I really like my Elvaan red mage. I had to get Astral Rings (not really needed) because i felt i needed more mp. But they really are overrated. As a Elvaan though you just got to be a little better in equipment and skill then for example taru. But like everyone else said pick what you want because there really isnt a bad choice in race for a rdm. I think that pretty much goes with every job in this game. When i first started i played a hume and really regretted it because i really like Elvaan but i didnt pick it because i felt i would be gimped. And as it turns out thats really not that case. Hope that helps you out a bit.
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my race choice...
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eh..race isn't important really. i stuck with my cat lady because of the ear twitch that i noticed like 15 minutes after creating her. never once thought about changing races. although sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i were a big galka refreshing people. >.>
i like how you're choosing to be a backline red mage, it makes all of us proud that someone who's new to the job is going to do it right. don't be afraid to swing the sword around a bit early on, but make sure it stays at home around 30ish.sigpic
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I am not saying I know all, but its what I know so far.
I am a lvl. 34 Hume RDM/BLM. I have +8 INT and +17 MND. I have 3 equipment switching macros that get me the most INT, most MND, and most Melee attributes. So a click gets me ready for whatever move I am going to do next.
Here is the thing: I still have not faced MP problems. I agree, I see I have alot of HP that seems to be sitting there doing nothing and I wish I could trade it for some MP so that at least it is worth something... but I don't NEED it.
I think the reason I don't realy need it is because the spells I cast actualy STICK the 1st (sometimes 2nd) time around when I cast them. I enfeeble once, and I don't have to do it again until it wears off. This leaves me with around 70% of my MP by the end of the battle. I prepare for MB when I need them, and at this lvl (34) I am able to afford the lexury of using some MB to enfire and melee for 10-20 damage plus 3-7 elemental damage per swing. I sometimes alternate battles of meleeing and resting so that I can have a good amount of MP for each pull.
Sometimes I just nuke like crazy just to use up some of the MP so that I can justify resting (ok that is a bit exagerated, but sometimes it feels like it).
What I am trying to say is that being a RDM, alot of the times MP can be spared if you actualy make your enfeebling magic stick!! It saves you time and MP.
So race? Hmmm. Taru low MND but more MP. Ok cast your enfeebling until it actualy sticks. Elvaan high MND but less MP. They cast once and they don't need to do it over again.
I hope you see that I am trying to outline some sort of balance between races.
Me, being a Hume average, will never (I try not to) cast a spell unless I am MAXIMIZED in the attribute of that spell (INT or MND) in terms of equipment. Otherwise why cast it if it going to be resisted and therefore would be just a waste of MP? This also goes for Nuking. I try to never cast a spell a mob is not weak against. Even if the spell actualy does less damage than an other spell, it will actualy use less MP and therefore give you a better MP/Damage ratio.
Anyways. I hope that sorta gives you a picture of how I am thinking as a RDM. I probably will change my tactics as I advance in lvl and learn more spells and have more duties on the battle ground. It is all about using your head and figuring out what needs to be done and what is the most efficient way of doing it.
Again. I don't know all. I am only giving my information that I gained from my limited experience to hopefully help. Don't flame if I am wrong... just please let me know when I am.Modnar
43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.
55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.
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Race doesn't matter, play whatever you want. Any race/job combo can work, with a good player piloting it and appropriate gear. That said, as a Hume RDM, Taru MP makes me jealous and drool on myself, and as a Hume WAR, Galka HP and VIT makes me drool even more. I'm practically covered in spittle, whenever I play.
But my job performance on both jobs I play is solid and I have excellent gear so it matters not at all in the end.
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I play as an Elvaan RDM, these arent great but they are a hell of a lot more fun, You can act as anything you want, even as a superb warrior. I supplement my low-er mp with all the spells I can find, good equipment, and items that give +INT, The MND is excellent and is great for healing. Its a well-rounded character if you play it right, its just that you are not excellent in any one area. Apparently people want Elvaan RDM's because I have people asking me to party when I am playing solo. I have partied with taru RDM's and they are awesome to play with.
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imho, i think race matters to the extent that you really don't want to play a rdm as a galka. galka converts are much weaker than any other races' convert (because the difference in hp and mp is extreme, i think galka will have something along the lines of almost twice their hp over mp). basically you want to be as close to a 1 to 1 hp to mp ratio as possible and you won't get anywhere near that with galka.
although, if you do like the challenge of playing galka rdm, go for it. i'm not saying you shouldn't play a galka rdm, i'm just giving you my opinion of why they're a weaker rdm race.
as for myself, i enjoy playing a hume rdm ^^. although my experience with playing a blm has conditioned me to be rather conservative with mp so i hardly convert every ten minutes.observe the splendor of ping pong balls!
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Originally posted by Ruic
I don't know Galka rankings for stats on RDM though. :sweat:
...so we will step away from the mainstream to live like vagabonds and common dropouts... don't you want to hang out and waste your life with us? -Spike
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i think you should choose the race you like the most. no matter what job your aiming for. im an elvaan rdm and i just started playing this game turned lvl 18 yesterday. i originaly created a taru to play the game as, and made that decision cause tarus are naturally better mages. but deep inside i regretted it cause i just liked being elvaan more. (no offense to tarus out there). so i went ahead and changed to an elvaan and i admit i had more fun as an elvaan redmage then i had as a taru rdm. and as long as you enjoy the race you play as you will want to be the best in your job that u can be.
*the more you know*"A single lie unleashes a tide of disbelief."
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Originally posted by Sadeira
imho, i think race matters to the extent that you really don't want to play a rdm as a galka. galka converts are much weaker than any other races' convert (because the difference in hp and mp is extreme, i think galka will have something along the lines of almost twice their hp over mp). basically you want to be as close to a 1 to 1 hp to mp ratio as possible and you won't get anywhere near that with galka.
although, if you do like the challenge of playing galka rdm, go for it. i'm not saying you shouldn't play a galka rdm, i'm just giving you my opinion of why they're a weaker rdm race.
as for myself, i enjoy playing a hume rdm ^^. although my experience with playing a blm has conditioned me to be rather conservative with mp so i hardly convert every ten minutes.
As a result of that a Galka that hordes all the MP + gear he can get even a few HP->MP gear and their ability to play RDM become equal to any other Race. RDM is probably the only mage class were the Taru's insainly huge MP pool and small HP pool is somewhat a disadvantage. Even though their converts will convert over 100% of their HP into their MP their MP doesn't get close to maxing as a result from the convert.
If you look at it mathmatically take a class like Mithra or Hume at 40 they'll have something around 700 HP and 550 MP. All MP used and converted and they get a total of 1100 MP to use. Now a Taru at 40 will have something like 500 HP and 600 MP, after all MP used and convert they get a total of 1100 MP to use.
That's the great part of RDM it nearly equalizes every Race in the MP they get to use. A Galka will do fine as a RDM as long as he's pushed his MP pool to were it's at least like 10%-20% less of a Taru's then he'll get nearly an equal amount of use out of it that a Taru will.
As I mentioned earlier of the Taru's state as a RDM being a disadvantage I'll explain why. Since the Taru has less HP then his MP any HP lost from an AOE ends up affecting their overall performance. A Race like a Galka who's HP exceeds their MP pool don't have that same direct relation to their effectiveness or it isn't as prevalent.
So as long as they are within a certain percent of MP in comparison to a Taru they can match or beat a Taru in a much more possible to occure situations.
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i agree with what you're saying, macht. i like having slightly more hp than mp so that i am always able to have full mp on convert. something that's not quite achievable for a tarutaru.
but consider this. hp to mp conversion (called conversion items from now on) items tend to be very very expensive.
the cheapest conversion item is electrum rings at level 40. astral rings are 150-250k (depending on your server) at level 10, serket ring is over a 2 million gil on titan, and vivian ring is a VERY RARE DROP from vivian and is rare/ex. so if you want good ring conversion items, you're going to have to drop quite a bit of gil.
mp+ earrings tend to be quite cheap. but to be at your best, you need morion earrings to from 25-60 and phantom earrings from 60+ both worth 75-100k and 150k+ respectively.
mp belts tend to be very cheap for galka since there's not many galka mages. also, mp capes are cheap (unless you want a silly errant cape) so also not an issue.
finally, other than af, a galka is going to have to look for conversion gear from very very very high level items. primarily either crimson gear or zenith gear. all of which costs millions and one will not have the least amount of access till level 73. in my opinion, you'll probably never be able to touch this stuff unless you're in an hnm ls.
although it's fine if you play a galka rdm, i would say that it would be better if you started off as another job then pick rdm back up as a second job. being able to pay for being galka rdm is not exactly friendly to new players so it's better for one to start off as another job, determine their gil making strategy, then come back and pay for all the conversion gear to play the job effectively.
tarutaru on the other hand...
mp to hp conversion gear and +hp items tend to be very cheap. and if they can hold out for it, they can get a bomb queen ring and always be able to convert like hume.
finally, consider this. at level 40, you'll have very little time to sit since you have to cast refresh on everyone who has mp every 3 minutes and you can't sit for too long between refresh since it takes 21 seconds for you to take your first resting tick and refresh's recast time is 16 seconds. so basically, you need as much mp as possible so that you can do your job while convert cools down. definitely the easiest on tarutaru and very challenging for a galka.observe the splendor of ping pong balls!
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All races have their shortcomings. Pick one based on how they look and such. Some races have obvious problems with certain jobs, but thats no reason not to to pick one race or another. If you wanna play it safe, id pick hume or mithra. Both those races are pretty evenly matched. Only difference between mithra and hume is that humes are more inclined in defensive or support roles and mithras are more inclined for offensive roles imo. But both will be fine at any job you choose. If youre positive you wanna play rdm, you probably dont wanna be a galka, but lots of people change their mind. In those cases you'll be thankful you chose a job that was flexible.
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Originally posted by Macht
If you look at it mathmatically take a class like Mithra or Hume at 40 they'll have something around 700 HP and 550 MP. All MP used and converted and they get a total of 1100 MP to use. Now a Taru at 40 will have something like 500 HP and 600 MP, after all MP used and convert they get a total of 1100 MP to use.
Those numbers are not even close. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but one thing I know for absolute certain is that I've NEVER had more mp than hp in my whole rdm career. ***Until now. At level 63 with gear and PUMPKIN pie (+40mp) I have 782hp and 784mp. Still, thats almost 1600 mp to play with. I was partying with an elvaan RDM who had about 960 hp and 550mp, so he had 1100mp to work with. I'm not sure if he had any hp-mp gear as I never checked him, but who was able to cast more? Non Taru RDM can partially make up for convert ratio, but its damn expensive to get it perfect.FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
FFXI: Shiva Server
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well for one thing... as a galka... when I'm soloing... even if I'm at half HP I can pretty much be sure I'm going to get a full convert (~500 mp with mage sub @ lvl 50)
which is good, because I solo a lot. XD
I did a fair amount of tanking while leveling so the extra hp and vit helped obviously....so we will step away from the mainstream to live like vagabonds and common dropouts... don't you want to hang out and waste your life with us? -Spike
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I think Elvaan wear AF armor the best~ that's why I keep mine :D
I look downright studly without my hat on >_>
Case in point: Sexy Beast!
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