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Ark Angel Tarutaru, anyone tried soloing it?

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  • #16
    Apple you keep mentioning Savor +1, what is that weapon exactly I am unable to find any reference to it.


    • #17
      Ouch! It is Saber +1 :sweat:


      • #18
        I went there today but I was defeated in 13 minutes. I was hit by Poisonga II and all my shadows were gone. I quickly recasted Utsusemi:Ichi but AATT suddenly shot Amon Drive. I was petrified and killed then.

        The Last Moment

        By the way, I did self-SC on him and it worked.

        However, I made a lot of mistakes. I don't know why but I mistakenly opened the spell list while doing this. As a result, gear-swapping didn't work. Well, I think I had to get used to new macro set...

        Anyway, his HP was down to 60% in 13 minutes. I guess his HP is around 15,000. I think I have to calm down a little since I was so panicked that I wasn't able to follow each step I thought of beforehand.

        I am 3,400 to LV74 ;_; and have to join in XP PT tonight... I'll try again.


        • #19
          Something I found.

          1) AATT is at LV75 or higher (I got 0.3 skill up for elemental magic)
          2) Acc+ gears are necessary since accuracy was only 66%...
          3) Yellow Curry is nice since it gives us resist sleep trait. (I resisted Sleepga two times)
          4) Barpetrify seems to reduce the duration of petrification.
          5) I was told not to go there on darksday since Amon Drive itself has dark attribute. (I'm not sure about this though)


          • #20
            Wow, thats some nice work. If you can avoid dying in the middle, and instead out that outside ring, you can safely reraise without getting aggro I believe. I know this works for the other AAs, but thats because those go back to the center.. I don't remember if TT continues to warp around while you are dead, or stay in the center.
            Zilart Finished | Windurst Rank10 | CoP M8-3
            Red Mage | Ranger | Black Mage


            • #21
              Have you tried having a -% Magic Damage and -% Physical Damage equipment macro when you're petrified? Not too many -% magics, but this might be one of the few times the -20% physical Sand Mantle could be useful. :spin:


              • #22
                Oh, that's a good idea. I'll definitely try it out next time.


                • #23
                  o.O holy.....that evil taru is insane...
                  TaruKabob <Can I have it>


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Justarius
                    Have you tried having a -% Magic Damage and -% Physical Damage equipment macro when you're petrified? Not too many -% magics, but this might be one of the few times the -20% physical Sand Mantle could be useful. :spin:
                    Yeah, don't we get a Fencer's Earring that does -20% magic damage or something? I'm not sure but does magic damage decrease time you are asleep or is it just magic DAMAGE as in aero 3 or something like that?

