Hello. Please be warned, this is an extremely long post. However, it is something I would like to share with you all. It is the results of my experimentation with RDM tanking. You may choose not to believe me about the information I present, and dismiss me as simply crazy, and that's your choice. But this is for those out there like me, who are curious, and want to push their job to its limits.
First let me say that by no means do I endorse RDM tanking. These are my experiences, and my tanking was done in a supportive linkshell which encouraged me, and accomodated me. They were all as shocked as I by the results at some points, and offered encouragement and criticism which helped me to provide this information to you. But the truth is, most people will just laugh at you, and some will think they can get away with RDM tanking without putting in 110%. Nevertheless, on with the show. :D
I've gone from 52, to 57.5 tanking for parties.
In a short overview: From 52 to 55, I levelled on Knight Crawlers and Crawler Hunters in Crawler's Nest. From 55 to 57.5, I have levelled on Mourioches (Mandragora type) monster in Boyahda Tree.
My parties have included any combination of the following equalling six, with at least one RNG, and one WHM, since always one of them has been in party.
1x WAR
1x DRK
2x RNG
2x WHM
1x BLM
So let's talk about some of the strategy about why, and how I was going to actively tank as a RDM/WAR. First off, I'd like to point out that I am a Hume, and have a fully levelled WAR subjob. So there's your flat base.
My strategy was as follows:
1. Maximize DEF.
a. Maximize cast protective abilities.
b. Minimize enemy special attack damage.
c. Minimize downtime while maintaining a and b.
d. Maximize combat defensive skills.
2. Maximize hate.
a. Use abilities and wise spell decisions to draw hate.
b. Minimize downtime while doing so.
c. Reduce danger to party members, keep them aware of hate.
3. Special notes, and Genkei 2 info.
Now that we've laid out the function of my strategy, let's talk about how this all played out.
Scenario 1: Levels 52-55
Enemy: Knight Crawlers and the occasional Crawler Hunter
Problem: Deal with enemies that do moderate-high damage, with medium attack speed, and have double attack. Special attacks to be aware of included Sticky Thread (Slow), and Poison Spray (Water/Poison). Scorpion special attacks weren't affected much by any adjustments in DEF. All dispels of Coccoon were performed by RNG using acid bolts.
Scenario 2: Levels 55-58
Enemey: Knight Crawlers, Mourioches, Robber Crabs
Problem: See Knight Crawler Assessment above, apply the same to crabs. Mourioches are a special case. They are mandragoras, monk types, who have very few dangerous special attacks beyond sleep. However the new challenge was dealing with the triple attack threat of mandragoras with kick attacks. If caught off guard without an ability or spell up, I could get pummelled.
1. Maximize DEF.
I had a pretty low DEF starting out, because at this point it was theoretical, and I had no clue where I stood. I had about 230 DEF when I started, thanks to tanking items like phalanx rings, and some decent armor, and protect spells.
DEF = 230
First step I took was to constantly maintain defender. My job was tanking.
DEF = 230 * 1.25 (Defender) = 287.5
Second step was to use Fish Mithkabobs.
DEF = 287.5 * 1.22 = 350.14
DEF while tanking: 350
I'd solved problem 1. I had DEF comparable to a tank at my level.
Crawlers hit me for 50-65 damage on average. Comparably equipped PLD took almost the exact same damage range. I was impressed.
As I levelled up, I put on more and more defensive items, mostly my AF. At level 57 I stand at 284 DEF after Protect III.
DEF = 284
DEF = 274 * 1.25 (Defender) = 355.7
DEF = 342.5 * 1.22 (Fish mithkabob) = 434 (This is HIGH defense for any tank at this level, and nearly approaching the point of diminishing returns for tanks.)
Mandragoras hit me for 30-40 a round. Kicks do 20-25.
Compared to a PLD in a nearby party of the same level.
Paladin took 40-60 a round. Kicks did 25-35.
1.a. Maximize cast protective abilities.
When I began, I started with the whole slew of spells. Every fight I would throw up stoneskin, phalanx, aquaveil, an enspell, a spikes spell, and refresh when necessary. Haste was kept on me by a WHM, as was Regen II usually. Fights usually lasted about 2 minutes, with a bit of lagtime before/after pulls.
My results were encouraging. I was seeing a pretty good performance from all of my abilities. The main problem ended up being poison spray... However, over time I learned some things. First off, Enspells don't add hate through extra damage. Spike spells, don't add hate through extra damage. And finally, stoneskin made my job harder, which will be explained better later on. As it stands now, I solely use Phalanx while fighting Mandragoras. Enspells and spikes have left my buff sequence. Now I solely rely on Phalanx, Haste, Protect and Regen spells. Aquaveil failed to impress me, and was also cut in the end.
1.b. Minimize enemy special attack damage.
Now that the main issue identified was poison spray, I thought about it. I realized this attack was poison, so likely water as well. So I added 2 spells to my buffs cycle. Barwater, and barpoison. After the addition of these spells, the range of Poison Spray changed from 100-300, to 0-100. Many times I fully -resisted- the effects of Poison Spray, lowering this devastating attack to NO damage. The spell combination was effective. Mandragora sleep was the other concern. However, under the effects of barsleep, their Dream Flower attack only held for <20 seconds. And usually when I was woken up, I could simply cure 1 the WHM, and we'd be in business.
1.c. Minimize downtime while maintaining a and b.
Downtime was usually not a problem. The reason being is that we settled into a groove where we'd get chain 4 or chain 5, and I'd convert. Battles usually lasted 2 minutes, and after the fifth fight, I could simply convert, and the WHM dropped a Divine Seal Cure IV on me, and instantly the tank was at top condition, and we were ready for pulls. This was -shockingly- effective. Due to this strategy, we were able to achieve roughly 6 chain 4 or chain 5s and hour, which broke down to 5.5k XP an hour up until 55, at which point the crawlers dropped to 4.5k an hour. After I started dropping buffs that added nothing extra to the fight in all seriousness, downtime dropped to almost nonexistent. I'd often have convert sitting ready for use while I tanked on. This was effective on Mandragoras, though the XP/hour dropped after 57 from about 4.5k an hour to 3-4k an hour, depending on the pulls available, and the presence of other parties.
1.d. Maximize combat defensive skills.
Obviously, parry and shield aren't very highly touted RDM skills. I chose to use my fleuret for parrying, and although I am trying to purchase a Master Shield on my server, one hasn't come into a price range I'm willing to pay yet. But I expect it to drop a lot soon. There was little I could do to accomplish this task, but fortunately my parry/shield skill were very high for a RDM, so I defended myself a fair number of times.
First let me say that by no means do I endorse RDM tanking. These are my experiences, and my tanking was done in a supportive linkshell which encouraged me, and accomodated me. They were all as shocked as I by the results at some points, and offered encouragement and criticism which helped me to provide this information to you. But the truth is, most people will just laugh at you, and some will think they can get away with RDM tanking without putting in 110%. Nevertheless, on with the show. :D
I've gone from 52, to 57.5 tanking for parties.
In a short overview: From 52 to 55, I levelled on Knight Crawlers and Crawler Hunters in Crawler's Nest. From 55 to 57.5, I have levelled on Mourioches (Mandragora type) monster in Boyahda Tree.
My parties have included any combination of the following equalling six, with at least one RNG, and one WHM, since always one of them has been in party.
1x WAR
1x DRK
2x RNG
2x WHM
1x BLM
So let's talk about some of the strategy about why, and how I was going to actively tank as a RDM/WAR. First off, I'd like to point out that I am a Hume, and have a fully levelled WAR subjob. So there's your flat base.
My strategy was as follows:
1. Maximize DEF.
a. Maximize cast protective abilities.
b. Minimize enemy special attack damage.
c. Minimize downtime while maintaining a and b.
d. Maximize combat defensive skills.
2. Maximize hate.
a. Use abilities and wise spell decisions to draw hate.
b. Minimize downtime while doing so.
c. Reduce danger to party members, keep them aware of hate.
3. Special notes, and Genkei 2 info.
Now that we've laid out the function of my strategy, let's talk about how this all played out.
Scenario 1: Levels 52-55
Enemy: Knight Crawlers and the occasional Crawler Hunter
Problem: Deal with enemies that do moderate-high damage, with medium attack speed, and have double attack. Special attacks to be aware of included Sticky Thread (Slow), and Poison Spray (Water/Poison). Scorpion special attacks weren't affected much by any adjustments in DEF. All dispels of Coccoon were performed by RNG using acid bolts.
Scenario 2: Levels 55-58
Enemey: Knight Crawlers, Mourioches, Robber Crabs
Problem: See Knight Crawler Assessment above, apply the same to crabs. Mourioches are a special case. They are mandragoras, monk types, who have very few dangerous special attacks beyond sleep. However the new challenge was dealing with the triple attack threat of mandragoras with kick attacks. If caught off guard without an ability or spell up, I could get pummelled.
1. Maximize DEF.
I had a pretty low DEF starting out, because at this point it was theoretical, and I had no clue where I stood. I had about 230 DEF when I started, thanks to tanking items like phalanx rings, and some decent armor, and protect spells.
DEF = 230
First step I took was to constantly maintain defender. My job was tanking.
DEF = 230 * 1.25 (Defender) = 287.5
Second step was to use Fish Mithkabobs.
DEF = 287.5 * 1.22 = 350.14
DEF while tanking: 350
I'd solved problem 1. I had DEF comparable to a tank at my level.
Crawlers hit me for 50-65 damage on average. Comparably equipped PLD took almost the exact same damage range. I was impressed.
As I levelled up, I put on more and more defensive items, mostly my AF. At level 57 I stand at 284 DEF after Protect III.
DEF = 284
DEF = 274 * 1.25 (Defender) = 355.7
DEF = 342.5 * 1.22 (Fish mithkabob) = 434 (This is HIGH defense for any tank at this level, and nearly approaching the point of diminishing returns for tanks.)
Mandragoras hit me for 30-40 a round. Kicks do 20-25.
Compared to a PLD in a nearby party of the same level.
Paladin took 40-60 a round. Kicks did 25-35.
1.a. Maximize cast protective abilities.
When I began, I started with the whole slew of spells. Every fight I would throw up stoneskin, phalanx, aquaveil, an enspell, a spikes spell, and refresh when necessary. Haste was kept on me by a WHM, as was Regen II usually. Fights usually lasted about 2 minutes, with a bit of lagtime before/after pulls.
My results were encouraging. I was seeing a pretty good performance from all of my abilities. The main problem ended up being poison spray... However, over time I learned some things. First off, Enspells don't add hate through extra damage. Spike spells, don't add hate through extra damage. And finally, stoneskin made my job harder, which will be explained better later on. As it stands now, I solely use Phalanx while fighting Mandragoras. Enspells and spikes have left my buff sequence. Now I solely rely on Phalanx, Haste, Protect and Regen spells. Aquaveil failed to impress me, and was also cut in the end.
1.b. Minimize enemy special attack damage.
Now that the main issue identified was poison spray, I thought about it. I realized this attack was poison, so likely water as well. So I added 2 spells to my buffs cycle. Barwater, and barpoison. After the addition of these spells, the range of Poison Spray changed from 100-300, to 0-100. Many times I fully -resisted- the effects of Poison Spray, lowering this devastating attack to NO damage. The spell combination was effective. Mandragora sleep was the other concern. However, under the effects of barsleep, their Dream Flower attack only held for <20 seconds. And usually when I was woken up, I could simply cure 1 the WHM, and we'd be in business.
1.c. Minimize downtime while maintaining a and b.
Downtime was usually not a problem. The reason being is that we settled into a groove where we'd get chain 4 or chain 5, and I'd convert. Battles usually lasted 2 minutes, and after the fifth fight, I could simply convert, and the WHM dropped a Divine Seal Cure IV on me, and instantly the tank was at top condition, and we were ready for pulls. This was -shockingly- effective. Due to this strategy, we were able to achieve roughly 6 chain 4 or chain 5s and hour, which broke down to 5.5k XP an hour up until 55, at which point the crawlers dropped to 4.5k an hour. After I started dropping buffs that added nothing extra to the fight in all seriousness, downtime dropped to almost nonexistent. I'd often have convert sitting ready for use while I tanked on. This was effective on Mandragoras, though the XP/hour dropped after 57 from about 4.5k an hour to 3-4k an hour, depending on the pulls available, and the presence of other parties.
1.d. Maximize combat defensive skills.
Obviously, parry and shield aren't very highly touted RDM skills. I chose to use my fleuret for parrying, and although I am trying to purchase a Master Shield on my server, one hasn't come into a price range I'm willing to pay yet. But I expect it to drop a lot soon. There was little I could do to accomplish this task, but fortunately my parry/shield skill were very high for a RDM, so I defended myself a fair number of times.