It helps you land Blind spell. +MND gear will help you land Slow and Paralyze spells. Also at level 14, RDMs get Cure II, the extra MND will help max that spell out earlier. When you first get Cure II spell it wil be horribly inefficient to use based upon the HP return compared with the MP cost.

