Re: Archery Skilling
It's good on TW mobs, if you don't have a joyuse. The damage ranged attacks now do on stuff well below your level is astounding. Speedbow+iron arrows+130 archery skill I was hitting 150-200 per shot on TWs in sarutabaruta, so it looks like they uncapped ranged damage. That's much more damage than my Ryl.Grd. Fluret does with all my attack and str gear on. Speed bow delay is pretty good too. Damage would probably be much higher if I used better equipment and had higher skill.
For anything else besides farming, it is probably worthless, since I hit somthing like 20-70 on EP-EM mobs (with my underleveled skill). Not really enough to overcome my sword+en-spell damage.
It's good on TW mobs, if you don't have a joyuse. The damage ranged attacks now do on stuff well below your level is astounding. Speedbow+iron arrows+130 archery skill I was hitting 150-200 per shot on TWs in sarutabaruta, so it looks like they uncapped ranged damage. That's much more damage than my Ryl.Grd. Fluret does with all my attack and str gear on. Speed bow delay is pretty good too. Damage would probably be much higher if I used better equipment and had higher skill.
For anything else besides farming, it is probably worthless, since I hit somthing like 20-70 on EP-EM mobs (with my underleveled skill). Not really enough to overcome my sword+en-spell damage.