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my race choice...

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  • my race choice...

    I started a similiar thread in Allakhazam, and then said I'd chosen hume. But when it comes down to it, I'm still unsure. I mean, I think tarutaru would be better red mages in parties, and I think they'd be better soloing too due to their higher mp. I also think I'd feel better about myself as a backline red mage (which is what I'd like to be) if I was a tarutaru.

    What I'd love to hear from people here (especially Apple Pie) is if tarutaru actually use their enormous mp pools. I mean, obviously it's nice, but is there any real application in a practical sense? (also, do any humes feel gimpy mp-wise?) I've never made it past 30 in any job yet, due largely to the fact that I haven't been able to settle on a single character. And I've heard not to trust the stat calculators, so I've got nothing to go on besides words of others.

    ..oh, and would anyone consider hosting Apple Pie's 5-1 video someplace? I still haven't seen it and I like that kinda stuff

    edit: I forgot to mention a rather important point. I like both races a lot, in the sense of appearance and style. well, except when tarutaru wield large 2-handed weapons or wear helmets (hats are ok).

  • #2
    Pick a race you think is cool. Play that. don't base your entire gameplay on your race. I'm a hume RDM and not once have I thougth I was gimp. Do your job well and you can manage with 100 less mp than a tarutaru.
    ★ RDM 51 / BLM 37 ★
    DRK 52 … THF 45 … WAR 37 … NIN 31


    • #3
      Re: my race choice...

      Originally posted by Confuzle
      I also think I'd feel better about myself as a backline red mage (which is what I'd like to be) if I was a tarutaru.
      omfg... a new player who isn't going to be a red warrior.

      Anyway race doesn't matter that much especially post-Convert assuming you can manage your MP well enough.

      And remember the basic rules of being good...

      Player Skill trumps all else.
      A player can have HQ in everything and still be crap if they don't know how to play their job.
      If you can play your job well race matters not.
      Vermillion Cloak O ^^
      Maat Mashed
      Windurst Rank 10


      • #4
        Basically, I do not like to comment on any topic like "Which race is better for RDM?" because my answer is always the same as what Drynavere stated.

        The other day, I saw someone said, "Galka red mages have no chance to beat Ma'at at Genkai 5 quest" but we have one of them defeating him at his third attempt while we have one of tarutaru red mages losing to him thirty times. So, the race doesn't really matter.

        Well, we all know we are able to have 1:1 conversion ratio easier than other races are. If you don't want spend a lot of money on MP+ gears, you may want to choose taru.

        The reason I choose it is because I just like to see this small boy beating those bigger creatures down to the ground.


        • #5
          The two major advantages to using Tarutaru are the higher INT and MP, while I'd say the major drawback is the lower MND. Tarutaru is the only race that will realistically have a 1:1 convert ratio, though honestly, the importance of that isn't as great as some people will lead you to believe.

          So my main feeling is that if you want the easiest time with RDM or any of the other mage jobs, you should be Tarutaru. If you want a challenge, try Galka, or to a lesser extant, Elvaan.

          However, all of the races can realistically be great RDMs, with the proper equipment and playstyle adjustments.

          I would choose the race that I like, looks-wise, over choosing for statistical purposes.^^
          There will be cake.


          • #6
            I've never felt gimp as a Hume RDM. I don't think I could enjoy playing a Taru RDM, simply because it's not my style. As many have said, do what you think is fun and what appeals.

            Also, as a Hume RDM without a mage sub, I have what some people would consider a small MP pool. Utilizing roast mushrooms in the early levels, and then managing yourself wisely post convert, and refresh, will keep you never running out of MP. Especially once you've got a dark staff. You won't have MP troubles no matter what race we have, because you will learn how to adjust. It's really that simple IMHO.

            Every race does function well, and every race has specific specialization. Elvaan RDMs cast wicked white debuffs, TaruTaru have great MP and black debuffs and some good nuking, Hume has a balanced approach to MND and INT, as well as HP/MP, Mithra are nearly the same as hume, just lose some MND and trade it for some dex/agi etc. I don't know Galka rankings for stats on RDM though. :sweat:

            The only really big thing I would say should sway your race choice would be your subjob choice for RDM. RDM is pretty balanced, but a lot of jobs are heavily tilted to some races. TaruTaru BLM, Mithra THF, etc. I think subjobs are something you should enjoy, not something you should look at as homework.... But that's just my opinion.
            Ruic the Red - Retired
            Thanks to FFXI and the community for the good times.
            Moved on to WoW.


            • #7
              TYVM Ruic the Red! Now it's Renarudo the Red's turn. =P

              I think every race is fine, which was proven by a galka WHM i pted with (From FR no less) that kept the pt alive through Chain 4.

              Fastest pt i've been in. I got from 26 to 28 in one evening. That said, any race can do anything. Now, many ppl say, its what you want to enjoy playing- but honestly, you choose race based on the positive and negative aspects.

              With role models like Apple Pie, Bono and Patchinko, I knew that I just had to be a Taru. I have to accept my weakness to/in melee and I have to accept my drastically low MND, but overall, I have tons of fun.

              So reseach is good, but research the downfalls, and play with what you can deal with. Although, if you dont want to be a tiny tot, and you want to be a stately-Elvaan, understand what you'll be gaining/losing.

              Thats really the only obstacle.
              The Tao of Ren
              FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

              If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


              • #8
                OT: Renarudo, your sig needs trimming. Those '-' are screwing up the formatting.

                RDM is one of those unique classes that can be played well by any race. However, you need to know how to take advantage of the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #9
                  I appreciate all the responses, but whether hume or tarutaru is the "best" race isn't an issue. I really want to get a feel for their differences. Does a tarutaru red mage actually nuke more? Are the differences at high levels insignificant? sure, tarutaru get the 1:1 ratio easier, but what does that actually mean in gameplay?

                  I'm just trying to figure out which race would suit me better

                  edit: I think I'd rather be a tarutaru red mage, but a hume everything else... just to make life hard on myself. I want to play around with nukes some as a red mage. Could I do that as a hume without hurting my party? (also, could I get away with nuking things while soloing without draining my mp to nothing extremely fast?)


                  • #10
                    In my own opinion, I don't feel Taru is as strong of a farmer as other races may be as RDM, but probably a better soloer because if the abundance of MP. The reason farming isnt better is because you never use more than 200-300 of your MP pool farming too weak monsters. But Tarus are physically weaker. It is a fact. We will do less damage than any other race that has the same equips. Therefore, in this aspect, Taru are the worst. Solo is a matter of style. Taru has more MP, so has longer survivability assuming stoneskin/blink/sleep method of soloing tough mobs.

                    When it comes down to exp parties, I think Taru is the best. With food my Mp-Hp ratio is damn near perfect (maybe 3 mp off) 765-762. Also, I can nuke very respectably. In fact next to an average equipped Elvaan BLM, I actually nuke for more DMG spell for spell. Obviously I can't compete with the -ga 2's or the III line of spells yet, but I'm pretty happy with my nuking contributions. In most cases I have enough equips to boost my MND enough to get enfeebles to stick, but I will admit Taru has low MND, and you notice it. I've casted Paralyze and had it resited 3 times in a row on raptors in Valley of Sorrows. I've also had Paralyze stick first attempt on Toramas in Onzozo. It seems pretty random.

                    In conclusion: for pt and solo ---- Taru
                    for farming --- anything else ^^ but its not like Taru is useless, just hits 5-10 dmg less.

                    BTW, I'm not a role model for a Taru RDM? /cry ...I guess I don't have that noteriety yet. /sulk
                    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                    FFXI: Shiva Server


                    • #11
                      ; ; my bad Gman. Seeing your name i just remembered all the post i've seen you in. But you know how many "Plz answer Apple Pie" kinda makes you feel like you dont do enough, eh?

                      Well, we all work hard, and its those few select players that show us we can do anything we want with any circumstance.

                      OT: Did you guys hear about NIN/BLM ????

                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        yeah, but unless you are filthy rich, I wouldn't try it.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          I saw some of the screens of NIN/BLM and was pretty wowed by it. Hadn't really thought about the combo previously, but it's definately impressive. The RNG of mages, I suppose.

                          If I can figure some way of getting the needed excess of Ninja Tools (not as easy as I'd like it to be on Remora >.>), I may well give it a shot myself.^^
                          Attached Files
                          There will be cake.


                          • #14
                            Im an elvaan RDM and sometimes I do feel a lil gimped on the MP pool. At lvl 57 with /WHM im running with 925hp/506mp without food. But as a RDM with refresh and convert my MP problems arent as noticible at higher lvls. I mean i rarely get to heal 100% when lvling between fights since they pull so fast anyway. With my DRK staff and rice cakes/witch kabobs I do regen MP pretty quickly. I do what i can to chain 5 then I convert but by then the WHM is usually tapped so its a long heal time anyway. Granted to cant nuke outside MBs due to the MP. But I do my job well non the less.. I recieve constant /tells from party members saying how good i play RDM so I must be doing something right.

                            So basically just choose the race you want to be... you may not even want to take RDM all the way. Maybe u wanna be a PLD or DRK.. a Taru kinda limits that aspect. (Ive seen a taru PLD and DRK occasionally but its not a popular combo for obvious reasons)
                            58 BST / 62 RDM / 31 WHM / 31 BLM / 7 DRG / 4 NIN / 7 SAM / 10 RNG (Rank 5) Bahamut

                            RDM AF complete!!
                            BST AF1-2 completed
                            BST AF Helm completed
                            BST AF body completed
                            BST AF3 pants -Yes, Please


                            • #15
                              as a mithra rdm i kind of envy taru rdms. they have so much mp :mad: alot of times i find myself not having enough mp. time to get astrals ^^
                              TaruKabob <Can I have it>

